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164720874487.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 164.83KB, 1258x750, AMLO-chamanes-limpias-mexico.jpg )

/#/ 1665759
{{{"https://www.elojodigital.com/contenido/17479-am-rica-latina-cuando-gobiernan-los-brujos-animismo-y-ocultismo\n>Es claro que aquí, tanto como en las civilizaciones de Oriente Medio y el Viejo Continente, ha existido -y aún existe- esa tríada que siempre ha gobernado los pueblos: la violencia, operada por fuerzas armadas, militares en el mejor de los casos; el sentido espiritual, impreso en nuestro ADN, manejado por sacerdotes de todo pelambre y la palabra, a cargo de la inacabable retórica de los políticos profesionales" | renderPostMessage 1665759}}}


/#/ 1665761
164720880866.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 195.50KB, 1284x970, latinoamerica-brujeria-poder-AMLO-mexico.jpg )
{{{">Las creencias y prácticas espirituales de nuestro pasado precolombino se creyeron superadas a partir de la evangelización de la cruz-espada cristiana, y con el iluminismo político que siguió a la 'independencia' de estos países. Pero aún los Estados Unidos de América (nación en la que el racionalismo, el individualismo, la ciencia, la tecnología y el derecho a ser feliz y realizarse personalmente han sido las reglas dominantes que la convirtieron en potencia global de primer orden), no han estado exentos de este maridaje político-esotérico: conforme es de público conocimiento, el ex presidente Abraham Lincoln acudía al espiritualismo con atendible frecuencia" | renderPostMessage 1665761}}}


/#/ 1665766
164720890231.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 185.64KB, 1188x884, lenin-moreno-ecuador-chamanes.jpg )
{{{">Del Río Bravo hacia al sur, todos los países registran -en su galería de presidentes o dictadores- el ejercicio consuetudinario de prácticas chamánicas, para llegar, mantenerse e intentar perpetuarse en el poder. Uno de los más representativos ha sido el caso de 'Papá Doc' Duvalier, autorreferenciado como una reencarnación Vudú. Alternando entre prácticas de santería y sus tristemente célebres Tonton Macoutes ('Tonton Makoutes', en criollo haitiano), logró dominar la isla durante casi un cuarto de siglo\n\n>En ese Caribe tan caleidoscópico como exhuberante, Cuba ha sido un ejemplo vigente del hechizo de sus babalúes, los cuales han desempeñado el papel de brujos o sumos sacerdotes en el seno de la expansión ideológica regional del comunismo castrista. Presentada inicialmente como el rescate cultural y legítimo de costumbres ancestrales, esta penetración de carácter gramsciano ha logrado instalarse en regímenes que, guiados por un pretendido poder sobrenatural, han practicado y continúa practicando ritos paganos, deslegitimando al cristianismo en el proceso -sin importar que éste sea mayoría en la región, aunque teñido por escándalos de pederastia y por su declarado silencio frente a abusos de poder" | renderPostMessage 1665766}}}


/#/ 1665772
164720906233.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 170.99KB, 1084x762, rafael-correa-ecuador-chamanes-ritual.jpg )
{{{">Sin embargo, ha de consignarse que el chamanismo y sus vinculación con el poder no es una realidad exclusiva de Haití o Cuba. En México, los rumores sobre prácticas espiritistas en las altas esferas de la dirigencia política han sido retratados fielmente en el trabajo intitulado 'Los Brujos del Poder', del periodista-investigador José Gil Olmos. Allí, se narra el comentado caso de la concubina del ex presidente de la república Vicente Fox, Marta Sahagún, quien contrató al 'Padre Campos' -por entonces un reconocido santero cubano, a los efectos de que le realizara un 'trabajo de amarre' que eventualmente le permitiera contraer nupcias con Fox\n\n>'En el mes de diciembre del 2018, instancia en que Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), llegó al poder liderando un gobierno ciento por ciento populista y de izquierda radical, en oportunidad de llevar adelante un acto público (que hoy podría perfectamente ser calificado de pura y bien planificada operación psicológica), el flamante mandatario se postró ante un sacerdote indígena. Durante el episodio, López Obrador fue bendecido en un amalgamiento con la Virgen María, acto que le llegó al corazón y la mente de los estratos sociales más golpeados del pueblo mexicano y, como se dice coloquialmente, se los echó a la bolsa', apunta un Coronel del Ejército Mexicano. 'Días después, pidió permiso a los Dioses Mayas para construir un tren que deberá atravesar la Selva Lacandona, misma que está considerada como uno de los pocos pulmones a nivel mundial que a la fecha subsisten y como era de suponerse, dichos dioses le autorizaron el proyecto', completa el Oficial\n\n>En la Argentina, desde Juan Domingo Perón hasta nuestros días, los personeros del poder han bailado en el mismo danzón. 'Una mayoría de presidentes argentinos, cualquiera haya sido su índole o pelaje, sintieron en algún momento esa extraña fascinación por el esoterismo. Casi todos han tenidos sus brujas. O brujos', consigna la editorialista Giselle Rumeau (@GiselleRumeau). 'Lo primero que hizo Mauricio Macri al ingresar a la Casa Rosada, fue ordenar una limpieza energética. (…) Lo propio hizo en la Quinta Presidencial de Olivos'. 

Por su parte, el ex presidente del Perú, Alberto Fujimori, recurrió al astrólogo argentino Héctor Faisel con el propósito de que le asistiera a efectos de perpetuarse en el poder. En su oportunidad, Dilma Rousseff aseguró que el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) hará alianzas 'hasta con el diablo' para combatir a Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Mientras tanto, en Bolivia, Evo Morales menciona, periódicamente y a grito limpio, a la Pachamama ('Madre Tierra'), en medio de una puesta en escena en Tiahuanaco, que recuerda el imperio Inca. Rosario Murillo, esposa de Daniel Ortega y vicepresidenta de Nicaragua, administra un esoterismo estrambótico y público que la llevara a arrancar de cuajo los árboles de una avenida principal en Managua, para colocar en su lugar árboles metálicos amarillos. El objetivo declarado: concentrar la energía cósmica en la ciudad\n\n>En lo que consigna una perturbadora observación, el Coronel en retiro del Ejército del Ecuador, Mario Pazmiño, identifica a un agente de la inteligencia cubana participando en ceremonias esotéricas presididas por el presidente Lenín Moreno. 'Frente al Consejo de Shamanes han circulado, en el caso ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa o Lenín Moreno, con el objeto de buscar purificaciones y alcanzar el reconocimiento de las organizaciones indígenas. Pero también se ha pedido por el bienestar de otros mandatarios, como Hugo Chávez Frías: ante la tumba del pintor Oswaldo Guayasamín, y con la presencia del agente \"ILIADA\" (ciudadano ecuatoriano que, en realidad, trabajaba como espía para Cuba), el 10 de enero del 2013 se realizó una ceremonia chamánica, pidiendo por la salud del entonces presidente de Venezuela'" | renderPostMessage 1665772}}}


/#/ 1665777
164720919476.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 156.32KB, 1282x896, exhumacion-simon-bolivar.jpg )
{{{">Lenin Moreno y Rafael Correa en ceremonias chamánicas\n\n>

Desde 1999, Hugo Chávez estuvo vinculado a la santería cubana, lo cual compartió su punto culminante al momento de ordenar el entonces mandatario la exhumación del cuerpo del Libertador Simón Bolívar, a mediados del 2010, en un ritual de 'palerismo', el cual tenía por meta consolidar al Teniente Coronel en el poder. De acuerdo al 'sacerdote palero' Carlos Ospina, Chávez escogió el 16 de julio, día de la Virgen del Carmen y las tres de la mañana para que se efectuara la profanación, a raíz de que el citado es el horario en el que 'las almas del mal trabajan para consagrar sus objetivos'\n\n>Exhumación de los restos de Simón Bolívar, fallecido en 1830\n\n>Chamanes amazónicos y santeros cubanos ejecutaron ceremonias específicas en pos de resguardar la buena salud del jefe de Estado venezolano, en el preciso instante en que animales sacrificados comenzaban a aparecer en la periferia del Palacio de Miraflores. En la obra 'Los Brujos de Chávez', el destacado autor David Placer corrobora la realización de estas actividades esotéricas, citando testimonios como el del General Raúl Baduel, amigo íntimo, compadre y a la sazón Ministro de Defensa de Chávez en 2006. Hoy, 'Maduro y su compañera Cilia viven rodeados de babalawos y santeros y vigilados por guardaespaldas, todos ellos cubanos', aporta un Coronel venezolano, quien ha preferido refugiarse en el anonimato debido a motivos comprensibles\n\n>Sin embargo, y 'amén de la curiosidad que estas prácticas generan, es claro que existe una clara intención política de dominio y control', refiere el Coronel de la Reserva Activa del ejército colombiano, John Marulanda. (...) 'Resulta evidente que las prácticas de santería siempre están dirigidas, monitoreadas y explotadas por miembros del G2 cubano, a efectos de lograr el mayor control posible sobre los funcionarios o gobernantes involucrados. En el caso de Colombia -agrega el Coronel-, el Presidente Juan Manuel Santos se hizo una 'limpia' a cargo de los 'mamos', shamanes de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y, cuando con gran utilería y rimbombancia se firmó el acuerdo de paz con las FARC en Cartagena, no solo estuvo presente el Secretario General de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki Moon, siempre sonriente, sino que ocho chamanes alojados en el Hotel Caribe recorrieron en bicicleta las calles de los barrios El Laguito, Bocagrande y Castillo Grande ejercitando, en la Plaza de la Aduana del Centro Histórico de Cartagena, la noche previa a la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz, un ritual dedicado a la Madre Tierra, en el cual pintaron a varias mujeres vía bodypainting e interpretaron música en vivo. '\"Una paz con ritos satánicos\", supo titular algún periodista', aporta el Oficial colombiano. 'La campaña Santos Presidente contrató los servicios de Jorge González por 3 millones de pesos -aproximadamente, unos mil dólares-, chamán portador de \"conocimientos ancestrales\", quien llevó a cabo un ritual con el fin de que no lloviera durante la clausura del Mundial Sub-20 de Fútbol', agrega el Oficial. 'Ese mismo chamán tomó parte en la posesión de Santos, en enero del 2012. En junio de 2014, mientras tanto, se celebraron numerosos rituales en sitios diferentes de Colombia por parte de chamanes o brujos, gracias a cuya \"asistencia\" Santos buscaba alzarse victorioso en la reelección', relata Marulanda" | renderPostMessage 1665777}}}


/#/ 1665785
164720931350.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 203.99KB, 1344x850, juan-manuel-santos-sebastian-pinera-mamos-sierra-n.jpg )
{{{">Presidentes Juan Manuel Santos y Sebastián Piñera visitan a los 'mamos' de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta\n\n>En rigor, ha de referirse que las prácticas religiosas y los fervores espirituales en Latinoamérica trascienden al mundo católico. El Gauchito Gil en la Argentina y Malverde en México, por ejemplo, remiten a un sistema de creencias populares que van más allá del santoral oficial de la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana. Sin embargo, un aspecto verdaderamente intersante, al tiempo que perturbador, es tomar nota del modo en que la izquierda, como expresión aggiornada del comunismo que invirtió un marcado esfuerzo en sentenciar a la religión por ser 'el opio de los pueblos', recurre hoy a estas instintos emparentados con el animismo con el objeto de buscar controlar y mantener el poder político y económico de naciones enteras. La Santería, la Umbanda, la Macumba, el Vudú, el Palo Mayombe, ritos similares y el sentimiento religioso en general, toda vez que son manipulados por los aparatos de inteligencia y de operaciones psicológicas bajo comando del Estado -en donde destaca el caso de Cuba- jamás conduce hacia finales felices. Para certificarlo, allí está Venezuela, como ejemplo reciente y palmario. Y conforme próximamente se verá en Nicaragua y Cuba\n\n>En contrario, el ejercicio del gobierno desde la creencia esotérica, chamánica o del ocultismo ha probado generar fenómenos de violencia popular incontrolables y contundentemente alejados de órdenes constitucionales, laicos y razonables. La 'turbas' orteguistas, tan cercanas a las 'maras' centroamericanas, a los 'colectivos' chavistas, a los 'ponchos rojos' evistas, a los babalawes o babalúes cubanos, entre otros, constituyen una seria amenaza para la seguridad pública de los países de la región" | renderPostMessage 1665785}}}


/#/ 1665788
{{{">>1665777\n>>1665777\nNegro, TODA la política y ello incluye a los gringos le meten duro a la magia negra, también Hollywood. Aún estás demasiado verde para esa redpill. Aunque estaría bueno que el anon español y el uruguayo que creó aquel hilo regresase." | renderPostMessage 1665788}}}


/#/ 1665792
{{{">>1665759\nIgnoren mi bandera, negros. Soy brasileño y estoy usando VPN.\n\nhttps://www.elojodigital.com/publicidad/definitivo-PDF-chamanismo.pdf\nhttps://pt.b-ok.lat/book/11901642/dd3ca2" | renderPostMessage 1665792}}}


/#/ 1665800
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{{{">>1665788\nLo sé, negro. Los gringos adoran Moloch y el Búho de Minerva." | renderPostMessage 1665800}}}


/#/ 1665810
164721034023.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 81.10KB, 630x443, 1645109671865.jpg )
{{{">>1665800\n>As one can plainly see by the above comparison, the owl statue, situated within the library at the Bohemian Club headquarters in San Francisco, is an exact replica of the one at the Acropolis – thus, there is no doubt that the “Bohos” (by duplicating a famous statue located at the chief temple dedicated to Athena) are alluding to Athena/Minerva, or the goddess of wisdom. Furthermore, the statue in the Bohemian Club has a plaque on its front base, stating: “Replica of Ancient Athenian Owl” (see the “Inside The Bohemian Club” video at approximately 07:24)" | renderPostMessage 1665810}}}


/#/ 1665817
164721042112.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 13.34KB, 360x213, 1645109718783.jpg )
{{{">>1665810\n>Furthermore, the statue in the Bohemian Club has a plaque on its front base, stating: “Replica of Ancient Athenian Owl”" | renderPostMessage 1665817}}}


/#/ 1665821
164721049677.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 60.82KB, 638x477, 1645109583816.jpg )
{{{">>1665810\n>Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, United States, belonging to a private San Francisco–based gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two-week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world" | renderPostMessage 1665821}}}


/#/ 1665825
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{{{">>1665821\n>The Seal of California depicts the Goddess Athena/Minerva. Her having been born fully-grown symbolizes California having become a state without first being a territory" | renderPostMessage 1665825}}}


/#/ 1665838
164721098399.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 56.35KB, 700x466, 21905472.jpg )
{{{">>1665766\n>...to her by a Cuban Santera now living in New York. The woman claims that, a long time ago in Cuba, she attended a Santería grand ritual in which Fidel was immersed in a bathtub full of blood from sacrificed animals. This ritual would protect him against harm and give him total control against his enemies. Another source claims that Castro was consecrated at an early age to Ayaguna, an African deity-one of the 16 types of manifestations of Obatalá—which had miraculously saved him from certain death at the age of six. The consecration was performed at the Birán estate by a servant at the Castro's home, a black woman from Congo and a santera of the Palo Mayombe cult. Castro's daughter Alina Fernández mentions that both Fidel's mother, Lina, and his grandmother, Dominga, were involved in Santería\n\n>By mid-1958 most of the Cuban people profoundly hated the Batista regime. By that time the santeros from Regla and Guanabacoa, two small seafaring towns Southeast of Havana, had joined their Santiago colleagues in their prophecy of Batista's downfall. They were fully convinced that Batista's days were counted after they got word that Fidel was wearing a resguardo prepared by his godmother Celia Sánchez, a powerful santera and a daughter of Yemaya\n\n>When Batista abandoned the country in the early hours of January 1st, 1959, Cuban santeros interpreted the event as an auspicious sign: The revolution was won the day of San Manuel, a holy day of the Orishas. Fidel Castro, therefore, was an \"elegido,\" a man chosen by the Gods" | renderPostMessage 1665838}}}


/#/ 1665841
164721109665.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 477.48KB, 1197x1600, cheyfidel_0.jpg )
{{{">>1665838\n>In January, 1959, Castro and his guerrillas arrived in Havana. Many of them were sporting Santería necklaces and bracelets, made out of colorful beads. Though largely ignored by the American media, the fact did not escape the attention of Santería believers throughout the Island. Santería necklaces are colorful and have a precise color symbolism. Red and black beads, for example, are the colors of Elegguá. All white beads are the ones of Obatalá; red and white are Changó's; blue and crystal beads are Yemayá's; and red and yellow beads are the colors of Ochún. The color of the beads may vary, depending on the aspect or \"path\" of the orisha\n\n>Colors have an important symbolism in Santería. To Santería adepts, the red-and-black colors of the Movimiento 26 de julio (26th of July Movement, M-26-7) banner had a special meaning: they are also the colors of Elegguá, the God of Destiny, the one who opens and closes the doors to happiness and disgrace. In many Cuban homes a glass full of water devoted to Elegguá is kept behind the main door as a talisman of good luck. When Fidel's barbudos entered Havana in triumph carrying the M-26-7 flags many interpreted it as a signal that Elegguá was protecting Fidel Castro" | renderPostMessage 1665841}}}


/#/ 1665854
164721159948.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 27.50KB, 386x280, 1645517204512.jpg )
{{{">>1665759 \nNo solo la política, sino también el crimen organizado (en realidad, los dos se mezclan).\n\nhttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolfo_Constanzo\n>Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo (Miami, 1 de noviembre de 1962-Ciudad de México, 6 de mayo de 1989) fue un asesino en serie, su sobrenombre fue el de \"el padrino de Matamoros\" y \"el narco satánico de Matamoros\"\n\n>Constanzo nació el 1 de noviembre de 1962 en Miami (Florida, Estados Unidos) de padres refugiados cubanos. Su madre tuvo a Adolfo a la edad de 15 años y tendría eventualmente tres hijos de diferentes padres. Ella emigró a San Juan (Puerto Rico) después de que su primer esposo muriera, y volvió a casarse allí. Constanzo fue bautizado como católico y sirvió como monaguillo, pero también fue influenciado por su madre en el culto denominado palo mayombe en el que ella era sacerdotisa. La familia regresó a Miami en 1972, y su padrastro murió al poco tiempo dejando a la familia con algo de dinero. Su madre pronto volvió a casarse, y su nuevo padrastro se vio involucrado en el ocultismo y el tráfico de drogas\n\n>Ambos, Constanzo y su madre, fueron arrestados numerosas veces por crímenes menores como robo, vandalismo, y \"farderismo\" (robo a comercios, ocultando mercancías entre sus vestimentas). Se graduó en la secundaria, pero fue expulsado del bachillerato. Su madre creía que él tenía habilidades psíquicas por, supuestamente, haber predicho el intento de asesinato del entonces presidente de Estados Unidos Ronald Reagan en 1981\n\n>Ya adolescente, se hizo amigo de otro sacerdote del rito palo mayombe, quien le enseñó las habilidades necesarias para acabar siendo un narcotraficante y estafador en una carrera \"encaminada hacia la maldad\". Apuesto y bisexual, sus amigos de Miami le consiguen trabajo como modelo en México" | renderPostMessage 1665854}}}


/#/ 1665858
{{{">>1665841\nYa te ví proxy-esquizoguayo" | renderPostMessage 1665858}}}


/#/ 1665860
164721192365.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 165.86KB, 768x1072, 1645027080620.jpg )
{{{">>1665854\n>Constanzo se instaló en Ciudad de México, subsistiendo como lector de cartas de tarot. Su carisma y supuestos poderes le otorgan éxito inmediato en el submundo de la prostitución y la delincuencia. Ahí reclutó a dos jóvenes: Martín Quintana Ramírez y Omar Orea Ochoa, para que se desempeñaran como sus sirvientes, amantes y discípulos. Constanzo regresó a Miami por un espacio de tiempo corto, pero regresó nuevamente a México a mediados de 1984. Sobre los siguientes años se convertiría en el líder de un poderoso culto que tenía a capos del narco, músicos famosos e incluso oficiales de policía bajo su mando. Al contrario que otras religiones, los cultos sincréticos afroamericanos (santería, palo, umbanda, etc.) no requieren lugar de culto, celebrándose este en el domicilio particular del oficiante. Se comprende así que agraden a los criminales. Nadie va a una iglesia o sinagoga a pedir a Dios o a un sacerdote que mate a un enemigo o proteja una remesa de droga, pero con la santería o el palo mayombe esto es perfectamente posible e incluso aconsejado. El culto establecido en Matamoros, en la región fronteriza de México, vendía drogas, desplegaba ceremonias ocultas de protección y, para fines de 1987, secuestraba y asesinaba personas para usarlos en sacrificios humanos. Estas víctimas cayeron junto con los rivales del culto y de las drogas\n\n>Cuando un turista americano, de 21 años de edad y de nombre Mark Kilroy, desapareció en Matamoros durante el período de vacaciones de primavera en 1989, la policía local enfrentó la presión de las autoridades de Texas y se dio a la tarea de investigar su paradero. Pronto descubrieron el culto de Constanzo por accidente (bajo circunstancias inenarrables en una investigación contra el tráfico de drogas) y, después de arrestar a miembros de su secta, rápidamente descubrieron que eran responsables del asesinato de Kilroy. Más y más miembros del culto de Constanzo fueron detenidos hasta que, el 6 de mayo del mismo año, lo acorralaron a él y a cuatro de sus seguidores (dos de ellos eran Martín y Omar) en un costoso departamento de la Ciudad de México. Determinado a no ir a prisión, Constanzo ordenó a sus seguidores lanzar puñados de dólares por la ventana para distraer a los policías. Después de un par de horas de enfrentamiento, Constanzo, decidido a no ir a prisión, ordenó a uno de los discípulos que le disparara a él y a Quintana. Cuando la policía finalmente irrumpió, Constanzo y Quintana ya habían muerto. Sara Aldrete se declaró inocente y una víctima de la situación, la policía acreditó su complicidad con Constanzo, ya que era su amante y cómplice criminal. Fue sentenciada a purgar una condena de más de 62 años de prisión por su participación en el culto, los secuestros, torturas y asesinatos" | renderPostMessage 1665860}}}


/#/ 1665868
{{{">>1665759 (OP)\nAja pero dime cuál de los ocultismo es mejor para perpetuarse en el poder ¿espiritismo, kabbalah, budismo tibetano, santeria, palo?" | renderPostMessage 1665868}}}


/#/ 1665885
164721248256.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 273.72KB, 1256x1610, 1429227345968.jpg )
{{{">>1665800\nLos rusos son involucrados con cosas de misticismo asiático.\n\n>It is claimed the Kremlin boss had taken part in bizarre secret shamanic rituals with his defence minister Sergey Shoigu\n>Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu is considered a discreet acolyte of shamanistic practices.\n>The inhabitants of Tuva declared him the incarnation of Subutai, one of the most effective military leaders of the Mongol Empire. Subutai’s exploits included a victory in the Battle of the Kalka River, which began the collapse of the Kyivan state\n>Putin spends all his vacations in the Altai, mainly in the Republic of Tuva\n>Russian researchers claim that Putin became interested in Altai mysticism in 2014: “The president has already visited many sacred places, and when the war broke out and unrest broke out, he found a point of strength in the Altai\n>According to the Altai Bilyk, when change begins and unrest arises, the ruler must return to the source of the river of life. He is actively told that the Altai is the common root of the Slavs and the Turks, and that this “place of power” may be the assembly point of Russia\n>Tuvan shamans insist that the northern entrance to Shambhala is in their republic, near the ruined fortress of Por-Bazhin.\n>In 2007 Sergei Shoigu organized an “archeological expedition” there and convinced Putin that there was an entrance to Shambhala.\n>Putin was received the sacred sutras of the psycho-physical doctrine of Shaolin kung fu as a gift from Abbot Shi Yongxing\n>Shi Yongxin introduced the President of the Russian Federation to one of the wushu masters named Shi Yanzhou and said that this experienced master is able to use “qigong” as a powerful mean of self-defense and fighting back the enemy”" | renderPostMessage 1665885}}}


/#/ 1665895
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{{{">>1665885\nIncluso los soviéticos.\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleb_Bokii\n>Gleb Ivanovich Bokii (Russian: Глeб Ивaнoвич Бoкий, 1879–1937) was a Ukrainian Communist political activist, revolutionary, and paranormal investigator in the Russian Empire. Following the October Revolution of 1917, Bokii became a leading member of the Cheka, the first Soviet secret police, and later of the OGPU and NKVD\n\n>Inspired by Theosophical lore and several visiting Mongol lamas, Bokii along with his writer friend Alexander Barchenko, embarked on a quest for Shambhala, in an attempt to merge Kalachakra-tantra and ideas of Communism in the 1920s. Among other things, in a secret laboratory affiliated with the secret police, Bokii and Barchenko experimented with Buddhist spiritual techniques to try to find a key for engineering perfect communist human beings\n\nMás información:\nhttps://espionagehistoryarchive.com/2016/04/16/the-bolsheviks-occult-war/amp/" | renderPostMessage 1665895}}}


/#/ 1665926
164721338973.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 65.62KB, 324x500, 1646425310546.jpg )
{{{">>1665885\n>>1665895\nLos nazis también les gustaban este misticismo asiático.\n\n>In Berlin there was a Tibetan monk, nicknamed “the man with the green gloves,” who had correctly foretold in the Press, on three occasions, the number of Hitlerian deputies elected to the Reichstag, and who was regularly visited by Hitler. He was said by the Initiates to possess the keys to the kingdom of Agarthi... It was in 1926 that a small Hindu and Tibetan colony settled in Berlin and Munich. When the Russians entered Berlin, they found among the corpses a thousand volunteers for death in German uniform without any papers or badges, of Himalayan origin\n\n>We know very well that Hitler understood these things and nonetheless still he let himself be dazzled by the \"Man with the green gloves\" who belonged to the Dag Dugpa Clan\n\n>Gurdjieff educated Karl Haushofer who would go on to Rudolf Hess mentor and Nazi Thule Society. They traveled extensively through Asia, looking for who knows what in Tibet and the steppes. Gurdjieff also educated Stalin and Hitler\n\n>The Second World War was a duel between the teachings of Gurdjieff and that of the Dag Dugpas. This duel was imported from Tibet and it was a war between the white and black magicians of Tibet" | renderPostMessage 1665926}}}


/#/ 1665941
{{{">>1665800\nQue es la misma mierda africana si lo piensas, todas las religiones parecen tener un punto en común. Hasta el budismo del que tanto dicen lo opuesto." | renderPostMessage 1665941}}}


/#/ 1665953
164721407680.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 213.64KB, 331x500, 1633347012783.png )
{{{">>1665926\nLa CIA continuó la investigación sobrenatural de los nazis.\n\n>According to some sources, MKOften went beyond mere research into mind control and incapacitation of enemies, and plunged into the world of black magic, sorcery and the occult. The suspicion was raised by British investigative journalist Gordon Thomas, who wrote a book in 2007 with the title \"Secrets and Lies\". Thomas relied on allegations of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, former head of the CIA's Technical Services Division, also known behind the scenes at the agency under the nickname \"Dark Sorcerer\"\n\n>According to Thomas, part of the MKOften Project was dedicated to studying a vast occult literature that would have been collected from archives and libraries by the Nazis in the 1940s. Many of these books were looted by the Germans during the war and covered topics involving the use of magic and spells as a tool of war. Some of those involved in the project didn't go so far as to actually believe in black magic, but they accepted that it could offer a way to control and intimidate people through superstitions. Using supposed witchcraft and appealing to supernatural powers could have a detrimental effect on the morale of people exposed to these elements. The author argued that black masses and staged sacrifices, as well as the use of legends and folklore creatures could have devastating effects even on military veterans. Supposedly, MKOften agents have used this tactic in Vietnam, inserting rumors into guerrilla-dominated areas and spreading rumors about the presence of alleged monsters and demons from Southeast Asian folklore" | renderPostMessage 1665953}}}


/#/ 1665957
164721413060.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 302.61KB, 790x960, 1633347073944.jpg )
{{{">>1665953\n>To learn as much as possible about the topic, MKOften agents met, consulted, studied, and employed the help of numerous mystics and occultists, including clairvoyants, astrologers, mediuns, psychics, vodunists, modern wizards, demonologists, satanists, and even a monsignor of the Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New York, specializing in exorcism. According to rumors within MKOften itself, the agents had a considerable amount of information about the occult, full access to libraries and works on the subject, as well as the freedom to act clandestinely, performing black masses and rituals as needed. Also according to Thomas, members of MKOften had practical classes on the occult, knew a lot about Crowley and tarot theories and some were still versed in Latin and Greek\n\n>Program members allegedly sought ways to adapt magical rituals for military use. According to Thomas, the CIA even hired the services of three astrologers, a tarot reader and two specialists in palmistry. It also employed at least two pendulum specialists and at least one Kirlian photography researcher. A voodoo sorcerer who believed he could turn people into zombies and cast curses was hired in Haiti and went on to conduct lectures on the alleged powers of the Loa. A Houston sorceress named Sybil Leak was one of the latest acquisitions. Leak was a member of the Church of Satan, led by the notorious Anton LaVey, and believed from time to time to embody the demonic entity Lilith" | renderPostMessage 1665957}}}


/#/ 1665958
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{{{">>1665957\n>In addition to Gordon Thomas, another journalist and researcher, Alex Constantine, wrote about these arcane searches conducted by the program, claiming that the CIA showed an interest in obscure cults and religions. This interest was based on the thesis that creating sects of this nature in enemy nations could result in a chaotic element in the case of a revolution. Constantine believed that sects such as the Temple of Set, the Process Church of the Final Judgment and the Finders could be examples of cults built by MKOften. It also raises the possibility that Jonestown Peoples Temple of infamous Jim Jones could have learned his persuasion and control techniques from the CIA. For Constantine, some of the methods employed by Jim Jones to shape the behavior of his faithful demonstrate that he employed techniques developed by MKOften\n\n>Constantine says the CIA maintained an entire division of social scientists that examined the advances of sects and cults established in the 1970s. It would have even sponsored the creation of similar sects in countries in Africa and South America, as a kind of field laboratory. For Constantine, the explosion of cults and sects until the early 1980s is closely linked to MKOften's projects and their support" | renderPostMessage 1665958}}}


/#/ 1665961
164721424819.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 48.70KB, 383x522, Heinrich-himmler.jpg )
{{{">>1665953\n>According to Thomas, part of the MKOften Project was dedicated to studying a vast occult literature that would have been collected from archives and libraries by the Nazis in the 1940s\n\nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10384957/Nazi-archive-Freemasonry-amassed-Heinrich-Himmler-shed-light-secret-society.html\nhttps://www.thelocal.no/20160316/norwegian-witch-books-stolen-by-nazis-recovered-in-prague/" | renderPostMessage 1665961}}}


/#/ 1665986
164721510549.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 424.71KB, 1280x960, 1646508921628.jpg )
{{{">>1665957\nEl Ocultismo \"New Age\" Moderno eres fuertemente influenciado por Aleister Crowley y este tipo fue fascinado por Hitler.\n\n>Thule society member General Erich Ludendorff met with Aleister Crowley, and they discussed “Nordic Theology,” including the occult significance of the swastika. According to Crowley notes, Ludendorff, “almost certainly got the [Swastika] from us. I personally had suggested it to Ludendorff in ‘25 or ‘26.” Crowley famously wrote in a 1933 article for the Sunday Dispatch that “before Hitler was, I am.” Crowley marked the pages of his copy Hermann Rauschning’s Hitler Speaks—available at the Warburg Institute—which showed that he believed that Hitler’s “table talk” was Thelemically-inspired. Crowley also believed Hitler had read The Book of the Law. One member of Hitler’s inner circle claimed that several meetings took place between Crowley and Hitler, a claim repeated by Réne Guénon" | renderPostMessage 1665986}}}


/#/ 1666033
164721785240.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 69.50KB, 490x687, 1646431160920.jpg )
{{{">>1665885\n>>1665895\n>>1665926\n>>1665953\n>>1665986\nEstas cosas se conectan.\n\nhttps://web.archive.org/web/20160221060615/http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/occult-secrets-dalai-lama\n>Shambhala\n\n>As reported by Tim Cummings in The Guardian, the man credited with “almost single-handedly bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West,” was the Dalai Lama's emissary, Gerald Yorke, a personal friend and secretary to Aleister Crowley, the godfather of twentieth century Satanism. Yorke also wrote an original foreword to a secret book on the Kalachakra initiation, and Aleister Crowley, the Golden Dawn, and Buddhism. Yorke also served as consultant to Lucifer Rising, by experimental film-maker Kenneth Anger, based on the concept from Crowley’s Book of the Law. Anger, who was at the center of the bizarre nexus of rock ‘n roll and occultism in Laurel Canyon during the 60s, was also closely associated with Anton LaVey, head of the Church of Satan and members of the Mason clan\n\n>Also, in October 1998, the Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960s from the US government through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)" | renderPostMessage 1666033}}}


/#/ 1666034
164721797889.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 385.76KB, 700x400, 1646797060947.png )
{{{">>1666033\n>Sound link an incongruous mix? Not when you consider the real history of the Dalai Lama, distinct from the phantasm that has been portrayed in the mainstream media\n\n>The popularity of the Dalai Lama, as an expression of the wisdom of Buddhism is actually related to the occult myth of Shambhala, which has its origin in the geopolitical antics of the Great Game, the strategic rivalry and conflict for supremacy in Central Asia, between the British Empire and the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. Not to say that the rival Empires battled for control of a shibboleth, but rather that occult myth seems to have been nurtured to serve imperial ambitions\n\n>Shambhala, the legendary home of the Aryan race, was derived originally from the notion first proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg and popularized by Scottish Rite Mason, Chevalier Ramsay, of the Hindu Tantra as an expression of an “Asian Kabbalah,” which provided the opportunity to propose an origin of the occult tradition in a people other than the Jews, and to identify them as the purported ancestors of the Europeans\n\n>There is some substance of Swedenborg’s claims, as Gershom Scholem also noticed that the Kabbalah bore a marked resemblance to those of both Indian Yoga and Muslim Sufism.” However, instead of ancient Aryan migrations, such similarities can be attributed more likely to later Gnostic influence in India. In other words, it was Jewish Kabbalah that influenced Indian Tantra, not the other way around" | renderPostMessage 1666034}}}


/#/ 1666037
164721808530.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 270.19KB, 300x395, 1646349144539.png )
{{{">>1666034\n>Tantra is a style of occultism recognized by scholars to have arisen in medieval India no later than the fifth century AD, after which it influenced Hindu traditions and Buddhism. The Gospel of Thomas, discovered among the Gnostic gospels near Nag Hammadi, in 1945, is named for the apostle Thomas, who is traditionally believed by Christians in Kerala, in south-west India, to have spread Christianity among the Jews there. Edward Conze, a British scholar of Buddhism, pointed out that Buddhists were in contact with these Thomas Christians.” Elaine Pagels mentioned that, \"Trade routes between the Greco-Roman world and the Far East were opening up at the time when Gnosticism flourished (A.D. 80-200); for generations, Buddhist missionaries had been proselytizing in Alexandria.\"\n\n>In 1833, Csoma de Körös was the first to report of the legend of Shambhala in the West. Based on the linguistic affinities between Hungarian and the Turkic languages, de Körös felt that the origins of the Hungarian people were in “the land of the Yugurs (Uighurs)” in Xinjiang, a province of Northwestern China. In a 1825 letter, Csoma de Körös wrote that Shambhala is like a Buddhist Jerusalem, and believed it would probably be found in Kazakhstan, close to the Gobi desert. Others later would also locate it more specifically either in Xinjiang, or the Altai Mountains" | renderPostMessage 1666037}}}


/#/ 1666038
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{{{">>1666037\n>Csoma’s knowledge of Shambhala was derived from the Kalachakra Tantra of Tibetan Buddhism, a superstitious and highly ritualized set of beliefs that evolved from an amalgam of Buddhism, Hindu Tantra and the pre-Buddhist shamanistic religion of Bön. Developed in the tenth century, the Kalachakra is farthest removed from the earlier Buddhist traditions. In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, it is claimed that the Buddha taught Tantra, but that since these were “secret” teachings, transmitted only from guru to disciple, they were generally written down long after his other teachings. However, historians argue that assigning these teachings to the historical Buddha is “patently absurd.”\n\n>The Kalachakra Tantra is considered by the lamas to be the pinnacle of all Buddhist systems, but there have traditionally only been individual experts who truly command its complicated ritual. For the Yellow Hats (Gelugpa), these are the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama. In public, as revealed in the comprehensive study of Victor and Victoria Trimondi, the Dalai Lama performs only the seven lowest levels of initiation, while the secrets of the upper eight degrees may not, under pain of torturous punishment, to be discussed with the uninitiated. In these upper degrees, extreme mental and physical exercises are used to push the initiate into a state beyond good and evil. Mirroring tendencies found among the Gnostics, the Kalachakra Tantra requires the initiate to indulge in killing, lying, stealing, infidelity, the consumption of alcohol, and sexual intercourse with “lower-class” girls" | renderPostMessage 1666038}}}


/#/ 1666039
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{{{">>1666038\n>Csoma de Körös’ mention of Shambhala became the basis of the mystical speculations offered by H. P. Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophical Society, and came to be regarded as an oracle of Freemasonry and the godmother of the occult. Blavatsky became largely responsible for initiating the popularity of Buddhism as a font of the Ancient Wisdom. More specifically, Blavatsky saw Tibetan Buddhism as the only true preservation of ancient shamanism and the traditions of magic" | renderPostMessage 1666039}}}


/#/ 1666042
164721832225.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 123.11KB, 400x285, 1646349223591.png )
{{{">>1666039\n>The White Tsar\n\n>The exploitation of the myth of Shambhala was in alignment with the new political directions of the Great Game, that would feature actors connected to the Theosophical Society and the Martinist Order, headed by Gérard Encausse, also known as Papus. As a young man, Encausse studied Kabbalah and later joined the French Theosophical Society, and was also a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and the Golden Dawn\n\n>Papus had also founded the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix (OKR+C) along with Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, Grand Master of the Martinist Order, who proposed the political philosophy of synarchism, which became the bedrock of much twentieth century fascism. Synarchy came to mean “rule by secret societies,” serving as priestly class in direct communication with the “gods,” meaning the Ascended Masters of Agartha, a legendary city that is said to reside in the hollow earth\n\n>Agartha was connected to the myth of Shambhala, popularized by Blavatsky as the legendary home of the Aryan race, and derived its influence from Bulwer-Lytton’s occult novel, The Coming Race or Vril: The Power of the Coming Race. It was probably through Martinist channels that the Polish explorer Ferdynand Ossendowski learned of the legend of Agartha. Ossendowski wrote a book in 1922 titled Beasts, Men and Gods, in which he tells a story he claims was imparted to him of a subterranean kingdom which exists inside the earth. This kingdom was known to the Buddhists as Agharti, which is associated with Shambhala. Ossendowski was told of the miraculous powers of the Tibetan monks, and the Dalai Lama in particular, which foreigners could barely comprehend, and continued: “But there also exists a still more powerful and more holy man… The King of the World in Agharti.”" | renderPostMessage 1666042}}}


/#/ 1666045
{{{">>1665759 (OP)\nnecesita todas las protecciones nuestro amado lider" | renderPostMessage 1666045}}}


/#/ 1666046
164721842225.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 190.36KB, 250x357, 1646349346619.png )
{{{">>1666042\n>In establishing the OKR+C, which came to be regarded as the “inner circle” of the Martinist Order, Papus dreamed of uniting occultists into a revived Rosicrucian brotherhood, as an international occult order, in which he hoped the Russian Empire would play a leading role as the bridge between East and West. Papus believed that the vast Russian Empire was the only power capable of thwarting the conspiracy of the “Shadow Brothers,” and to prepare for the coming war with Germany. Papus served Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra both as physician and occult consultant. Through Papus the Imperial family became acquainted with his friend and spiritual mentor, the mystic Maître Philippe who exercised an important influence on the royal family before Rasputin. He was believed to possess remarkable healing powers, as well as the ability to control lightning, to travel invisibly. The purported forgers of the Protocols of Zion were also said to have made use of an earlier version of the work discovered by Papus\n\n>Among these circles, the city of St. Petersburg became a hotbed of plots surrounding the Great Game, of confused British and Russian interests. As reported by Richard B. Spence in Secret Agent 666, in the summer of 1897, Aleister Crowley had also travelled to St Petersburg in Russia, under the employ of the British secret service, aiming to gain an appointment to the court of Tsar Nichoals II\n\n>A key actor in these intrigues was the Lama Agvan Dorjieff (or Dorzhiev), chief tutor of the Dalai Lama XIII, who became his ambassador to the court of the Tsar Nicholas II. In 1898, only a few months after Crowley’s visit, Dorjieff himself travelled to St. Petersburg to meet the Tsar" | renderPostMessage 1666046}}}


/#/ 1666048
164721847799.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 21.20KB, 250x375, 1646350253168.jpg )
{{{">>1666046\n>Dorjieff’s meeting with Nicholas II was arranged by the Tsar’s close confidant, Prince Esper Ukhtomskii (1861 – 1921). A Theosophist, Ukhtomskii’s closest ally was Count Sergei Witte, Russia’s Minister of Finance and first cousin to Blavatsky. When Ukhtomskii accompanied Nicholas II while he was on his Grand tour to the East, he made contact with Blavatsky and Olcott at the headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, India, and promised to use his influence to push forward their projects. Hinting at the nature of the Russian ambitions he represented, Ukhtomskii wrote, “in our organic connection with all these lands lies the pledge of our future, in which Asiatic Russia will mean simply all Asia.” As he explained,\n\n>The bonds that unite our part of Europe with Iran and Turan [Central Asia], and through them with India and the Celestial Empire [China], are so ancient and lasting that, as yet, we ourselves, as a nation and a state, do not fully comprehend their full meaning and the duties they entail on us, both in our home and foreign policy\n\n>By the 1890s, Dorjieff had begun to spread the story that Russia was the mythical land of Shambhala, that Nicholas II was the White Tsar that would save Buddhism, raising hopes that he would support Tibet and its religion. By 1903, both Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, and Francis Younghusband became convinced that Russia and Tibet had signed secret treaties threatening the British interests in India and suspected that Dorjieff was working for the Russian's. The fear of Russia drawing Tibet into the Great Game to control the routes across Asia was therefore a reason for the British invasion of Tibet during 1903-4. According to legend, Dorjieff then fled to Mongolia with the Dalai Lama" | renderPostMessage 1666048}}}


/#/ 1666049
164721852146.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 67.06KB, 220x293, 1646350321879.png )
{{{">>1666048\n>It is possible that Dorjieff was also involved in a later plot to carve out a huge Mongol empire in Central Asia, by the “Mad Baron” Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, who in 1921 established a short-lived regime in Outer Mongolian during the Russian Civil War. A self-proclaimed warrior Buddhist who dreamed of leading a holy war in Asia, the Baron adhered to the “Shambhala” myth, believed himself to be a reincarnation of Kangchendzönga, the Mongolian god of war, and allegedly tried to contact the “King of the World” in hopes of furthering his scheme. Dorjieff’s disciple was Sternberg’s supply officer, and Ferdinand Ossendowsky was also a key advisor, having joined the baron’s army as a commanding officer of one of the self-defense troops\n\n>Dorjieff was widely suspected as being one and the same as George Gurdjieff, a charismatic hypnotist, carpet trader and spy, who worked as a Russian secret agent in Tibet during the early part of the twentieth century. Having been in contact with the Bektashi Sufis of Turkey, Gurdjieff also put forward the myth of Central Asian Shamanism as the source of the occult tradition" | renderPostMessage 1666049}}}


/#/ 1666051
164721857411.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 93.58KB, 300x233, 1646350416901.png )
{{{">>1666049\n>The Green Dragon Society\n\n>Gurdjieff also had alleged ties to British intelligence. And there has also often been the suggestion that he and Joseph Dzhugashvili, later known as Stalin, met as young students while attending the same seminary in the Caucasus. Gurdjieff’s family records contain information that Stalin lived in his family’s house for a while. There are also suggestions that Stalin belonged to an occult “eastern brotherhood,” which consisted of Gurdjieff and his followers\n\n>Louis Pauwels, a former student of Gurdjieff, in his book Monsieur Gurdjieff, asserts that one of the “Searchers After Truth” that Gurdjieff speaks of in his book Meetings with Remarkeable Men, was Karl Haushofer who, through his student Rudolf Hess, influenced the development of Adolf Hitler's geopolitical strategies. Haushofer was also a leading member of the Thule Society, from which evolved the Nazi Party, and which was founded by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who had studied Kabbalah in Turkey under Bektashi Sufis who were also Freemasons. Haushofer was supposed to have been with Gurdjieff in Tibet, supposedly advised Haushofer to adopt the swastika\n\n>The Thule Society also was to have established contact with secret monastic orders of Tibet through a small colony of Tibetan Buddhists, which was established at Berlin in 1928. According to Pauwels and Bergier, in The Morning of the Magicians, the Thule Society sought to make a pact with Shambhala, but only Agarthi agreed to help. Haushofer believed, following occult legend, that subsequent to a global cataclysm, the Aryans split into two groups. One went south and founded Agarthi, the holder of the right-hand path and positive vril. The other tried to return to Hyperborea-Thule, founding instead Shambhala, a city of the degenerate left-hand path and negative forces" | renderPostMessage 1666051}}}


/#/ 1666054
164721862023.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 41.79KB, 180x246, 1646020549566-2.png )
{{{">>1666051\n>Already by 1926, explained Pauwels and Bergier, there were colonies of Hindus and Tibetans in Munich and Berlin, called the Society of Green Men, in astral connection with the Green Dragon Society in Japan, to which Haushofer belonged. The leader of the Society of Green Men was a Tibetan lama, known as “the man with green gloves,” who supposedly visited Hitler frequently and held the keys of Agharti\n\n>Mel Gordon in Hitler’s Jewish Clairvoyant discusses the career of an occult figure in late Weimar Berlin, sometimes referred to as the “Magician with the Green Gloves,” in the service of the Nazis. He was not a Tibetan, but a Jew who went by the name of Erik Jan Hanussen. A devotee of Asiatic and tantric traditions, he enjoyed the company of Germany’s military and business elite. In March 1932, when Adolf Hitler’s political future seemed doomed, Hanussen predicted a resurgence of the Nazi Party. Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst, prepared a psychological profile of Hitler for the Office of Strategic Services in 1943, according to which: “…during the early 1920’s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named Hanussen who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the greatest dramatic effect.”" | renderPostMessage 1666054}}}


/#/ 1666057
164721874486.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 52.51KB, 400x654, cover.jpg )
{{{">>1666054\n>A 1933 book, Les Sept Tetes du Dragon Vert (The Seven Heads of the Green Dragon) by Teddy Legrand, also makes mention of the same society. “Teddy Legrand” was a pseudonym, the author's real name being Pierre Mariel. Under the name Werner Gerson, he would also later write Le Nazisme: Societe Secrete (“Nazism: Secret Society”), one of the first books on Nazi occultism. Mariel was also a one-time French grand master of Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis (AMORC), founded in 1915 in New York, and which was developed from the of Aleister Crowley, and borrowed heavily from Theosohy and the Golden Dawn. Mariel was also a member of the Martinist Order, which he hinted might have had links to the Green Dragon\n\n>The book presents the Green Dragon, or simply “The Greens,” as an insidious international cabal who seek world domination. Mariel also implies that connected with this conspiracy was also Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Anthroposophical Society, a breakaway organization from the Theosophical Society, through his connections to pan-German secret societies. Mention is also made of Gurdjieff and Blavatsky’s successor, Annie Besant\n\n>In the book, two brother spies are inspired by their shared curiosity about an object supposedly found on the executed Tsarina Alexandra’s body, which bears an enigmatic inscription in English: “S.I.M.P. The Green Dragon. You were absolutely right. Too late.” They quickly determine that the first element, which is accompanied by a six-pointed “Kabbalistic” symbol of the Martinists, stands for “Superieur Inconnu, Maître Philippe.” As reported by Legrand, after the murder of the Russian imperial family in 1918, a judicial investigator, Nikolai Sokolov, concluded that German intelligence had been active in both the Tsarist and the Bolshevik camps" | renderPostMessage 1666057}}}


/#/ 1666058
164721878680.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 158.84KB, 640x918, 640px-Grigori_Rasputin_1916.jpg )
{{{">>1666057\n>The Tsarina had apparently adopted the symbol of the swastika as her personal signature, which seems to have been used to communicate with an organisation attempting to support them. The leader of the organisation, Boris Soloviev, was Rasputin’s son-in-law and also a triple agent for the German secret service. Soloviev deceived the Tsarist camp by pretending to work for their cause, while actually delivering them all to the Bolsheviks. Rasputin was an agent in this scheme, receiving letters from his handlers in Sweden signed “The Green.” Supposedly then, Maître Philippe had tried to warn the Tsarina of the threat of the Green Dragon, represented by Rasputin, who eventually replaced him at the court\n\n>During their quest, the two spies also sought the assistance of Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln (1879-1943), a real-life character who was a Jewish adventurer of Hungarian origin, who for a time had also been a Christian priest, as well as British Member of Parliament, convicted fraudster, German right-wing politician and triple-agent, and Buddhist abbot in China. He was initiated to the occult by Harold Beckett, an ex-Indian Army officer who allegedly had ties with Maître Philippe and Papus, after which Trebitsch-Lincoln went on to join numerous secret societies including the Freemasons, the OTO and Chinese triads. In 1925, Trebitsch-Lincoln underwent a “mystical experience” in a hotel room in China, after which he embraced Theosophy. His revelation opened his interest in Tibet and Buddhism, and he received initiation as Dordji Den at a monastery outside Lhasa" | renderPostMessage 1666058}}}


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{{{">>1666058\n>Among the secrets Beckett supposedly revealed to Trebitsch-Lincoln was that there are only seventy-two “True Men” for each generation. These are identified with the Green Dragon or, more simply, “The Greens,” who number precisely 72 conspirators, who were, presumably, the “72 unknown superiors” of occult legend. They are also considered the same as mentioned by Walter Rathenau, a Jewish politician who served Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic. Just before he died, he blamed the “seventy-two men who control the world,” as responsible for his assassination on June 24, 1922, two months after the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo which renounced German territorial claims from World War I\n\n>Trebitsch-Lincoln himself was suspected of being the “Man (or Lama) with the Green Gloves.” According to Trebitsch-Lincoln, the society of the Green Men, the parent of the Thule Group, originated in Tibet. In 1939, Edouard Saby published Hitler et les forces occultes, in which he depicts Hitler as a medium, a magician and initiate, and also refers to the connection with Tibet: “Wasn’t it Trebitsch-Lincoln, the friend of the Tibetan Badmaiev, who initiated Hitler, by revealing to him the doctrine of Ostara, a secret school of India, where the lamas teach the supremacy of the Aryan?” The Mongol Dr. Piotr Badmaev, a practitioner of Tibetan herbal medicine, was an associate of Lama Dordjieff, Ukhtomskii and Sergei de Witte in St. Petersburg, at the court of Nicolas II, whom they envisioned as the “White Tsar of Shambhala.”" | renderPostMessage 1666060}}}


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{{{">>1666060\n>Trebitsch-Lincoln even won the confidence of the Gestapo’s local representative, SS Colonel Joseph “The Butcher of Warsaw” Meisinger, who he convinced he could rally the Buddhists of the East against any remaining British influence in the area. Meisinger urged that the scheme receive serious attention, and sent him to Berlin, where Heinrich Himmler was enthusiastic for it, as was Rudolf Hess, but it was abandoned after his flight to Scotland in May 1941" | renderPostMessage 1666061}}}


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{{{"No sé ingles que dice ahí" | renderPostMessage 1666062}}}


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164721903899.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 190.88KB, 976x700, _120412981_gettyimages-545331261-594x594.jpg )
{{{">>1666061\n>Expeditions to Tibet\n\n>Haushofer, therefore, apparently acquainted Hitler with the teaching of the Society of the Green Dragon, and taught him the techniques of Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way, which were ostensibly based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan Lamas. Under the influence of Haushofer, Hitler authorized the creation of the Ahnenerbe in 1935, that sponsored expeditions to locate the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agartha. The 1939 expedition was said to have gone to Tibet with the specific purpose of setting up vital radio contact between the Third Reich and the lamas in 1939, and Blavatsky’s Stanzas of Dzyan were used as a code for all messages between Berlin and Tibet during the War. Pauwels and Bergier argue that Hitler sent the expedition out of his desire to find Agarthi, which he had been made aware of from his relationship with “the man with the green gloves.”\n\n>Ernst Schäfer, a German hunter and biologist, participated in three expeditions to Tibet, in 1931, in 1934 – 1935, and in 1938 – 1939, supposedly for sport and zoological research. Among the expedition was Dr. Bruno Beger, a member of Himmler’s personal staff, who was the actual “expert” who pushed forward the racial studies of the Ahnenerbe. In 1939 he went to Tibet as a member of the SS Expedition, when measured the skulls of more than 400 Tibetans in order to investigate a possible relationship between the Tibetan and Aryan “races.” In 1943, he was sent to Auschwitz where he took the measurements of 150 mainly Jewish prisoners. In 1971 he appeared in a German court and was sentenced to three years imprisonment on probation for his crimes as a Nazi" | renderPostMessage 1666063}}}


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164721912278.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 88.30KB, 550x544, Dalai Lama y Bruno Beger.jpg )
{{{">>1666063\n>Beger was also connected to the current reigning Dalai Lama XIV, who was revered as representing a special connection between the Nazis and Tibet. Acting as the young Dalai Lama’s personal tutor until the early 1950s, was former SS officer, Heinrich Harrer, an Austrian mountain climber, competition skier, geographer, and author. He is best known for his books, including Seven Years in Tibet (1952), which was the basis of a film in 1997, starring Brad Pitt in the role of Harrer. A strong friendship developed between Harrer and the Dalai Lama that would last the rest of their lives\n\n>Coinciding with the Schäfer expedition of 1934 – 1935 was another conducted by Nicholas Roerich in search of Shambhala, in inner Mongolia, Manchuria and China, organized by the US Department of Agriculture. According to some researchers, Roerich became a member of Papus’the Ordre Martiniste while in St. Petersburg prior to World War I. There, Roerich was involved in the construction of the Buddhist temple under the guidance of Lama Agvan Dorjieff\n\n>Roerich’s affinities to Martinism and synarchy were also found in his link with Harvey Spencer Lewis, who was keen on making Roerich a legate of AMORC on his expedition to Tibet, which apparently Roerich never was. Nevertheless, AMORC claims to this day that Roerich communicated certain occult techniques from Tibet which were since integrated in their Rosicrucian teachings. Lewis boasted of the correspondence he received from Roerich’s second expedition" | renderPostMessage 1666066}}}


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{{{">>1666066\n>In Shambhala: In Search of a New Era, Roerich also hinted at a similarity between Shambhala and Thule, and mentioned the association of Shambhala with the underground city of Agharti, reached through tunnels under the Himalayan mountains. Heinrich Müller, who was in charge of a Gestapo section of the Nazis, claimed that Roerich was known to the Gestapo under the code word “Lama,” and that he had contacted the Nazi regime in 1934 to ascertain whether they were interested in supporting his undertakings in Inner Asia\n\n>One of Roerich’s followers was a young Russian Theosophist, Vladimir Anatol’evich Shibaev, an agent for the Communist International (Comintern) working with Indian nationalists. Shibaev introduced the Roerichs to other Soviet officials and encouraged their plans to move to India as a first step towards their Great Plan. Roerich held close ties to the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police (later renamed OGPU, NKVD and eventually KBG). The head of the OGPU’s “Special Department” was G. I. Bokii, a former member of Papus’ Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix (OKR+C), who belonged to Badmaev’s circle in St. Petersburg, that included Lama Dorjieff" | renderPostMessage 1666067}}}


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164721924873.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 41.34KB, 139x202, v2-efed4e444ee6e510a234a2842f20e2e3_b.png )
{{{">>1666067\n>During the Stalinist purge trials, Bokii confessed to having been part of a Masonic lodge in 1909 that had been founded by Gurdjieff and that included Nicholas Roerich and his wife. Bokii was an associate of Aleksandr Barchenko, also a former member of the OKR+C, and former student of Gurdjieff. Bokii was also a member of the Edinoe Trudovoe Bratstvo (ETB), founded by Barchenko, whose primary aim was establishing contact with Shambhala, and included numerous other current or former Chekists and British double-agents. The ETB lasted until it was disbanded by Stalin in the late 1930s, following charges leveled against Bokii, Barchenko and their associates, that their occult activities were part for treasonous plots associated with British intelligence in the Far East\n\n>It was Bokii and Barchenko who were charge of the OGPU’s effort to exploit the services of Nicholas Roerich. Roerich’s expeditions began in 1925, attended by OGPU agents. According to his wife Helena, they were also under the guidance of one of one of Blavatsky’s “Mahatmas,” Master Morya, or Master Allal Ming. As Markus Osterrieder explains:\n\n>\"It cannot be denied that they seriously interpreted themselves and their \"mission\" as part of some larger spiritual Plan that ultimately should serve the advance of human evolution, especially since Master Allal Ming warmed them up by revealing their illustrious previous incarnations, thereby freeing vanity and arrogance – a phenomenon that occurs not exclusively in esoteric circles, but finds a especially fertile grounds among adepts – and politicians.\"" | renderPostMessage 1666069}}}


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{{{">>1666069\n>Their ultimate objective, usually referred to as the “Grand Plan,” like Dorjieff and von Ungern-Sternberg, was to establish a pan-Buddhist, transnational “New Country” spanning from Tibet to southern Siberia, including territory that was then governed by China, Mongolia, Tibet, and the Soviet Union, to be ruled by the Panchen Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, who had been forced to flee the country in 1923 because of disagreements with the then Dalai Lama, the country’s secular leader. It was prophesied that the Panchen Lama's return would signal the beginning of a new age\n\n>Hearing that Roerich's expedition was nearing the Tibetan border, the British counseled the Dalai Lama not to allow him to reach Lhasa. Roerich then set out again on a second expedition, this time with the support of the Vice President Henry A. Wallace, who was also a member of the Theosophical Society. It is widely suspected that it was Roerich who inspired Wallace to add the Great Seal of the United States, first designed in 1782, on the reverse side of the dollar bill, featuring an unfinished pyramid and the Illuminati symbol of the All-Seeing Eye" | renderPostMessage 1666070}}}


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164721934316.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 161.32KB, 896x543, оф 21190(68)_JPG.jpg )
{{{">>1666070\n>With Wallace’s help, the Roerichs were also able to gain the support of President Roosevelt, who had become a member of the high grade Scottish Rite in 1929. FDR was deeply fascinated by the geography and history of Inner Asia, from Tibet to the Siberian border, what he called “the chess board of international politics.” This attitude is reflected in the series of eight letters addressed to him at the instigation of “the Masters,” and written by Elena Roerich between late 1934 and early 1936. The “Master” communicated to the President that:\n\n>\"…a Great State will be created in the East. This beginning will bring that equilibrium, which is so urgently needed for the construction of the great Future. America was since long linked with Asia. […] Thus one must accept that the peoples occupying the larger part of Asia are destined to respond to the friendship of America. […] The alliance of the nations of Asia is decided, the union of tribes and peoples will take place gradually, there will be a kind of Federation of countries. Mongolia, China and the Kalmuks will constitute the counterbalance of Japan and in this alliance of peoples, Your Good Will is needed, Mr. President.\"\n\n>Roerich’s true ambition was to prepare the coming of a New Age of “peace,” which would be ushered in by Rigdenjyepo, the earthly manifestation of Maitreya, who is the prophesied Lord of the New Era of Shambhala. He is the “Ruler of the World,” and Maitreya himself, the Last Avatar who brings the Kali Yuga, and whose representative on Earth is the Dalai Lama. The Roerichs did not expect to wait long to witness these events. Helena Roerich, channeling “Josephine Saint-Hilaire,” gave the heralds of Northern Shambhala five years to arrive, and a lama predicted to them “someone of greatness will come” in 1936. Tenzin Gyatso was born in 1935, and identified as the incarnation of the Dalai Lama in 1937, becoming the current Dalai Lama XIV" | renderPostMessage 1666072}}}


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164721941513.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 60.71KB, 190x266, 1646024399551-0.png )
{{{">>1666072\n>Esoteric Hitlerism\n\n>The Dalai Lama continued to maintain important ties to fascists, particularly Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano (1917 – 2009, who was an important exponent of what is called Esoteric Nazism. Serrano was inspired by Savitri Devi (1905 – 1982), who achieved wide influence among neo-Nazi circles through her development of a religious form of Nazism that assimilated many notions from Hinduism and glorified the Aryan race and Adolf Hitler. She linked these ideas to the Hindu notion of the avatar, who incarnates the periodic descent to earth of the deity, typically Vishnu\n\n>Savitri’s ideas concerning the origins of the Aryans were drawn from the books of Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856 – 1920), the first popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement. The British colonial authorities derisively called him “Father of the Indian unrest.” He also helped found the All India Home Rule League in 1916–18, with Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Annie Besant. Tilak was an accomplished scholar of ancient Hindu sacred literature. In 1903, he wrote the book The Arctic Home in the Vedas, in which he argued that the Vedas could only have been composed in the Arctic, and that Aryan bards had brought them south after the onset of the last ice age\n\n>After the defeat of the Third Reich, Serrano continued to believe that Hitler had escaped from the ruins of Berlin and found a refuge in Antarctica. The idea was widely rumored in the Latin American press during the summer of 1945. In The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism, Serrano claimed that Hitler was in Shambhala, formerly at the North Pole and Tibet, but which had been relocated to an Antarctic base in New Swabia. There, Hitler was in contact with the Hyperborean gods, and he would someday emerge with a fleet of UFOs to lead the forces of light over the forces of darkness in a last battle and to inaugurate a Fourth Reich" | renderPostMessage 1666075}}}


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164721941929.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.24MB, 310x226, sebastien-chabal-we-are-in-france.gif )
{{{">>1666067\nNo desescatimo tu esfuerzo por compartir buen contenido amigo argenputo pero sin embargo y a pesar de yo tambien hablar ingles, estamos en un chan hispano y aca se habla [b]español[/b] vale." | renderPostMessage 1666076}}}


/#/ 1666077
164721954232.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 200.38KB, 960x1280, 81FdqCrHKBL.jpg )
{{{">>1666075\n>Serrano’s assertions are a reflection of the claim of Nazi contact with the Society of the Green Dragon. German conspiracy author Jan Udo Holey, who chose as his nom de plume “van Helsing,” after he read Bram Stoker’s Dracula, offers details of the mythos. In Secret Societies and their Power (1993), Helsing claims that Tibetan monks worked on the establishment of the Third Reich with Templar Knights who were organized in the highest lodge of the “black sun,” which purportedly continued to maintain an underground base in the Himalayas. The ruler of the underground kingdom is said to be “Rigdenjyepo,” with his representative on Earth being the Dalai Lama\n\n>Similar claims were put forward by the controversial Trevor Ravenscroft’s The Spear of Destiny (1973). According to Ravenscroft, the Nazi missions to Tibet had the aim of establishing contact with the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agharti, adepts who were the guardians of secret occult powers, especially Vril, and also mentions the recurring story of the establishment in Berlin of the Society of Green Men, and their mysterious leader the “Man with the Green Gloves.”" | renderPostMessage 1666077}}}


/#/ 1666082
164721968799.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 15.49KB, 184x273, 1644084593463.jpg )
{{{">>1666077\n>Although these claims do not ring with much plausibility, Allen H. Greenfield, who was also Bishop within the Gnostic Catholic Church–Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), purportedly corroborated the story. Greenfield claims to have personally interviewed an anonymous Knight of Malta who met with the esoteric leadership of the Third Reich in 1937, attended by Haushofer, to “sell” the Nazi regime on contact with what he called “the coming race.” When asked by Greenfield in 1979 to explain what he meant, he explained, “the Ultraterrestrials, of course. The Germans had noted their ‘ghost rockets’ in Sweden, and were aware of their power. Most of the older Nazis present, though, were former members of the Thule Society or the archaic Vril Society, and took me to be talking about Tibetans or Aryan supermen or some such bunk. Except Haushofer, who knew better, and the ‘Man with the Green Gloves’ who, though supposedly a Tibetan himself, was certainly an Ultraterrestrial.”\n\n>Through his diplomatic appointments, Serrano met many leading Indian personalities, becoming a personal friend of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Jawaharlal Nehru, Gandhi’s closest collaborator, who became the first Prime Minister of independent India (1947 – 64), was recruited by Annie Besant at the age of only thirteen, herself presiding at his initiation ceremony" | renderPostMessage 1666082}}}


/#/ 1666084
164721973572.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 345.58KB, 500x380, 1646024399551-2.png )
{{{">>1666082\n>During his ambassadorial postings in Vienna and subsequently in Switzerland, before he was dismissed from the Chilean diplomatic service in 1970s by President Salvador Allende, Serrano cultivated ties of friendship with Arnold Toynbee, Arthur Koestler, Aldous Huxley and leading former Nazis and international fascists like, among many others, Otto Skorzeny, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Hanna Reitsch, Herman Wirth (ex-director of the Ahnenerbe), Ezra Pound and Wilhelm Landig\n\n>Wilhelm Landig was the leader of the Landig Group, also known as the Vienna Lodge, formed in 1950 to revive the Aryan mythology of Thule. Described in Göten gegen Thule, at what he refers to as Point 103 is a secret base that has been established by the SS elite in Arctic Canada, with a large underground complex equipped with advanced technology including flying saucers. Many foreign delegates attend a great conference held in the assembly hall of the base, decorated with astrological symbols and an enormous icon of Mithras slaying the Bull. The delegates who have all been flown to the base by flying saucer include a Tibetan lama, Japanese, Chinese, and American officers, Indians, Arabs, Persians, an Ethiopian, a Brazilian officer, a Venezuelan, a Siamese and a Mexican Indian. The Arabs belong to secret Islamic brotherhoods, the Indians and Persians to ancient Aryan traditions, and the Orientals allude to their occult orders and a mysterious world center. Attired in their uniforms or national dress, many of the delegates make speeches identifying their national myths and ideals with those of the Thule and pledge their full support when the time comes for action" | renderPostMessage 1666084}}}


/#/ 1666087
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{{{">>1666084\n>Serrano also boasts of being “good friends” with the Dalai Lama XIV, and provides his explanation of the curious relationship as follows:\n\n>\"I also met the Dalai Lama at the moment he escaped from Tibet during the Communist Chinese invasion. He was very young, 25 years old. I went to meet him at the Himalayas. He never forgets that. And when we met again during the funeral of Indira Gandhi in Delhi. He invited me to go to Dharmasala, where he lives now. We had a very interesting talk. It is good to know that before Buddhism was introduced in Tibet, Tibetans were a warrior's race and their religion, the Bo, used also the same swastika of Hitlerism. Until today Intelligence Services of England and United States have been unable to discover the real mysterious links that existed between Tibet and Hitlerist Germany.\"\n\n>As was the case with most Nazi assets, the Dalai Lama passed into the hands of the CIA after World War II. After the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1950, the CIA began training Tibetan resistance fighters against the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China. A CIA-financed front, the American Society for a Free Asia, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama's eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the organization. The Dalai Lama's second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the CIA as early as 1951" | renderPostMessage 1666087}}}


/#/ 1666090
164721982220.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 19.96KB, 318x263, 12811825.jpg )
{{{">>1666087\n>As explain Victor and Victoria Trimondi, for over more than 25 years, many hundreds of thousands have been “initiated” by the Dalai Lama XIV through the mysteries of the Kalachakra Tantra and Shambhala, which have become central pillars in the mythology of religious neo-Nazism. Serrano incorporated the Fourteenth Dalai Lama into the formulation of his esoteric myths around Hitler. His “skill,” he said of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, is “closely linked with that of Hitler’s Germany… on the basis of not yet discovered connections.” The Dalai Lama has never distanced himself from Serrano. Instead of opposing fascism, he recently called for the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to be spared a trial, making reference to the need for “forgiveness.”" | renderPostMessage 1666090}}}


/#/ 1666111
164722023197.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 48.55KB, 620x368, last_dragon_-_sho_nuff.jpg )
{{{">>1666062\nUsa el traductor. mexicobro. Copia, pega y traduce.\n\nhttps://translate.google.com/?hl=es&sl=en&tl=es&op=translate\n\nAquí está todo el texto:\nhttps://web.archive.org/web/20160221060615/http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/occult-secrets-dalai-lama\n\n>>1666076\nSoy brasileño, no argentino. Estoy usando VPN, negros." | renderPostMessage 1666111}}}


/#/ 1666112
{{{"En Rusia también. Putin organiza un congreso de brujos de toda Rusia y hasta del extranjero, hacen un ritual para protegerlo." | renderPostMessage 1666112}}}


/#/ 1666122
164722076166.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 9.71KB, 236x201, 1646801586633.jpg )
{{{">>1665957\n>Church of Satan\nSus antiguos miembros también están involucrados en el Budismo Tibetano/Tántrico.\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolas_Schreck\n>Nikolas Schreck is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author, film-maker and Tantric Buddhist religious teacher based in Berlin, Germany\n\n>Schreck's 1989 documentary, Charles Manson Superstar, told the story of Charles Manson's life as well as interviewing him in San Quentin Prison. The documentary featured parts of an originally hour and a half long interview of Manson, as well as many photographs and video footage, of the Manson Family, Spahn Ranch, and other related topics. Also discussed were Manson's alleged ties to Nazi movements (which he denied) and to various Satanic movements. Other Video Werewolf releases include The Zurich Experiment, which documented Radio Werewolf's last public concert\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeena_Schreck\n>Zeena Galatea Schreck (née LaVey), known professionally by her mononymous artist name ZEENA, is a Berlin-based American visual and musical artist, author and the spiritual leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement (SLM), which she founded in 2002\n\n>Raised within her father's organization, the Church of Satan, she came to international prominence early in life as the Church's first spokesperson, defending the organization during the 1980s. In 1990 she resigned her position, severed ties with her father Anton LaVey and his Church, and renounced the church's tenets. Since that time, her religion changed to Buddhism and she is now a teacher of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism" | renderPostMessage 1666122}}}


/#/ 1666124
{{{"A sus jaulas >>/e/ >>/q/" | renderPostMessage 1666124}}}


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164722119723.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 929.46KB, 1200x715, 1637684316492.png )
{{{">>1666122\nEl creador del meme del judio salió con la hija del fundador de la Church of Satan.\n\n>The anti-Semitic \"Happy Merchant\" meme was created by an affiliate of the Church of Satan who dated Anton Lavey's daughter, A. Wyatt Mann/Nick Bougas" | renderPostMessage 1666130}}}


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164722130667.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.04MB, 988x688, 1644086251016.png )
{{{">>1666130\n>Nick Bougas was one of Nikolas Schreck's best friends in the 80s- apparently the two of them copied a bunch of Mann's cartoons about AIDS and gays and were posting them all around LA when they were attacked and sliced Nikolas' ear clean off\n\n>They're also familiar with Christopher Lee, with Nikolas even releasing one of his earlier musical albums\n\n>Nikolas is also intrinsically connected with Charles Manson- he created a documentary on this topic in 88 and recently released a 1000+ page book called \"Manson File; Myth and Reality of an Outlaw Shaman\"" | renderPostMessage 1666135}}}


/#/ 1666137
{{{">>1665759 (OP)\nque post tan largo negro, no voy a leer todo eso y menos en inglés, lo único que tengo claro ahora en esta vida es que la espiritualidad basada en las creencias y los dogmas de la religión son la mentira más grande que nos han vendido a los seres humanos" | renderPostMessage 1666137}}}


/#/ 1666157
164722218720.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 173.98KB, 700x974, 1635603107825.jpg )
{{{">>1665958\n>>1666122\n>>1666130\nYa que la Process Church of the Final Judgment y Charles Manson fueron mencionados.\n\n>In the early 1960s, two ranking members of the Church of Scientology — Robert Moore and Mary Anne MacLean, better known as the DeGrimstons — split off from London’s Hubbard Institute to form the Process Church of the Final Judgment — a group whose official logo is a modified swastika and whose literature included glowing tributes to Nazism, Satan, snuff/gore and necrophilia. The group’s bookstore reportedly stocked titles on topics such as Hitler, organized crime, hypnosis, brainwashing, and the occult. Moore, a former cavalry officer and the grandson of a British vicar, and MacLean, a one-time prostitute who was connected to the Profumo scandal and who reportedly believes that she is the reincarnation of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels, first left London with their followers just after the summer solstice of 1966, arriving first in Nassau and then in Xtul, Mexico. They were soon back in London\n\n>By 1967, they had arrived in the States, first setting up shop in New Orleans, French Quarter, where the organization was formally incorporated with the assistance of a former lawyer for the Catholic Church. In March 1968, the group moved their base of operations to San Francisco, taking up residence not far from LaVey’s Church of Satan and various other occult groups, including a branch of the OTO. Recruiters for the group had been in the Bay area since the 1967 ‘Summer of Love,’ signing on such members as ‘Brother Ely,’ a member of the Gypsy Jokers biker gang whose home/Process Church temple was located just two blocks away from the home of the Manson Family. From its inception, the Process made no effort to hide its infatuation with death, destruction and cultural terrorism. In the essay Jehovah on War, Moore commanded his followers: “THOU SHALT KILL.”\n\n>Another essay that appeared in the official Process publication urged readers to experience the pleasures of grave robbing and necrophilia. A rant in the “Death” issue was penned by a recent transplant to the Bay area by the name of Charles Manson. (An excerpt from Dave McGowan's wonderful book, \"Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder\" : Chapter 12)" | renderPostMessage 1666157}}}


/#/ 1666161
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{{{">>1666157\nhttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Manson\n>Charles Milles Manson (Cincinnati, Ohio; 12 de noviembre de 1934 - Bakersfield, California; 19 de noviembre de 2017) fue un criminal, sectario y músico aficionado estadounidense, conocido por liderar lo que se conoció como «La Familia Manson», un grupo de seguidores de Manson que surgió en el desierto de California a finales de los años 1960. En 1971, fue declarado culpable de conspiración por los asesinatos de siete personas: la actriz Sharon Tate y otras cuatro personas en la casa de Tate, en Beverly Hills, y al día siguiente, de un matrimonio, Leno y Rosemary LaBianca; todo llevado a cabo por los miembros del grupo, que seguían instrucciones de Manson. Sus seguidores asesinaron a diferentes personas en otros momentos, y Manson también fue declarado culpable de dos de estos otros asesinatos: los asesinatos de Gary Hinman y Donald Shorty Shea\n\n>Manson creía en lo que él mismo llamó Helter Skelter, un término que tomó de la canción «Helter Skelter» de la banda The Beatles. Manson interpretó que la canción hablaba de una hipotética guerra racial entre negros y blancos que, según él, se avecinaba. El título de la canción apareció escrito con sangre en la escena de uno de los crímenes ordenados por Manson. Él creía que los asesinatos podrían ayudar a precipitar dicha guerra racial. En Estados Unidos se ha mitificado a Charles Manson como emblema de la locura, la violencia y lo macabro. El término Helter Skelter fue utilizado más adelante por el fiscal del juicio de Manson, Vincent Bugliosi, como título del libro que escribió sobre los asesinatos de Manson\n\n>En el momento en que «La Familia Manson» comenzó a formarse, Manson era un exconvicto que había pasado la mitad de su vida en instituciones correccionales por una variedad de delitos. Antes de los asesinatos, fue músico underground en Los Ángeles, principalmente gracias a su asociación casual con Dennis Wilson, batería y cofundador de The Beach Boys. Después de que Manson fuera acusado de los delitos de los que fue condenado posteriormente, fueron publicadas grabaciones de canciones escritas e interpretadas por él. Varios músicos se han inspirado en Manson para componer canciones o han hecho versiones de alguna de sus canciones, entre ellos Guns N' Roses, White Zombie, Devendra Banhart, System of a Down, Scars on Broadway y Marilyn Manson" | renderPostMessage 1666161}}}


/#/ 1666177
164722293945.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 114.15KB, 814x1300, 1643819378643.jpg )
{{{">>1666157\n>>1666161\n>He claimed to have been orphaned at an early age and raised by a stepfather who was heavily into Freemasonry. At an early age, he ran away and headed to California, the satanic capital of the U.S\n\n>There, he tried the Church of Satan, but thought them too “white.” He got involved with biker Satanists and moved around the coast with the Hell’s Angels for awhile, slicing up cats and women and raising hell. He showed me his arms, which were crawling with tattoos of devils, heads and skulls\n\n>He then told me, in hushed tones, of a control center, a Pentagon or NORAD of Satanic power, which existed near Los Angeles. Its absolute head, a fellow with the code name of “Adrian,” took Orion under his wing. This man was so rich and powerful, no one in the southern California/Hollywood scene would dare cross his path\n\n>Conspiratorially, Orion informed me that Roman Polanski had dared to make a movie (ROSEMARY’S BABY) that only alluded to Adrian’s existence, and look what happened to HIS family! (Polanski’s wife, Sharon Tate and several friends were butchered by lackeys of Charles Manson). With a dark leer, he told me he knew Manson personally, and for awhile had belonged to the same group that had given Manson his training, the “Church of the Process of the Final Judgement”\n\n>Adrian apparently saw in Orion the fulfillment of Satanic prophecy, and magickally adopted him as his own son. This was done on a hillside ringed with lightning as three virgin girls were crucified upside-down to raise the power" | renderPostMessage 1666177}}}


/#/ 1666284
164722902610.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 769.62KB, 500x725, California.png )
{{{">>1666177\n>California\n¡El lugar de las coincidencias!\n\n>el estado más liberal/izquierdista de Estados Unidos actualmente\n>anteriormente era el estado más eugenésico de los Estados Unidos\n>Allí se creó la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)\n>Hollywood está ahí\n>El Valle del Silicio está ahí\n>Bohemian Grove está ahí\n>Las \"ideas\" de Madame Blavatsky se refieren a una nueva raza raíz, la sexta raza raíz que se establecerá en California. Uno de los tres centros teosóficos más importantes de los Estados Unidos fue situado en Krotona (Hollywood), California\n>el tradicionalista Réne Guénon creía que la octava \"Torre del Diablo\" estaba en California\n>estado con más chinos, mexicanos/latinos e hindús en Estados Unidos\n>Jack Parsons, discípulo de Aleister Crowley, realizó allí su ritual \"Babalon Working\"\n>La Contracultura de los años 60/Movimiento Hippie también comenzó allí\n>cultos/sectas extrañas como la Familia Manson, Process Church of the Final Judgment, Church of Satan, Temple of Set, People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, etc... estaban allí\n>Allí se fundó los Panteras Negras\n>la mayoría de los raperos de la costa oeste son de allí\n>uno de los grandes disturbios raciales, Los disturbios de 1992 en Los Ángeles, fui allí\n>William Newsom, el padre del actual gobernador, Gavin Newsom, trabajó con un agente Paperclip Ex-Gestapo y miembro de la SS (Otto von Bolschwing)\n>fue el primer estado donde un hombre abiertamente gay fue elegido para un cargo público en los Estados Unidos (Harvey Milk)\n>la mayoría de la pornografía en los Estados Unidos se hizo allí en el Valle de San Fernando (El Valle Porno)" | renderPostMessage 1666284}}}


/#/ 1666307
164723104616.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 22.45KB, 264x300, 1645388140352.jpg )
{{{">>1666284\nSteve Jackson, el creador de este juego de cartas que acabo de publicar un ejemplo, fue arrestado y la CIA/NSA le quitó la computadora, ya que estaba revelando \"secretos de estado\" a través de estas cartas y del RPG GURPS Cyberpunk.\n\nLuego de este hecho, presentó una demanda contra el gobierno y, finalmente, llegó a un acuerdo para que las cartas pudieran ser publicadas en una versión “más suave”, o sea, la versión que se publicó oficialmente. Un detalle importante es que el creador del juego (Steve Jackson) está muy conectado con la cultura Cyberpunk y Hacker (búsqueda sobre OPERATION SUNDEVIL y lees \"The Hacker Crackdown\"), además de tener fuertes lazos con el Discordianismo, con la Iglesia de los Subgenios y con la Magia del Caos. El juego de cartas se basó en el libro \"The Illuminatus! Trilogy\" de Robert Anton Wilson.\n\nRobert Anton Wilson era un teórico de la conspiración autoproclamado, thelemita y quizás un agente de la CIA (ya que estaba rodeado de agentes obvios de la CIA y trabajaba en la revista Playboy). Él vivió y murrio en California." | renderPostMessage 1666307}}}


/#/ 1666311
164723128592.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 150.06KB, 689x567, illuminati-card-game-new-world-order-steve-jackson.jpg )
{{{">>1666307\nAquí está el link con todas las cartas en buena calidad:\n\nhttps://anonfiles.com/F1qdSeMexf/illuminati_rar" | renderPostMessage 1666311}}}


/#/ 1666313
{{{">>1666311\n>anonfiles\n>rar\nanon yo ..." | renderPostMessage 1666313}}}


/#/ 1666314
{{{">>1666284\nCalifornia es la Sodoma moderna, y eso no se puede decir a la ligera con París todavía siendo un nido de degeneración. La mayoría de las cosas que dices se pueden reducir al simple hecho de que California es el culmen del liberalismo, todo está hecho con el solo propósito de abrir paso al modelo de acumulación flexible, sea degenerar la sociedad o la identidad local." | renderPostMessage 1666314}}}


/#/ 1666323
164723203798.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 350.44KB, 1051x1360, 81STDAtFJBL.jpg )
{{{">>1666307\nRelacionado al hilo. El equipo de Steve Jackson hizo un rpg sobre Vudú, GURPS Voodoo.\n\n>To an observer, the world is a chaotic place, plagued by senseless killings and insane outbursts of violence. The authorities are unable to protect a large percentage of the population from crime, and many governments actively victimize their citizens. In America, the drug traffic, crime and urban decay have devastated most large cities. Sociologists, historians, politicians and economists have all offered explanations and solutions, none of which have worked\n\n>In the world of the Shadow War, no earthly science will solve these problems; they originate from supernatural sources. Beings that feed on the evil that men do are secretly manipulating the world to perpetuate and aggravate that evil. These beings have granted their servants enormous power — for a price. They have many names, but are best known as the Corruptors, the Eaters of Life, the demiurges. Voodoo mythology calls them the Mayombe, the cannibal spirits. Only those with knowledge and understanding of the matters of the spirit will be able to help the world against these entities\n\n>In the steamy jungles and on the sunny beaches of the Caribbean, devotees of strange gods dance, chant and perform colorful ceremonies. Tourists take their pictures, anthropologists study and label their culture, and the world at large ignores them. But these “superstitious” people know more about the way the world really works than any scientist. In their rituals lies the power to change the world — for good or for ill\n\n>This is a world where no major event occurs without supernatural backing, where an evil Voodoo ritual killed JFK and where the U.S. and the former Soviet Union were created by the same team of sorcerous social scientists. Monsters that shed forms as easily as snakes shed their skins walk the streets of every major city, preying on the weak and defenseless. Most people live and die unaware of the true forces that determine their fates" | renderPostMessage 1666323}}}


/#/ 1666324
164723221178.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 666.96KB, 500x725, Opportunity Knocks.png )
{{{">>1666323\n>The Bokkor (also known as palo mayombe or mayomberos) are the magical equivalent of hired assassins or thugs. They use their power to kill people at the request of their customers. Bokkor are tempters and corrupters; its clients often suffer as much as its victims. Your spirit allies are demonic spirits who like to inflict pain on helpless human beings. Some mayomberos are even attached to the horrible flesh abominations, the In-Betweeners – or they become In-Betweeners as a result of their monstrous rituals. Many are pawns of a Devourer (see p. 102), often without realizing it\n\n>Bokkors tend to be solitary practitioners, but have ties to other Red Sects and often owe allegiance to more powerful groups or entities. They are not called upon to fulfill these duties very often, however, the mayomberos usually work on their own, leading a small band of lackeys and apprentices. They are common elements in South America and the Caribbean and are becoming more common in US city centers" | renderPostMessage 1666324}}}


/#/ 1666327
164723270831.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 764.68KB, 500x725, GOAL Criminal Overlords.png )
{{{">>1666324\n>The illegal drug trade produces billions of dollars in revenue every year, more than the total budget of many a small country. Most of that money ends up at the top of the criminal food chain, in the hands of the drug lords. The heads of Colombian drug cartels, the crime bosses in the U.S. and the Caribbean, and the smugglers from Jamaica, Haiti and Panama are millionaires or billionaires with enormous influence. Unknown to the press and the authorities, however, a force behind these drug lords subtly pulls their strings\n\n>Almost every crime boss is under the indirect influence of a Corruptor servant, or even an In-Betweener. Most drug lords are not Initiates, or even fully aware of the existence of supernatural forces (although many are superstitious enough to believe in them). Instead, the Corruptors usually control a trusted advisor or lieutenant. These men and women rise through the ranks of the drug trade with the help of their Initiate or In-Betweener abilities, and eventually become the power behind the scenes, with their “suggestions” becoming orders. Alternatively, some drug lords end up hiring a brujo (a Spanish term that indicates any magician or sorcerer) to hedge their bets. To the surprise of these criminal leaders, the advice and predictions of these brujos are uncannily accurate and effective; eventually, these crime lords rely solely on the word of their “pet witches\", effectively making them the true leaders of the organization. The so-called “witches\", however, are actually Bokkor sorcerers, dedicated to the service of the Corruptors" | renderPostMessage 1666327}}}


/#/ 1666330
164723306022.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 65.63KB, 332x499, 1638538126258.jpg )
{{{">>1666327\n>Time and time again, the drug lords are arrested or killed — and the drug trade goes on, because the true leadership of the cartels and crime gangs is always in the shadows, manipulating and controlling events from behind the scenes, finding new puppets to replace lost or unreliable ones. Sometimes, the actual leaders of the criminal organizations are supernatural beings — either In-Betweeners, humans possessed by a Corruptor spirit, or even a monstrous Devourer\n\n>Of late, some drug organizations have becoming increasingly occult-oriented. They have used human sacrifices to gain the favor of their spiritual guides, and have sold drugs with supernatural as well as physical properties. Some of these drugs have allowed evil Mayombe spirits to possess unsuspecting users and reshape their minds and souls with visions of murder and violence\n\n>Fighting the drug trade is very dangerous, even for Initiates. The crime rings have connections with the Mob, street gangs and even guerrilla armies in the Third World. They can afford the best in weapons and high-tech equipment, and their enforcers are brutal and merciless. Worst of all, they count several In-Betweeners and evil Initiates among their ranks" | renderPostMessage 1666330}}}


/#/ 1666331
164723336073.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 781.11KB, 600x599, 1644074306580.png )
{{{">>1666330\n>Mob\n\n>The Gambino crime syndicate is the most dominant and menacing criminal organization in the United States. They also have direct control over the Los Angeles crime family and Albanian Rudaj Organization today. The Gambino crime syndicate also have direct control over the Los Angeles crime family and Albanian Rudaj Organization today. The Gotti, Gambino, and Castellano families are the primary bloodlines of the Gambino crime syndicate and they are related with Italian nobility. La Cosa Nostra controls most street gangs, the heroin market, weapons trafficking, extortion rackets, and the gambling industry\n\n>The street gangs are directly tied in with the rap industry with many major rappers as crime bosses. This is why gangster rappers idolize and promote La Cosa Nostra in their lyrics all the time. The rapper 50 Cent appears to be a hidden top boss of both the Bloods and Crips that operate in New York and East Coast. Dr. Dre is estimated to be worth around 800 million and is a top boss of the West Coast Crips while many of his associates manage the West Coast Bloods. Jay Z is a top boss of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation which was originally financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and why Jay Z calls his record company Roc-A-Fella Records. Wu-Tang and RZA work closely with the Five Families, Almighty Vice Lord Nation, Five Percenters, and Nation of Islam. Most of the opium that is trafficked into the United States comes from criminal elements in the US military and intelligence agencies and they hand it over to the Italian Mafia which cut it into heroin and sell to the street gangs. The Italian Mafia have infiltrated the New York and New Jersey Port Authority and dominate the weapons market and sell firearms to the street gangs. This is one way they have monopolized dominance in organized crime" | renderPostMessage 1666331}}}


/#/ 1666335
164723359387.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 62.85KB, 640x360, fast-and-furious-hrzgal.jpg )
{{{">>1666331\n>The Operation Fast and Furious\n\n>Obama and his Justice Dept under Eric Holder gave military-grade weapons for free to Latino narcogangs. This allowed narcogangs to enhance their operations in the US, and resulted in the US designating certain areas of the US as off-limits and lawless for Americans to visit, essentially surrendering territory to narcogangs" | renderPostMessage 1666335}}}


/#/ 1666340
164723421558.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 36.10KB, 563x544, images - 2022-03-10T211411_229.jpg )
{{{">>1666331\n>>1666331\n>>1666335\n>Los negros luminosos financian narcopandillas\n>Narcopandillas lentamente empiezan a virar hacia el ocultismo y la santería\n>La cultura narcopandillesca se alia con la cultura marginal criminal gringa\n>Gringos empiezan a fomentar dicha cultura en sus series, que le venden al resto de Hispanoamérica\nTe pone a pensar mamahuevo" | renderPostMessage 1666340}}}


/#/ 1666346
164723513480.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 41.12KB, 346x328, Bones_logo.jpg )
{{{">>1666340\nCIA/OSS > Skull and Bones > The Russell Trust > Samuel Russell (primo del fundador de Skull and Bones, William Huntington Russel) > Compañía de las Indias Orientales\n\nUn recordatorio de que John Kerry es Yale Bonesmen y Skull and Bones fue creado por Russell Trust, que hizo su fortuna en el comercio de opio en China.\n\nLa Calavera y los Huesos Cruzados es el símbolo tradicional de la Piratería (que fue fuerte en el Caribe, donde muchas drogas de América del Sur cruzaron a los Estados Unidos).\n\nLa Calavera y los Huesos Cruzados es también un antiguo símbolo masónico y templario.\n\nBonesmen George HW Bush fue director de la CIA.\n\nLa CIA y la DEA han estado implicadas en el tráfico de armas y drogas en la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos.\n\nJFK fue removido por elementos de la CIA. La contracultura de las drogas comenzó unos años después del asesinato de JFK.\n\n¿Estás empezando a conectar los puntos?" | renderPostMessage 1666346}}}


/#/ 1666360
164723706384.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 80.07KB, 653x743, EFocbsoUUAIWhyz.jpg )
{{{">>1666346\n>La Calavera y los Huesos Cruzados es el símbolo tradicional de la Piratería\nCuriosidad:\n\n>The origin of the term \"Jolly Roger\" is not likely to have derived from the supposed French \"jolie rouge\", 'pretty red', because pirate flags did not come into common use for many years; and in any case the red flag of piracy was infrequently flown. The far more likely source is that the English commonly named their stud bulls \"Roger\", this word already being a term widely used for sexual intercourse, usually of a vigorous nature\n\n>When they were at sea for long periods, all they could think of was getting back to a port where they could have a “jolly roger” with one of the local ladies\n\n>And incidentally, what makes this one even more humorous is that around the 17th century, “to Roger” came to mean “to have sex” or “to penetrate”, from a slang for “penis” at the time. Meaning if you combine the two slang terms across centuries, he was “Penis Fuckebythenavele”\n\n>This also perhaps gives a new perspective on the “Jolly Roger” pirate flag name, though its origin isn’t definitively known" | renderPostMessage 1666360}}}


/#/ 1666373
164723988075.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.75MB, 1667x2000, 1644978483942.png )
{{{">>1666360\n>La Calavera y los Huesos Cruzados es también un antiguo símbolo masónico y templario\nQuienes son ambos devotos del culto a la fertilidad.\n\n>De hecho, este \"baphometo\" fue uno de los pilares sobre el que los inquisidores del Rey de Francia (Felipe, el Hermoso) basaron el grueso de las acusaciones de herejía, junto a otros cargos infundados que presuntamente habían cometido el Gran Maestre, Jacques de Molay, y los Templarios, que incluían, renegar de Jesús, pisar la Cruz de Cristo en sus ritos y practicar la sodomía y el bestialismo\n\n>Es una imagen a la que se le solicita riqueza y fertilidad\n\n>“Debido al significado fálico de sus símbolos, tanto los Rosacruces como los Templarios fueron acusados ​​falsamente de practicar ritos obscenos en sus ceremonias secretas. Siendo la generación la clave de la existencia material, es natural que la Fraternidad R.C. adoptara como símbolos característicos aquellos que ejemplifican los procesos reproductivos. La regeneración es la clave para la existencia espiritual...” [Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pág. CXLIV]\n\n>Albert Pike dijo de los obeliscos: \"De ahí la importancia del falo, o su sustituto inofensivo, el obelisco, erigido como emblema de resurrección junto a la tumba de la Deidad enterrada...\" [Moral and Dogma, p. 393]" | renderPostMessage 1666373}}}


/#/ 1666381
164724216463.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 153.58KB, 681x540, 1570232117661.jpg )
{{{">>1666373\n>El significado más profundo de la letra masónica \"G\" significa \"Generación\", o sea, el \"poder generativo\" del falo masculino, ya que el esperma que eyacula de este órgano \"genera\" la vida humana. ¿Qué, te preguntarás, es esto imposible? Permítanos volver al libro citado anteriormente por el autor masón George V. Tudhope. Lea atentamente mientras aborda el significado más profundo de la letra “G”, la escuadra y el compás, en la oración que sigue inmediatamente a la citada arriba, en la página 45, donde habla sobre la importancia de la letra “G”, la escuadra y el compás:\n\n>“Si dejamos que el lado vertical del escuadra represente el poder masculino, o la potencia generadora, y el lado horizontal del escuadra represente el poder femenino, o la potencia de la concepción, entonces el resultado de estos dos principios debe considerarse como el producto de los dos, representada por la hipotenusa del escuadra.” [Bacon Masonry, p. 45]\n\n>Por lo tanto, la letra \"G\" representa el \"poder generativo\" del sexo, mientras que las dos partes del escuadra representan los órganos sexuales del hombre y la mujer, y la hipotenusa representa al niño concebido\n\n>Albert Pike explica este hecho a los miembros del Trigésimo Segundo Grado: “Por lo tanto, el Compás es el símbolo Hermético de la Deidad Creadora, y el Escuadra simboliza la Tierra, o el Universo productivo.” [Morals and Dogma, p. 850-51]" | renderPostMessage 1666381}}}


/#/ 1666382
164724265796.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 730.19KB, 1300x1069, 1478207162153.jpg )
{{{">>1666346\nEsta calavera se utiliza como representación de un ideal que va más allá del miedo a la muerte, algo por lo que estarías orgulloso de morir luchando. En las sociedades secretas también se representa como una promesa de seguir las ideas de la sociedad hasta la muerte, y que tu compromiso con la sociedad está por encima de todos tus otros deberes en la vida (incluyendo la familia, los amigos y las ambiciones personales)." | renderPostMessage 1666382}}}


/#/ 1666387
{{{">>1666382\n¿por qué las sociedades secretas son secretas y no abiertas al público?" | renderPostMessage 1666387}}}


/#/ 1666391
164724372684.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 333.27KB, 377x596, 322.png )
{{{">>1666346\nAsi como el Bohemian Grove ( >>1665810 ), la Skull and Bones también está vinculado a una diosa griega:\n\n>According to Greek legend, the goddess of eloquence, Eulogia, rose up to the heavens in 322 B.C when the Greek orator Demosthenes died and she returned and took up residence with the Yale Club in 1832\n\n>All members use the number 322 as a code for something important in their lives and at meetings, sing 'sacred anthems' about her\n\n>'Perhaps the most prevalent rumor about Bones is that initiates must lie naked in a coffin and masturbate while recounting their sexual histories', according to writer, Alexandra Robbins" | renderPostMessage 1666391}}}


/#/ 1666398
164724570770.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 339.18KB, 635x442, 1645931681338-0.png )
{{{">>1666346\nYa que los nazis, cultos/sectas extrañas y drogas fueron mencionados en ese hilo.\n\nhttp://exiledonline.com/the-sordid-rise-fall-of-the-washington-times-how-ex-nazis-cocaine-smugglers-moonie-cultists-created-right-wing-republican-propaganda-organ-and-brought-it-crashing-down/\n>Kim Jong-Pil’s contacts with these right-wing leaders proved invaluable to Moon, who had made only a few converts in Japan by the early 1960s. Immediately after Kim Jong-Pil opened the door to Kodama and Sasakawa in late 1962, 50 leaders of an ultra-nationalist Japanese Buddhist sect converted en masse to the Unification Church, according to Yakuza, a book by David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro\n\n>“Sasakawa became an advisor to Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Japanese branch of the Unification Church” and collaborated with Moon in building far-right anti-communist organizations in Asia, Kaplan and Dubro wrote\n\n>Moon’s church was active in the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League, a fiercely right-wing group founded by the governments of South Korea and Taiwan. In 1966, the group expanded into the World Anti-Communist League, an international alliance that brought together traditional conservatives with ex-Nazis, overt racialists and Latin American “death squads.”\n\n>Authors Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson wrote in their 1986 book, Inside the League, that Sun Myung Moon was one of five indispensable Asian leaders who made the World Anti-Communist League possible\n\n>The five were Taiwan’s dictator Chiang Kai-shek, South Korea’s dictator Park Chung Hee, yakuza gangsters Sasakawa and Kodama, and Moon, “an evangelist who planned to take over the world through the doctrine of ‘Heavenly Deception,’” the Andersons wrote\n\n>WACL became a well-financed worldwide organization after a secret meeting between Sasakawa and Moon, along with two Kodama representatives, on a lake in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, according to the Andersons\n\n>The purpose of the meeting was to create an anti-communist organization that “would further Moon’s global crusade and lend the Japanese yakuza leaders a respectable new façade,” the Andersons wrote\n\n>Mixing organized crime and political extremism, of course, has a long tradition throughout the world. Violent political movements often have blended with criminal operations as a way to arrange covert funding, move operatives or acquire weapons\n\n>Drug smuggling has proven to be a particularly effective way to fill the coffers of extremist movements, especially those that find ways to insinuate themselves within more legitimate operations of sympathetic governments or intelligence services\n\n>In the quarter century after World War II, remnants of fascist movements managed to do just that. Shattered by the Allies, the surviving fascists got a new lease on political life with the start of the Cold War. They helped both Western democracies and right-wing dictatorships battle international communism" | renderPostMessage 1666398}}}


/#/ 1666400
164724599335.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 57.96KB, 750x480, dossier_de_photographies_soumises_aux_temoins_du_p.jpg )
{{{">>1666398\n>In 1980, Moon made more friends in South America when a right-wing alliance of Bolivian military officers and drug dealers organized what became known as the Cocaine Coup. Moon’s WACL associates, such as Alfred Candia, coordinated the arrival of some of the paramilitary operatives who assisted in the violent putsch\n\n>Right-wing Argentine intelligence officers mixed with a contingent of young European neo-fascists as they collaborated with Nazi war criminal Barbie in carrying out the bloody coup that overthrew the elected left-of-center government\n\n>The victory put into power a right-wing military dictatorship indebted to the drug lords. Bolivia became South America’s first narco-state\n\n>One of the first well-wishers arriving in La Paz to congratulate the new government was Moon’s top lieutenant, Bo Hi Pak. The Moon organization published a photo of Pak meeting with the new strongman, General Garcia Meza\n\n>After the visit to the mountainous capital, Pak declared, “I have erected a throne for Father Moon in the world’s highest city.”\n\n>According to later Bolivian government and newspaper reports, a Moon representative invested about $4 million in preparations for the coup. Bolivia’s WACL representatives also played key roles, and CAUSA, one of Moon’s anti-communist organizations, listed as members nearly all the leading Bolivian coup-makers\n\n>Soon, Colonel Luis Arce-Gomez, a coup organizer and the cousin of cocaine kingpin Roberto Suarez, went into partnership with big narco-traffickers, including Trafficante’s Cuban-American smugglers. Nazi war criminal Barbie and his young neo-fascist followers found new work protecting Bolivia’s major cocaine barons and transporting drugs to the border\n\n>“The paramilitary units – conceived by Barbie as a new type of SS – sold themselves to the cocaine barons,” German journalist Kai Hermann wrote. “The attraction of fast money in the cocaine trade was stronger than the idea of a national socialist revolution in Latin America.”\n\n>A month after the coup, General Garcia Meza participated in the Fourth Congress of the Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation, an arm of the World Anti-Communist League. Also attending that Fourth Congress was WACL president Woo Jae Sung, a leading Moon disciple\n\n>As the drug lords consolidated their power in Bolivia, the Moon organization expanded its presence, too. Hermann reported that in early 1981, war criminal Barbie and Moon leader Thomas Ward were seen together in apparent prayer\n\n>On May 31, 1981, Moon representatives sponsored a CAUSA reception at the Sheraton Hotel’s Hall of Freedom in La Paz. Moon’s lieutenant Bo Hi Pak and Bolivian strongman Garcia Meza led a prayer for President Reagan’s recovery from an assassination attempt\n\n>In his speech, Bo Hi Pak declared, “God had chosen the Bolivian people in the heart of South America as the ones to conquer communism.” According to a later Bolivian intelligence report, the Moon organization sought to recruit an “armed church” of Bolivians, with about 7,000 Bolivians receiving some paramilitary training" | renderPostMessage 1666400}}}


/#/ 1666428
{{{">>1666400\nNo se te olvide archivar tu hilo argenanon." | renderPostMessage 1666428}}}


/#/ 1666935
164729301363.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 144.00KB, 1250x735, C6P4KXC3NBT5D7OTB4MN3KGSI.jpg )
{{{">>1666400\nOtra curiosidad sobre los nazis y las drogas en América Latina es que la mano derecha de Pablo Escobar era un admirador del nazismo (Carlos Lehder), y un mercenario israelí (Yair Klein) entrenó a los sicarios de Escobar. El ex nazi y jefe del servicio secreto creado por la Alemania Occidental, Reinhard Gehlen, trabajó con el Mosad.\n\nhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8427781/Hitler-loving-Medellin-cartel-founder-Carlos-Lehder-Rivas-goes-free-Germany.html\nhttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yair_Klein\nhttps://books.google.com.ar/books?id=51PTB-gtPBEC&pg=PA58&lpg=PA58&dq=gehlen+mossad&source=bl&ots=QO9x825QO_&sig=ACfU3U3nqZ7VIM5bdtzIs9hgPx9DdfXkvw&hl=pt-BR&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjn0YaHvcb2AhUDq5UCHQL-CpgQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q=gehlen%20mossad&f=false" | renderPostMessage 1666935}}}


/#/ 1666937
{{{">>1666428\nYo pensaba que era el esqizoguayo con proxy intentando confundir." | renderPostMessage 1666937}}}


/#/ 1666955
164729395822.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 87.94KB, 610x450, Financement-participatif-pour-Saint-Jean-Baptiste_.jpg )
{{{">>1666373\nLos templarios también fueron acusados ​​de rendir culto a una calavera.\n\n>Algunos lo describen como si tuviera tres rostros, otros como si tuviera cuatro pies, otros simplemente como un rostro sin pies. Para algunos era un cráneo humano, embalsamado y con incrustaciones de joyas; para otros estaba tallado en madera. Algunos sostenían que provenía de los restos de un antiguo gran maestre de la orden, mientras que otros estaban igualmente convencidos de que se trataba de Baphomet, que a su vez se interpretó como 'Mahoma'. Algunos vieron que tenía cuernos" | renderPostMessage 1666955}}}


/#/ 1667024
164729695433.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 216.23KB, 735x1107, 1645517541178.jpg )
{{{">>1666955\nEso me recuerda a Palo Mayombe.\n\n>En la religión caribeña afrocubana Palo Mayombe, un Mayombero, que es parecido con el Bokor del Vudú, obtiene su Espíritu familiar visitando un cementerio y desenterrando el cráneo y el fémur de una persona. Luego, estos huesos se usan en un caldero negro junto con una variedad de hierbas malolientes y un perro o gallo negro y otras cosas increíbles. El Espíritu es invitado a venir y vivir en este caldero que es como hacer un micro universo para que resida el Espíritu. Luego, cuando una persona es el objetivo de un hechizo desagradable, el Mayombero le pedirá a su Espíritu que persiga a la víctima y la mate de manera rápida y efectiva" | renderPostMessage 1667024}}}


/#/ 1667055
164729845810.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 13.24KB, 500x500, 1646817026874.png )
{{{">>1667024\n¿Alguien aquí sabe más sobre esta religión?\n\nhttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0bFJTU0x12JalI2bWZzbDgxcFk" | renderPostMessage 1667055}}}


/#/ 1667060
{{{">>1667024\nAsi que esos son los famsoos brujos que roban cuerpos del cementerio Norte, yo crei que eran umbandistas o quimbandistas" | renderPostMessage 1667060}}}


/#/ 1667065
{{{">>1667024\nNo tiene que ser precisamente el cráneo o un fémur cuando vas a ser tata en ganga te basta con cualquier hueso del difunto.\n>fuente\nYo estuve en el palo mayombe aunque solo recibí lucero, todavía lo tengo pero no lo atiendo.\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzXP5zZioxo&ab_channel=MayomberoKongo\nTe dejo este temazo.\nIgual muchas de las cosas que dices son pajas mentales argentranny, si necesitas saber algo más sobre las religiones afrocubanas pregúntame." | renderPostMessage 1667065}}}


/#/ 1667077
164730022554.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 53.76KB, 315x238, Bonne.png )
{{{">>1666428\n>archivar tu hilo\nCuando termina de publicar todo lo que tengo, lo archivare.\n>argenanon\nSoy brasileño y estoy usando una VPN. Este chan no permite que los brasileños publiquen.\n>>1667060\n>umbandistas o quimbandistas\nNuestros brujos también se llaman así. La élite brasileña adora a Moloch en un estado del norte del país y algunos de ellos están involucrados con estas religiones afro.\n>>1667065\nGracias por la aclaración.\n>si necesitas saber algo más sobre las religiones afrocubanas pregúntame\n¿Cómo logró el Palo Mayombe mantenerse cerca de la fuente pagana africana y no fue tan sincretizado como la Santería?" | renderPostMessage 1667077}}}


/#/ 1667089
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{{{">>1667077\nMás de 300 búfalos fueron sacrificados para uno de nuestros ex presidentes.\n\nhttps://extra.globo.com/noticias/brasil/pai-de-santo-revela-que-ajudou-collor-ser-senador-que-sacrificou-400-bufalos-para-ex-presidente-5583493.html" | renderPostMessage 1667089}}}


/#/ 1667093
164730121683.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 126.88KB, 1280x376, Q.jpg )
{{{">>1667089\nNuestro militares también está involucrado con estas religiones.\n\nhttps://www.saopaulo.sp.leg.br/blog/militares-ligados-a-umbanda-pouparam-terreiros-durante-a-ditadura/" | renderPostMessage 1667093}}}


/#/ 1667094
{{{">>1667077\n>¿Cómo logró el Palo Mayombe mantenerse cerca de la fuente pagana africana y no fue tan sincretizado como la Santería?\nNegro, de la historia no te sé decir mucho pero creo que es porque la palería ya de por sí sincretiza con la santería, por ejemplo el que en la palería llaman 7 rayos es el mismo Shangó de la santería, así que para mí las cosas van por ahí. Creo que una respuesta sería el hecho de no ser tan idólatra, pero la verdad es que los altares de un muertero son igual o hasta más excéntricos que los de la santería.\n>also\nLo único que escuché de la historia de palo fue algo que no sé que tanto tendrá de leyenda y que tanto de verdad, pero dicen que la que llevó el palo a Cuba fue una esclava que provenía del congo que al llegar a la isla de Cuba besó el mar y hundió todos los barcos esclavistas, pero suena a mucha ficción pero realmente he visto cosas increíbles no a ese nivel, pero se supone que los que trajeron la costumbre eran mucho más poderosos y conocían muchos más secretos de los que se sabe actualmente\nCreo que una de las razones por la que no tuvo que haber tanta sincretización es porque el palo se mantuvo siendo una religión únicamente de negros mientras que la santería era una religión que practicaban los criollos y para no ser tratados como brujos pues hizo que se arraigara más la sincretización católica." | renderPostMessage 1667094}}}


/#/ 1667116
164730201559.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 109.92KB, 358x441, Zarabanda.png )
{{{">>1667094\nNegro, ¿yo qué sabes de Zarabanda?\n\nhttps://youtu.be/Yo28Q35hQkc" | renderPostMessage 1667116}}}


/#/ 1667129
{{{">>1667116\nSarabanda es el mismo Oggun de la santería. \nQué sé de sarabanda... bueno en la ganga de sarabanda se incluye una cabeza de perro negro siempre. No hay mucho que decir.\nSarabanda es el dueño del monte, tengo un conocido que tiene su ganga y también está coronado en la osha(santería) y pues lo único relevante que te puedo decir es que una vez que le bajó el espíritu le dio un machetazo(de madera) a un soyaboy por maricón literal y kekié sabrosito, aunque luego se metió un espíritu femenino que estaba en la sala y defendió al sodomita lo cuál explica que las mujeres así sean deidades siempre van a defender la degeneración.\nSi te interesa saber más sobre la historia y cultura léete los patakis de la Osha, son cientos de signos y cada uno tiene patakis distintos, como lectura son interesantes." | renderPostMessage 1667129}}}


/#/ 1667134
164730309267.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 546.32KB, 850x568, 1646888465715.png )
{{{">>1667116\n¿Es cierto que la palabra \"Mayombe\" significa magistrado, jefe superior o gobernador?\n>>1667129\n>Si te interesa saber más sobre la historia y cultura léete los patakis de la Osha, son cientos de signos y cada uno tiene patakis distintos, como lectura son interesantes\nGracias por la recomendación." | renderPostMessage 1667134}}}


/#/ 1667206
164730684316.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 222.68KB, 1080x1349, Lukankazi.jpg )
{{{">>1667116\nAlso, dime lo que sabes sobre Lukankazi/Kadiampembe y los Ndokis." | renderPostMessage 1667206}}}


/#/ 1667209
{{{"Pues los warloks llevan dirigiendo imperios desde siempre no mames recien te das cuenta" | renderPostMessage 1667209}}}


/#/ 1667222
164730746192.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 96.39KB, 525x710, chacrinha-seu-sete.jpg )
{{{">>1667089\n>>1667093\nTambién hubo este gran caso aquí en Brasil:\n\nhttps://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacilda_de_Assis\n>Cacilda de Assis, conhecida como Mãe Cacilda (Valença, 15 de março de 1917 — Rio de Janeiro, 21 de abril de 2009) foi uma compositora e Ialorixá (mãe-de-santo) brasileira, filha de Xangô e Iansã. Foi uma das mais famosas mães-de-santo do país entre as décadas de 60 e 80, por incorporar o Exu Sete da Lira e tornar popular em toda a mídia os rituais de esquerda da Umbanda\n\n>A médium fez muito sucesso entre as décadas 60 e 80, apresentando para todo o país os rituais das entidades de esquerda que, naquele tempo, eram considerados como cultos de magia negra ou “baixo-espiritismo”. Apesar da grande polêmica gerada na época, vários estudiosos da área consideram Mãe Cacilda uma pioneira na divulgação e defesa das religiões afro-brasileiras, que naquela época sofriam muito preconceito, apesar de serem muito procuradas\n\n>No domingo, dia 29 de agosto de 1971, Mãe Cacilda foi convidada para participar do programa Buzina do Chacrinha, na Rede Globo. Caracterizada com as roupas usadas pela entidade tal como fazia em seus cultos no terreiro, a ialorixá levou assistentes para ajudá-la. Um tumulto foi ocasionado por conta de pessoas da platéia, da equipe do programa e até mesmo chacretes terem passado mal e/ou entrado em transe naquele momento. O apresentador Chacrinha se emocionou quando a médium incorporada pela entidade iniciou uma oração pelo filho do apresentador que havia ficado tetraplético ao bater a cabeça no fundo de uma piscina semanas antes\n\n>Ao fim do programa, a médium ainda em transe, foi levada juntamente com seus assistentes para os estúdios da Rede Tupi para participar do Programa Flávio Cavalcanti, concorrente de Chacrinha no horário. O mesmo tumulto ocorreu e muitas pessoas da equipe do programa e do auditório passaram mal ou entraram em transe. Além disso, em ambos os programas, Mãe Cacilda incorporada de Seu Sete da Lira aspergiu as pessoas com marafo, assim como fazia em seu terreiro\n\n>Formou-se um congestionamento de quase dois quilômetros nas imediações dos estúdios da Rede Tupi, no bairro da Urca, zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. A polícia foi acionada para conter os populares que queriam entrar à força nos estúdios do programa" | renderPostMessage 1667222}}}


/#/ 1667226
164730764430.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 527.47KB, 720x405, EJgie0wWoAE3dhR.png )
{{{">>1667222\n>Por conta de toda a polêmica ocasionada pela aparição da médium nos programas de Abelardo Barbosa, o Chacrinha, e Flávio Cavalcanti, bem como no pronunciamento do presidente da entidade umbandista no programa de Silvio Santos, a Censura Federal determinou a suspensão, por oito dias, dos programas de Chacrinha e Flávio Cavalcanti. Walter Clark, diretor-geral da Globo, e Almeida Castro, diretor-artístico da Tupi, se reuniram em 2 de setembro temendo proibições piores. O resultado desse encontro foi a assinatura de um protocolo destinado a eliminar as atrações “de mal gosto” das grades de ambas as emissoras\n\n>Depois do episódio, a censura enrijeceu-se ainda mais colocando os programas de auditório na mira do regime militar. Artistas de esquerda, como Jorge Amado e Geraldo Vandré, foram proibidos de aparecerem nos programas. Foi proibido também a presença de costureiros e figurinistas em juris de programas de calouros – o que foi visto como pretexto para que homossexuais assumidos como Clodovil e Clovis Bornay fossem afastados de suas funções. Outras medidas de censura ocorreram até o fim da década" | renderPostMessage 1667226}}}


/#/ 1667234
164730837317.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.62MB, 1200x906, 1643262959293.png )
{{{">>1665800\nAlgunas personas de la élite gringa están involucradas con las religiones afro.\n\nhttps://www.coreysdigs.com/haiti/clintons-haitian-black-magic-secret/\n>Yes, I’m going there, and here’s why: To understand the evil motivations of another human, one must explore their psyche to see how and why they operate the way they do. When reviewing the Clintons‘ countless money laundering and pay-to-play schemes, one may ask, what the hell do they need all of this money for? Well, buying people off requires a lot of money. And why do they need to buy people off? Simple: the Clintons‘ thirst for power is insatiable. Let me say that again: the Clintons‘ thirst for power is insatiable. So much so that they stop at nothing to get what they want while enjoying the stain of destruction they leave along our path. In fact, their hunger for power is so strong, they even seek assistance through the help of voodoo and black magic with the hope of ensuring outcomes\n\n>Some may already be aware of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s experience with voodoo from the passage in Bill Clinton’s memoir “My Life”. However, I don’t believe anyone is aware of their dark secret regarding the former President of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his black magic. Did someone say secret? Shhh\n\n>Surely their story begins long before the 70’s when it comes to their lust for power and the dark arts, but this journey begins in 1975 when the Clintons took their first trip to Haiti shortly after they married. Bill Clinton found a particular experience to be “the most interesting day of the trip”, and he decided to include it in his memoir. Bill, Hillary, and their friend David Edwards had the opportunity to see voodoo in practice in a village near Port-au-Prince. The priest was Max Beauvoir, who had abandoned his career as a chemical engineer when his voodoo-priest grandfather died and named him as his successor\n\n>Beauvoir gave them a “brief course in voodoo theology” as Clinton described it. Later that afternoon, the ceremony began. Clinton wrote:" | renderPostMessage 1667234}}}


/#/ 1667236
164730848172.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 723.59KB, 1252x921, 1643263201939.png )
{{{">>1667234\n>“After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground.”\n\n>Clinton wrote that his “brief foray into the world of voodoo” furthered his fascination with “the way different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and the virtually universal belief that there is a nonphysical spirit force at work in the world.”\n\n>Clinton had recently lost the race for congress and Arkansas was about to have an opening for attorney general, so he was trying to decide whether to give it another run.\n\n>“By the time we got back from Haiti, I had determined to run for attorney general,” Clinton recalled. This time, he won – and was on his way to the White House.\n\n>One lesson he took from Haiti, he wrote: “The Lord works in mysterious ways.”\n\n>Yes, the Lord does work in mysterious ways Bill, and I don’t think a voodoo ceremony is going to save you now\n\n>This was potentially the early stages of the Clintons intrigue into the world of voodoo, and they returned several times to Haiti for voodoo ceremonies (and black magic) to assist with Bill’s elections. This may sound like a contrived story, but this has been confirmed by Haitian officials and priests, in addition to my source, a native of Haiti. It is important to understand that surveys have put the number of voodoo adherents in Haiti as high as 85 percent, even among the educated classes, and Houngans (a voodoo priest) are even more important in the Haitian capital than psychiatrists are in Washington, D.C." | renderPostMessage 1667236}}}


/#/ 1667238
164730855228.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 7.26KB, 259x194, 1643263322778.jpg )
{{{">>1667236\n>Excerpts from WND’s report covering the Haiti Observateur from 1998:\n\n>PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — In this land where witch doctors carry more clout than conventional PhDs or professional campaign advisers, the average citizen has been provided a mind-boggling explanation for why Bill Clinton so handily beat President George H. W. Bush in 1992, triumphed to re-election easily in 1996 and is now facing impeachment\n\n>Acting on the advice of a “houngan” or sorcerer, supplied by then-exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Clinton did not change his underwear the last week of the 1992 campaign, voodoo practitioners say\n\n>The same houngan also cast a “malediction” on President Bush by manipulating a doll made in the president’s image, goes the story. The torment climaxed when the houngan caused Bush’s projectile vomit into the lap of the Japanese prime minister as the world press looked on, disgracing him with the public.\n\n>Rev. Gerard Jean-Juste, who was a priest in Aristide’s entourage, claimed that Aristide had developed a powerful grip on Clinton’s psyche through the power of voodoo\n\n>Former President George H. W. Bush under a spell of nausea, vomits on Prime Minister of Japan: https://youtu.be/XnOnDatqENo" | renderPostMessage 1667238}}}


/#/ 1667239
164730867931.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.01MB, 992x744, 1643263427214.png )
{{{">>1667238\n>But it didn’t end there, as WND continued:\n\n>Both Haitian officials and the Haiti Observateur stated that Clinton reaffirmed his faith in voodoo during his March 31, 1995 visit to the island. The official purpose of the visit as told by the American media was to celebrate Haiti’s supposed “return to democracy. ” However, the Haitian press had a much different story. The headlines of the March 29, 1995 issue of the Haiti Observateur read: “CLINTON ASSISTERA A UNE CEREMONIE VAUDOU EN HAITI” (Clinton to assist in a voodoo ceremony in Haiti). The story, confirmed by Haitian officials, stated that initiating Clinton under the power of voodoo had two purposes — to render him impervious to the attacks of his Republican enemies in Washington, and to guarantee his re-election. While the initiation could protect Clinton from his political enemies, they say, it could not protect him from himself\n\n>The ceremony was said to have been hidden within a public event touted as a dedication of a monument to Haiti’s boat people. The focal point was a “magic well” concealed inside a sculptor’s rendition of a brick and concrete boat which was hurriedly constructed for the event in the vicinity of Aristide’s residence at Tabarre" | renderPostMessage 1667239}}}


/#/ 1667240
{{{">>1666387\npor que el normie promedio no se aguantaria esta informacion, solo mira como a pesar de las pruebas reniegan de que existan cultos asi que gobiernan en las sombras, incluso cuando en corea mala (la del sur) la PRESIDENTA admitio que estaba siendo controlada por un culto que cometia sacrificios humanos en masa (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naufragio_del_Sewol este es 100% un sacrificio, podian haberlos salvado facilmente y no lo hicieron, fue en la costa y no en medio del pacifico, ademas de que les decian a los chicos de que se queden es su camarote y no hagan nada) el normie sigue negandolo y diciendote \"conspiranoico caebza de aluminio\" por que no aguantarian que todo eso sea verdad" | renderPostMessage 1667240}}}


/#/ 1667241
164730871841.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 228.20KB, 348x480, 1643263491229.png )
{{{">>1667239\n>It should be noted that Aristide, a de-frocked priest, earlier in 1995 had renounced the Catholic Church and said he was returning to the voodoo faith of his ancestors. In July of the same year, he held a large voodoo congress at the National Palace attended by over 300 leading houngans and “bocors” (black magicians — including leaders of the dreaded “Bizango Cult,” which practices zombification and human sacrifice). Upon addressing the first voodoo congress, Aristide proclaimed voodoo to be one of the great religions of the world alongside Christianity, Islam and Judaism and also announced funding for a national voodoo temple. Both Aristide’s renunciation of the Catholic Church and his voodoo congress, while widely publicized in the Haitian press, were completely suppressed in the American news media\n\n>In the days leading up to Clinton’s visit, according to sources in Haiti, many occult preparations took place. These were intended not only to grant Clinton the power to overcome the challenges facing his presidency and defeat the Whitewater investigations, but also to give Aristide the power to continue to control Clinton\n\n>One account that circulated in Port-au-Prince is that when Aristide dedicated the “secret well” before Clinton’s visit that he “shed the blood of a newborn infant in gratitude to the gods whom he believes allowed his return to power.”\n\n>To maximize the occult forces at work, even the date chosen for Clinton’s visit — March 31 — was part of an elaborate ritual. The digits are the reverse of “13,” which the voodoo calendar considers the most propitious date for casting spells. Thus, the voodoo practitioners say, while Clinton believed that he was coming to the well at Tabarre to sell his soul to Lucifer for power and protection through the initiation of voodoo, he was also the victim of a classic Haitian double-cross" | renderPostMessage 1667241}}}


/#/ 1667242
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{{{">>1667241\n>I found the footage from the “return to democracy” event Bill Clinton presented at in Haiti on March 31st in 1995. There was something very ironic I caught when watching this. Bill’s introduction was at exactly 13:33. He immediately proceeded with his (deceitful) speech which carried on right up to exactly 30:31 when he said “merci and thank you”, yet there was a strange glitch right at 30:30 as though it was intentionally cut short by a couple seconds in order to meet the 30:31 mark. Sounds a bit strange, but consider the source. This footage is from the official public record produced by the White House Television (WHTV) crew, provided by the Clinton Presidential Library. That being said, it sure seems like these time markers and the length of the speech was very intentional and so important that they felt the need to alter it by a couple seconds\n\nhttps://youtu.be/kmckWZEtHXg\n\n>First, I want to explain the difference between Haitian voodoo and black magic. Animals are sometimes sacrificed in Haitian voodoo. A variety of animals are sacrificed, such as pigs, goats, chickens, and bulls. “The intent and emphasis of sacrifice is not upon the death of the animal, it is upon the transfusion of its life to the loa; for the understanding is that flesh and blood are of the essence of life and vigor, and these will restore the divine energy of the god,” stated Maya Deren in her book Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti. Sexual acts are a big part of both voodoo and black magic. My source describes black magic ceremonies to be of a very different nature that involves darker aspects of sexual acts prior to rituals and oftentimes babies are sacrificed, their bodies are devoured and blood drank. I asked what happens to their bones, and my source told me they grind them up so nothing is left behind. Yes, I said babies" | renderPostMessage 1667242}}}


/#/ 1667243
164730884869.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 101.66KB, 640x608, 1617249101026.jpg )
{{{">>1667242\n>In 1996 Hillary Clinton traveled to Haiti alone to engage in a black magic ceremony to ensure Bill Clinton’s election for his second term as President. My source tells me:\n\n>The ceremony orchestrated by Aristide for Bill Clinton’s re-election was done in Tabarre where Aristide resides with the help of black magic priest Wilthan Lherisson. As customary in black magic ceremonies, sexual acts and orgies are part of the ritual, and during that ceremony Hillary had sex with Aristide! Oftentimes these sexual acts lead up to the sacrifice of a baby. In this particular ceremony, I am told a baby was not believed to have been sacrificed. This was not a voodoo ceremony, as the center of the universe for Voodoo is at “Ville Okan” in the NW part of Haiti, near the city of Port de Paix where Aristide is not welcome. This was a black magic ceremony and the Clintons have had powerful black magic priests working for them in Haiti for quite some time\n\n>I want to emphasize that last sentence: The Clinton’s have powerful black magic priests working for them in Haiti. Whether you believe in black magic or not, is irrelevant. It is very real to these people, and their soulless vessels work overtime to achieve all that they desire at the expense of others, including human lives. This in itself offers insight as to how their minds operate and how their psyche works. These are true stories, beginning with the one told by Bill Clinton himself “…and the virtually universal belief that there is a nonphysical spirit force at work in the world.” And his belief that this ceremony played a role in his election as Attorney General of AR further shows this is a path the Clintons have been on for quite some time" | renderPostMessage 1667243}}}


/#/ 1667245
164730889351.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 235.77KB, 856x642, 1643263888684.png )
{{{">>1667243\n>The Clintons’ hands are in everything. They are at the very center of the corrupt power structure. Their thirst for power is insatiable, and they invoke black magic to achieve their desires. Is it any wonder as to why our government agencies and officials are petrified to flip on this soulless duo? Do they fear their names may be added to the Clinton death count, or do they fear a black magic spell will strike them down? Whereas a baby was not sacrificed in this particular ceremony Hillary engaged in, she fully understands the nature of black magic ceremonies and is complicit in the sacrifice of babies. If Hillary is okay with sacrificing babies, what would stop her from sacrificing adults? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sit with that for a moment\n\n>I myself believe in the power of our thoughts, intentions, and light source that we project out to the world. No matter how dark or how evil the Clintons and their affiliates are, they will never strike through those that hold the power of light – even with the use of their dark magic. And in their murky shadow lies the truth we will all continue to expose so as to see them put down in the darkest corner of the world where they belong. GITMO has a cell with their name on it, and is gathering dust as we all eagerly await their arrival" | renderPostMessage 1667245}}}


/#/ 1667246
164730923338.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 499.04KB, 554x531, 1638540488060.png )
{{{">>1667234\nEl líder de la pandilla más importante de Haití es un masón abierto.\n\nhttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Ch%C3%A9rizier\n>Jimmy Chérizier (Nacido en Puerto Príncipe, Haití en 1976 o 1977),​ mejor conocido por su apodo Barbeque (Lit. \"Barbacoa\"), es un ex-policía y líder criminal haitiano. Actualmente es el líder del grupo armado G9 an Fanmi e Alye (En Haitianoː\"El Grupo de los 9 Una Familia y Aliados\"), una alianza formada por los 9 grupos armados más poderosos de Haití con base en Puerto Príncipe. Se cree que Chérizier es responsable de numerosas masacres a gran escala en la zona metropolitana de Puerto Príncipe" | renderPostMessage 1667246}}}


/#/ 1667247
{{{">>1667246\n>esa cosa\n>mason\nque bajo ha caido" | renderPostMessage 1667247}}}


/#/ 1667251
164730963321.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 119.50KB, 1252x369, 1644069035635.jpg )
{{{">>1667246\nLas élites locales de África también están involucradas con la Masonería." | renderPostMessage 1667251}}}


/#/ 1667257
164731015071.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 69.85KB, 973x547, 1643267852839.jpg )
{{{">>1666331\nLa mafia italiana trabaja con una mafia nigeriana involucrada con brujería y sacrificios humanos.\n\nhttp://www.express.co.uk/news/world/734772/Black-Axe-Mafia-Cosa-Nostra-Sicily-Palermo-Italy-Nigeria-Lagos\n>The Black Axe - a Nigerian criminal network that rules by fear - is involved in drug dealing, prostitution and the fraudulent transfer of money between Europe and Nigeria\n\n>And the ruthless organisation is now working alongside the Sicilian mafia - the notorious and powerful Cosa Nostra - after striking a deal with underworld bosses in the island’s capital Palermo and buying the rights to operate in designated areas\n\n>Deputy prosecutor Leonardo Agueci said: \"Cosa Nostra tolerates the Nigerian mafia in Palermo. Cosa Nostra allowed the Nigerians to organise a subordinate structure they were tolerated as long as they didn’t come outside their perimeter.”\n\n>Mr Agueci was speaking after ordering a crackdown on senior Black Axe figures which saw 17 men arrested and taken into custody\n\n>He said: \"Thanks to this operation, which took place a few days sooner because authorities feared some central parts of the organisation would escape, the danger of possible conflicts and internal wars was avoided.”\n\n>His investigators said the Black Axe had a gruesome reputation for carrying out atrocious punishments and physical torture which has been likened to a cross between black magic and revenge mafia\n\n>One initiation ritual is said to involve drinking human blood" | renderPostMessage 1667257}}}


/#/ 1667276
164731188648.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 433.52KB, 1600x2553, 1622243671851.jpg )
{{{">>1665800\n>>1667077\nYa que todavía no he publicado nada sobre el Culto de Moloch:\n\n>The great sculpture of iron and bronze was in place, the Canaanites had prepared the space where the ritual would begin. Some Israelite women had already arrived and had children in their laps for the sacrifice, several strong and muscular men wore light and thin clothes and were around the great statue, they were men who danced and beat drums during the feast to the god Moloch. That great statue had a cavity in its belly in a hexagonal shape, representing the god Moloch. The priests reached the height of the cavity using a stone staircase that gave access to a large statue in the shape of a bull\n\n>It was a frightening statue, in the cult there were children, young people, men and women, it was a large space next to the desert, the women collected the wood and took it in procession to be thrown inside that bronze monster. There was a great metal star, formed by two interposed triangles, which was already beginning to glow before the flames of the great furnace in the cavity of the god. There were stone tables and a lot of wine available, it didn't take long the whole place was filled with people coming from all over. Until a priest in long white clothes began babbling words to the god. Drums began to sound and the flames in the statue's great cavity stirred in high flames as if being stoked by a supernatural force. Then began a frenetic movement, people who seemed in a trance articulated words of great euphoria. Everyone began to drink and seemed intoxicated by the sound of drums and the movement of half-naked men in light flowing clothes. Until the priest went up the steps to deliver a child to the god to which a woman had given him, he approached the cavity, it was difficult to get very close, it was a great furnace that burned in the face. Then he uttered some words that infected the worshipers of the god Moloch" | renderPostMessage 1667276}}}


/#/ 1667278
164731198844.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 109.67KB, 377x267, 1643274802278.png )
{{{">>1667276\n>\"Receive, Oh Moloch, this offering, and pour out of your power this night!\"\n\n>That child was crying, but her cry was barely audible in the face of all that euphoria, so she was thrown into the cavity and soon her cry was drowned out by the crackling of the flames that quickly devoured the offering. The drunkenness of the wine and the mad euphoria took over the worship of the god, soon the orgies before the god began, men and women were raped by those male priests whore. They were deflowered before the animal god, intoxicated by the ecstasy of the wine and the burning flames of the furnace\n\n>They also tattooed themselves with burning iron objects that were used to make marks on their bodies. There were also men who castrated themselves, cut off their penises without seeming to feel any pain and then threw them into the flames saying \"Receive Moloch!\". Then these men were deflowered by other men there between the great stone stairs that led to the god at the top. Not all castrated themselves, some just burned in lust with other men. Men who were prostitute priests, they had big sexual organs like donkeys and ended their sexual acts by filling silver cups with their abundant semen. They were poured into the bowels of those women or were taken mixed with wine by men or women. Behold the nectar of the gods they said!\n\n>Some women were deflowered by animals in heat, they kissed and committed lewdness with animals and they entered them, there were others who danced half-naked with snakes around their body or crawled as if they had been taken by a serpent spirit. That night five children were thrown into Moloch, and the service lasted until dawn, that whole place in the middle of the desert was filled with a smell of sin and orgy, smoke of animal fat with human skin burned in the fire" | renderPostMessage 1667278}}}


/#/ 1667282
164731212163.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 539.34KB, 1131x1578, 1643365767130.jpg )
{{{">>1667276\nhttp://www.sacred-texts.com/sex/tsf/tsf11.htm\n>MOLOCH was the mighty, gluttonous god. He bestowed his bounty upon mankind, but he wished a taste of all that he gave. Moloch gave only to be gifted in return. There was no altruistic hypocrisy in his little divine circle. He was not saving the world; he was not serving mankind. He cared for neither the praise nor the glory that others might give him\n\n>Moloch was a fierce, self-satisfied, masculine god. He defied the weaker sex even in love. He had no women himself, nor did he wish his worshippers coming to his temple to trail their women along. He wanted none of their weakness, gentleness, delicacy, or romanticism. He was the god of muscle and belly. If cannibals were looking for a god, none could please them so much as Moloch, and Moloch could wish himself no better class of worshipper\n\n>His temple was out in the open, far from city or village with their polished ways of living. It was an immense, low structure with an enormous figure of Moloch at its end. Like the modern industrial plant with its towering chimney rising to the clouds,. the god himself appeared before his worshippers—a colossal giant of a man with a bull's head and tremendous virile power. His arms he held outstretched as if he were forever demanding sacrifices. There were seven huge mouths to his belly, all appropriate receptacles for the offerings that might be brought to him" | renderPostMessage 1667282}}}


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164731229615.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 221.99KB, 1280x1280, 1647023237679.jpg )
{{{">>1665800\n>>1667276\nLos judíos realmente alaban a Moloch y a Saturno. La estrella de David es la estrella de Remphan, que es como se le conocía al dios Saturno." | renderPostMessage 1667286}}}


/#/ 1667287
164731230262.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 369.04KB, 620x563, 1630624058574.png )
{{{">>1667282\n>The figure of Moloch was cast in bronze and merged with a large furnace that served as its pedestal. Whatever was fed to the god immediately landed in the fiery oven. Moloch the glutton would take no chances with his priests who might put away a sacrifice for themselves or share with him the fat of the land\n\n>As the sun was setting, the worshipers left their homes and wives, and, loaded with sacrifices, they betook themselves to the warm abode of their god. While they were on their way, a huge fire was being prepared in the pit of the furnace, and as they entered the temple, flames reflected through the bronze figure of the divinity. Cold, cruel, and metallic Moloch had become incandescent, aflame with the fire of life. Moloch was the fire that does burn the bush and everything else; he was the fire that devours\n\n>As the tongues of flame shot through the monstrous figure, the worshipers yelled for joy. They danced about it, emitting terrific cries and, in frenzy, hurled whatever they had into the mouths of the fiery god. There may have been products of the soil, fruits of the farm, a calf or a sheep, even a cat or a dog. One may have thrown his own cloak into the gaping mouth when he had nothing else to give\n\n>When the signal was given, the eunuch priests of Moloch marched into the temple and about the radiant figure. They came to serve this cruel, relentless god, as the priestesses paid homage to a goddess more loving and generous" | renderPostMessage 1667287}}}


/#/ 1667290
164731236919.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 967.72KB, 1288x887, 1630625229116.png )
{{{">>1667287\n>While the fair sex was excluded, sexual passion persisted and seemed all the more fired because of the absence of women; and beautiful, beardless young men, their bodies soft and fragrant from the use of oils and perfumes, sold themselves to the adorers of their god, depositing on the altar of the idol the money thus earned. Within the temple, too, there were dogs trained for the same purpose and the coins received from the rental or sale of these animals, called the \"price of a dog,\" went to the priests of Moloch\n\n>The eunuch priests constituted a caste or sect with their own rites of initiation. These were held at night in the depths of the forest. There, in the heat of frenzy and stirred by wild music, they gashed their own bodies and ran about with blood streaming from their wounds, falling over each other as they did so\n\n>Women were excluded from this sheer masculine world of Moloch and his tribe. But the wives of the Molochites clamored for a god and for Moloch. The husbands would have none of it, but the high priest of Moloch knew better. He saw additional revenue for the temple with a sect of women doing for themselves what the men had been doing alone\n\n>Thus women, too, came to serve Moloch. They had their priestesses, who prostituted themselves to the women worshipers as the eunuch priests did to the males. The priestesses dwelled in gay colored tents about the temple of Moloch, burning incense, playing soothing music, and preparing love charms and potions\n\n>Both men and women danced about the blazing Moloch, two human races with no direct emotional contact, yet not without some influence upon each other. For the frenzied desire of the women for their priestesses reflexively aroused the passions of the men for the objects of their love" | renderPostMessage 1667290}}}


/#/ 1667291
164731241121.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 102.02KB, 600x833, 1406990733765.jpg )
{{{">>1667290\n>When the women came to offer their sacrifices, they cast into the devouring belly of Moloch whatever there was upon them or within their arms. The greater the sacrifice, the more exaltation the devotee derived. In the heat of her ever-increasing passion, she brought the greatest sacrifice a mother could offer. It was then that Moloch first tasted the flesh and blood of the infants thrown within him by mothers gone mad with desire\n\n>Moloch was the contrary god. he was contrary to all the refinements that human society had developed in its march of civilization. He was contrary to human nature in love and sex. In Moloch, man revolted against his better self. In Moloch, he turned his face on his own humanity. He quickly ran down the ladder up which he had struggled so hard to ascend" | renderPostMessage 1667291}}}


/#/ 1667301
{{{">>1667291\n¿Y por qué hay quien dice que los judíos tienen un culto a Moloch? ¿Si es cierto que lo veneraban y le rendían culto de esa aberrante manera?" | renderPostMessage 1667301}}}


/#/ 1667304
164731337124.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 68.52KB, 1290x269, Moloch.png )
{{{">>1667276\nIgnora el reemplazo de mi bandera. Los creen que fue spam debido a \"Moloch\" repetido varias veces." | renderPostMessage 1667304}}}


/#/ 1667311
164731405341.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.89MB, 3240x4320, 1532901043653.jpg )
{{{">>1667301\nSon los poderosos judíos Ashkenazi quienes controlan el Culto a Moloch. Ellos son herederos de los cabalistas del Renacimiento, que son herederos de los fariseos, que son herederos de los adoradores de Baal y Molech entre los hebreos. De hecho, es una conspiración global que influye en el ajedrez político internacional, pero hay que entender un punto: el hecho de que sean judíos es solo un punto de conexión entre los miembros del culto, pero esto no es decisivo. No es como una élite judía por encima del resto. Hay una élite dentro de la élite que controla a la élite con este culto a Moloch." | renderPostMessage 1667311}}}


/#/ 1667313
{{{">>1667301\nMoloch solo es una version corrupta de Melkart (nombre fenicio que se le daria mas tarde a el dios levantino de la tormenta Baal, derivado de Marduk/Enlil)" | renderPostMessage 1667313}}}


/#/ 1667319
164731448956.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.72MB, 1024x1280, 1640290533765.png )
{{{">>1667311\nY sí, Moloch es Cronos/Saturno. Curiosidad:\n\n>The semi-legendary pre-Trojan War Phoenician historian Sanchuniathon, indicates that Cronus was originally a Canaanite ruler who founded Byblos and was subsequently deified. This version gives his alternate name as Elus or Ilus, and states that in the 32nd year of his reign, he emasculated, slew and deified his father Epigeius or Autochthon \"whom they afterwards called Uranus\". It further states that after ships were invented, Cronus, visiting the 'inhabitable world', bequeathed Attica to his own daughter Athena, and Egypt to Taautus the son of Misor and inventor of writing\n\n>When he[Editorial Note 85] had been driven out of his kingdom, we have to suppose that he took refuge somewhere. And a very ancient story is that he subsequently hid in Italy. Hence the name Saturn is from סתר, Satar, to hide. And the name of Italy, Cittim, is from כתים, concealed hiding (as Bochart has explained at length in his Geography, bk. 3, ch. 5). For Cittim the Latins in their own Language say Latium. At the time when Saturn arrived in Italy, they claim that Janus was king, and therefore Janus is either the more ancient King or, more truly, the same King as Saturn. Before Saturn there was no God among you: Tertullian, Apology, ch. 10. Saturn was called Chiun and Chiwan by the Easterners, names which do not much differ from ἰαν; and in the Latin language Ιαν is Janus" | renderPostMessage 1667319}}}


/#/ 1667322
164731474041.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 188.45KB, 1130x1600, 164633979434.jpg )
{{{">>1667319\n>bequeathed Attica to his own daughter Athena\n\n>Athena was said to have competed against the mortal Arachne in a weaving competition, afterward transforming Arachne into the first spider; Ovid also describes how she transformed Medusa into a Gorgon after witnessing her being raped by Poseidon in her temple. Since the Renaissance, Athena has become an international symbol of wisdom, the arts, and classical learning. Western artists and allegorists have often used Athena as a symbol of freedom and democracy" | renderPostMessage 1667322}}}


/#/ 1667324
164731478817.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 58.38KB, 493x337, 1645502906110.jpg )
{{{">>1667322\n>\"Weaving Spiders Come Not Here,\" the motto on the seal of the Bohemian Club, may well be alluding to the myth; the mere fact that it is accompanied by the owl, which represents Minerva, is significant and noteworthy (and too semiotically sound as to have been a mere coincidence)" | renderPostMessage 1667324}}}


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164731485178.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 255.98KB, 900x600, 1646339976684.jpg )
{{{">>1667324" | renderPostMessage 1667325}}}


/#/ 1667328
164731505910.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.40MB, 2560x4060, 1643498358154.png )
{{{">>1667319\nLos antiguos ya sabían todo esto." | renderPostMessage 1667328}}}


/#/ 1667334
164731554018.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 51.71KB, 1185x1197, 1626718438290.png )
{{{">>1667313\n>Baal\nEsta palabra es literalmente una alusión al culto a la fertilidad.\n\n>The verb Baal means “to have sex” and the noun means husband, master, and Lord. The god was a storm god. One could euphemistically refer to him as the great fructifier or another word meaning the same thing beginning with the letter f. The word B\\L comes from the Hebrew B\\H which means to search. B\\L literally means “to probe.”" | renderPostMessage 1667334}}}


/#/ 1667336
164731565387.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 901.77KB, 720x960, df287ee37e18083ac291193fa8c4e593.png )
{{{">>1667334\n>Baal and Asherah are the deities of the \"houses\", of those who have already obtained their land and now need the \"fertility\" of the fields, herds and women, to guarantee production\n\n>And this is also true inside houses. Let us not forget that Baal, in the Hebrew language, also means the husband, the fertilizer/impregnated and, therefore, the owner of the woman, just as the peasant is the owner of the land he sows and its fruit\n\n>The human being's life - which is the emanation/participation of divinity in its multiple forms - is \"all\" contained in the seed/semen/sperm that man deposits in the \"earth\" that is woman and, therefore, needs to be fertile. That's how it is for the Canaanites. Baal, the male deity, is always with Asherah or Astarte, the female deities (Judges 2.13; 3.7) and that Asherah is almost always symbolized by a stone or wooden stele stuck in the earth, symbol of fertilization, on an elevation with a sacred grove, a sign of fertile and productive land. The harsh reaction of the prophetic and Deuteronomic movement against all this reveals that the worship of Yahweh was not very different and that it certainly incorporated the female divinity and the fertility cults of land and women" | renderPostMessage 1667336}}}


/#/ 1667340
164731584743.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 371.74KB, 947x1300, 1647160364724.jpg )
{{{">>1667336\n>It is in Proverbs where we meet Asherah as Wisdom personified. She appears as a creator goddess in Proverbs 8:22-31 and the following chapter describes a banquet that Wisdom hosts in her palace (Proverbs 9:1-6). In the Ugaritic texts, we read similarly of Asherah and her consort El hosting banquets in their mountain palace (cf. KTU 1.1 IV 26-35). We may thus compare the biblical and Ugaritic texts:\n\n>\"Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table\" (Proverbs 9:1-2)\n\n>\"In his house El gave a feast of game, the produce of the hunt in the midst of his palace, he cried: 'To the carving, gods, eat, O gods, and drink! Drink wine until satiety, foaming wine until intoxication!' Yarih arched his back like a dog; he gathered up crumbs beneath the tables. Any god who recognized him threw him meat from the joint\" (KTU 1.114 R 1-7)\n\n>\"Why has the Great Lady who Tramples Yam come? Why has the Mother of the gods arrived? Are you very hungry? Then eat! Are you very thirsty? Then drink! Eat and drink! Eat food from the table, from goblets drink wine, from cups of gold the juice of grapes\" (KTU 1.4 IV 32-37)\n\n>The connection with Wisdom and Asherah is reinforced by Proverbs 3:13-18 which contains some paronomasia between the name Asherah ('ashrh) and the word \"happy\" ('ashre), which is paired with the \"tree of life\" in a chiasm:\n\n>\"Happy ('ashre) is the one who finds wisdom .... She is a tree of life ('ts chyym) to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are made happy (m'sshr).\" (Proverbs 3:13, 18; cf. 11:30; 15:4)\n\n>The expression is nearly identical to \"the tree of life\" ('ts h-chyym) of Genesis 2:9, which refers to a specific mythological tree while the \"tree of life\" in Proverbs refers to a more abstract Wisdom, but the verse also plays on the name Asherah. It is interesting that Wisdom is identified with the \"tree of life\" when a \"tree of knowledge of good and evil\" (e.g. \"wisdom\") is distinguished from the Tree of Life in the Eden narrative. Many scholars since the time of Wellhausen have suggested that this second tree originated as a doublet of the first" | renderPostMessage 1667340}}}


/#/ 1667367
164731747976.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 121.69KB, 550x677, 1597924784224.png )
{{{">>1665868\nNo lo sé, pero Trump le gusta la Kabbalah." | renderPostMessage 1667367}}}


/#/ 1667371
164731763389.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 176.26KB, 488x300, kushner017.gif )
{{{">>1667367\nA su padre parece gustarle eso también." | renderPostMessage 1667371}}}


/#/ 1667383
{{{">>1665868\nLos kabbalistas son mucho mas poderosos negro, esos se comunican directamente con entidades arconticas demiurgicas y usan magia muy poderosa con muchos sigilos y simbolos hebreos y ritos malignos. De hecho el termino de \"cabal\" que se usa para referirse a un conjunto de personas que son parte una de secta o conspiracion proviene de kabbalah. Muchos cantantes como Madonna son kabbalistas, Madonna es una bruja talmudica judia como se puede ver en su nombre artistico que es hebreo" | renderPostMessage 1667383}}}


/#/ 1667454
164733215941.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 20.20KB, 247x244, The_Kabbalah_Centre.png )
{{{">>1667383\n>Madonna\nMalo ejemplo, negro. Ella es parte del Kabbalah Centre, que es una secta new age del sur de California que engañar a los crédulos y toma todo su dinero. Los actores, músicos y atletas son especialmente propensos a estas cosas porque son naturalmente supersticiosos porque sus carreras enteras dependen de factores que están completamente fuera de su control.\n\nhttps://culteducation.com/group/1008-kabbalah-centre.html\n>* Madonna Says She’s From The Tribes Of Israel But Not Jewish\n>* Madonna Gives Kabbalah Center $1.25Mil, More Entrenched Than Ever in Religious Group\n>* Woman Says 'Rabbi to the Stars' Drugged & Threatened To Kill Her\n>* Top Rabbi at celebrity Kabbalah center 'molested student then threatened to kill her'\n>* Rabbi To The Stars - Kabbalah Leader Threatened To 'F**king Kill' Me\n>* Madonna Gives $1 Million to Her Scandal Plagued Charity\n>* Limmud pulls Kabbalah Centre sessions\n>* Kabbalah Centre sued for fraud, misuse of funds by former followers\n>* Kabbalah Centre accused of misusing more than $1 million in donations" | renderPostMessage 1667454}}}


/#/ 1667456
164733319194.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.87MB, 1727x2560, A1GyotC-6IL.jpg )
{{{">>1667311\nLa \"Tradición Hermética\" (que es la base del Ocultismo Occidental) no existió hasta el Renacimiento. Esta tradición no tiene conexión con el Hermetismo de la Alejandría Helénica en el siglo III. El Hermetismo no es más que una compilacion de todo lo que pudieron encontrar durante el Renacimiento Europeo. Aquí es donde entró la Kabbalah de los judíos, bajo una interpretación más pagana.\n\nhttps://www.pdfdrive.com/the-occult-renaissance-church-of-rome-e183878283.html" | renderPostMessage 1667456}}}


/#/ 1667458
164733328813.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.79MB, 1721x2560, A1DaGZedBpL.jpg )
{{{">>1667456\nhttps://youtu.be/4TCr2AnbZW8" | renderPostMessage 1667458}}}


/#/ 1667465
164733488928.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 145.83KB, 640x780, Johannes_Bureus_(1627).jpg )
{{{">>1667456\n>>1667458\nCuriosidad que pocos aquí conoce: uno de los pioneros del Neopaganismo Nórdico y especialmente de toda la moda de la \"Magia Rúnica\" fue un místico sueco del siglo XVII llamado Johannes Bureus. Bureus se inspiró literalmente en el Rosacrucianismo (Proto-Masonería) y la KABBALAH. Estas cosas, junto con el misticismo oriental/asiático, más tarde inspiró el Movimiento Teosófico de Blavatsky (que inició la idea de los \"antiguos arios de Hiperbórea\") e influiría en todos los neopaganos modernos." | renderPostMessage 1667465}}}


/#/ 1667466
164733518744.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 105.27KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 1667466}}}


/#/ 1667471
164733629811.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 411.11KB, 1051x1360, 81dTr+czf6L.jpg )
{{{">>1666323\n>In GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War there is a secret mystical war going on in the world for many centuries. Magic has always existed, but it was gradually being mastered and controlled by small groups of people who hope to get the most of profit from knowing how to dominate it. The Western world has always been dominated by these secret mystical associations called Lodges. It is believed that the emergence of these Lodges dates back to biblical periods, and that the first Lodge was founded by Simon Magus. Through these Lodges the history of the Western world was guided according to its needs and objectives, with mystical sashes being fought in the shadows. These groups set out to define that a spell was for their exclusive use, and all those not associated with multiple sets stores be countered for not stimulating as independent practices. The main fear was losing control over magic or having some independent mage stronger than the Lodge practitioners. So each of them began to develop plans for their domination to be total, in addition to interfering in some area of personal interest. The Roman Lodge emerged which controlled the Catholic Church, the Royalist Lodge which aimed to keep the main monarchies in Europe in power, the Enlightened Lodge which aimed precisely to combat the power of the Royalist Lodge and to develop science in the world, etc... But they also emerged as Dark Lodges, groups of Western magicians who began negotiating with evil spirits in search of more knowledge and power. Among these Lodges was the Order of the Golden Dawn of Aleister Crowley\n\n>Likewise the various peoples found in the American and African continents, were dominated because their magic diverged from the practices of the European Lodges. Enslaved, these peoples had their religious and magical practices prohibited, but even so they continued to practice them, secretly, in captivity, creating a syncretism with local religious practices, giving rise to new models that came to be called Santeria, Voudoun and Macumba. The magical religion of voodoo is at the heart of the Shadow War. A unique blend of beliefs from three continents (European, African and American), Voodoo has become one of the most powerful magical traditions in the world. Practiced by millions of people, its pantheon of spirits and deities allows, whoever dominate the correct way to invoke them, to obtain great power\n\n>Then a new struggle began, between the European tradition of the Lodges and the Initiates of the Bizongues, secret societies that practice voodoo, mainly in the Americas. Several groups then emerged willing to wage a fight against groups that wanted to keep them slaves, or not give them rights, and the malevolent spirits that torment their protégés. Among them are the Lucumi, who supported the revolt and independence in Haiti, the Dahomets, masters of assassination and application of violence through witchcraft, and the Loa Lords, who gained many supporters in the US among black activists and others. All fighting for the rights of their peoples, the end of slavery on the American continent, using their powers in this Shadow War" | renderPostMessage 1667471}}}


/#/ 1667472
164733656532.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 813.23KB, 909x720, 1631592619112.png )
{{{">>1667471\n>The Initiates' struggle today can be against drug dealers, serial killers that are spread around the world, spiritual protection of their community, senseless crimes that the police do not investigate, unnecessary violence, urban decadence, etc. Many of these problems are caused by supernatural forces that feed on the pain and suffering of humans. It then remains for the Initiates of voodoo to fight these threats in the streets of the cities\n\n>While Lodges and Bizongues continued to fight among themselves, a third participant in this secret war was discovered: the Corruptors, called by the Initiates of voodoo as Mayombe. Spiritual beings of great power and who have been with humanity since the beginning of time, they possess a psychic connection with humanity in which they absorb power through our pain, suffering and death. They did not provoke the great wars in the world, nor did they provoke the enslavement of African peoples, but they benefit from these facts. Many believe that they originated in Africa when our human ancestors learned to speak, and have followed man wherever he went in the world. Many remained in Africa, where they corrupted many tribes and kingdoms. Some scholars believe that they are evil incarnate, and that they are older than the planet itself. They are the origin of stories about monstrous creatures tormenting man\n\n>Some of these Corruptors managed to make alliances with Initiates of the Lodges and the Bizongues, and use them as pawns in their machinations to torture humanity. The secret societies dedicated to serving these creatures are called Red Sects and among them are the Bokor, voodoo practitioners who use their powers for evil. There are also In-Betweeners, shape-shifting beings capable of taking human and animal form. They feed on human flesh, preferably filled with fear and pain. Most of these creatures serve the Corruptors, although some are completely independent and even have good intentions, preferring not to harm or cause pain to humans. Besides that, there are also the Devourers, immense creatures that live in the underground of some cities, hidden in the sewer systems, and that are considered by some Initiates as the real enemies of humanity. In their beliefs they are our jailers, keeping our spirits trapped in a world of torture and misery. They are considered “Things That Man Was Not Meant To Know“, much like the Great Old Ones of HP Lovecraft" | renderPostMessage 1667472}}}


/#/ 1667484
{{{"que hilo de mierda, hablan de latam y ponen pura mariquera en inglés, jódanse\n\n<2022 y no sabe ingles\nque ladilla ustedes" | renderPostMessage 1667484}}}


/#/ 1668094
164737696155.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 36.28KB, 349x499, 41jwxcqSEiL__SX347_BO1_204_203_200_.jpg )
{{{">>1667472\nAllen H. Greenfield, que ya se ha mencionado en este hilo, conocía a Michael Bertiaux y a este tipo mezcló Thelema con Vudú y Lovecraft." | renderPostMessage 1668094}}}


/#/ 1668145
164737863127.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 179.37KB, 689x559, Lovecraft.png )
{{{">>1668094\nWilliam Schnoebelen, autor de Lucifer Dethroned (quien también fue citado en este hilo), dijo algunas cosas sobre Lovecraft.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/mvnbfHtvJ10\n\n>Lovecraft se casó con una judía llamada Sonia Green\n>ella conocía a Aleister Crowley\nhttp://www.digital-brilliance.com/necron/necron.htm\n\n>su mito \"Cthulu\" era un código para Thelema\nhttps://warlockasyluminternationalnews.com/2017/02/24/its-official-lovecraft-used-the-term-cthulhu-as-a-code-word-for-thelema/\n\n>su abuelo era un masón famoso\nhttp://www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/lovecraft_h/lovecraft_h.html\n\n>él estaba cautivado con influencias ocultas como Crowley y el Necronomicon\nhttps://www.inverse.com/entertainment/lovecraft-country-episode-1-spoilers-poem-on-the-creation-of-hp-lovecraft\n\n>satanistas como Michael Aquino y Anton LeVay lo amaban y usaban sus escritos para rituales\nhttps://satanicwitchcraft93.blogspot.com/2019/08/lovecraft-and-satanic-ritual.html?m=1\n\n>afirmó ser ateo (como la mayoría de los satanistas)\nhttps://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41362" | renderPostMessage 1668145}}}


/#/ 1668161
164737928276.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 24.14KB, 340x255, 1357869780_822728_1357873620_noticia_normal.jpg )
{{{">>1668094\nLo voy a tomar en cuenta manolo" | renderPostMessage 1668161}}}


/#/ 1668178
164737997630.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 172.02KB, 653x539, Santeria Palo.png )
{{{">>1668145\nÉl también menciona la Santería y el Palo Mayombe." | renderPostMessage 1668178}}}


/#/ 1668197
164738042527.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.74MB, 2420x1432, 1646430840046.png )
{{{">>1668094\n>>1668145\n>Aleister Crowley believed Lam to be the soul of a dead Tibetan lama from Leng, between China and Tibet. Lam is Tibetan for “Way” or “Path,” which Crowley said had the numerical value of 71 a gateway to the Void and a link between the star systems of Sirius and Andromeda. Crowley later told Kenneth Grant, when Grant asked what the entity was \"It is a portrait of one of my Tibetan Masters\"\n\n>Crowley gave the drawing to Kenneth Grant in May 1945, following an astral working in which they were both involved. Since then it has become apparent that Lam is in fact a trans-mundane or extra-terrestrial entity, with whom several groups of magicians have established contact, most notably Michael Bertiaux in the 1960’s and a group of O.T.O. initiates in the 1970’s. Much remains unclear, however, hence the need for further investigation of this entity" | renderPostMessage 1668197}}}


/#/ 1668212
164738097878.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 66.58KB, 525x374, image-asset.jpg )
{{{">>1668197\n>The \"Father of Sexual Revolution\" Alfred Kinsey, left, and occultist-filmmaker Kenneth Anger at Crowley’s former “abbey” in Cefalu, Sicily, in the early 1950s. Crowley himself died in 1947. Alfred Kinsey was interested in the sex magic diaries of Aleister Crowley\n\nhttps://youtu.be/4_DBhgNBl9Q" | renderPostMessage 1668212}}}


/#/ 1668224
164738142322.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.89MB, 1038x791, 1546994598449.png )
{{{">>1668212\nAunque Crowley era bastante racista, esta Abadía de Thelema tiene una pareja interracial." | renderPostMessage 1668224}}}


/#/ 1668228
164738170766.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 258.93KB, 271x400, 623437f7582748e522ee390225c73cbc.png )
{{{">>1668224\nSu Tarot también." | renderPostMessage 1668228}}}


/#/ 1668441
164738855959.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 773.26KB, 650x542, 1630600831309.png )
{{{">>1668145\nYa que Michael Aquino fue mencionado.\n\n>Michael Aquino, the founder of Temple of Set (a schismatic group of the Church of Satan), was fascinated with Nazism, encouraged his pupils to study Nazi literature, and performed rituals relating to Nazi occult systems, e.g. the working at Germany's Wewelsburg Castle during a NATO-related mission. He was associated with CIA, NSA, and the U.S. Army's psychological warfare service, as well as a member of the American Security Council's advisory board along with a host of top FBI, CIA, and Pentagon hawks\n\n>After receiving his PhD in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1980, Aquino worked as an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University until 1986 while continuing to serve in the United States Army as an Active Guard Reserve officer at the Presidio of San Francisco. He was fascinated with the connections between occultism and Nazism, resulting in some accusations that he was sympathetic to Nazi ideology. In 1983, he performed a solitary rite at Walhalla, the subterranean section of the Wewelsburg castle in Germany that was utilized as a ceremonial space by the Schutzstaffel's Ahnenerbe group during the Nazi period. This resulted in his formation of the Order of the Trapezoid, a Setian group whose members understood themselves as a chivalric order of knights. From 1987 through to 1995, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid was Edred Thorsson, who had joined the Temple of Set in 1984 and risen to the Fifth Degree in 1990\n\nSe rumorea que Aquino era el jefe de una red de pedofilia. La policía irrumpió en su mansión y supuestamente encontró películas de pornografía infantil/snuff, pero Aquino nunca fue arrestado.\n\nhttps://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-case-against-michael-aquino-satanic.html" | renderPostMessage 1668441}}}


/#/ 1669264
{{{"bumpito\n>aldo\ntenemos que hacer un esoterismo general o /eg/" | renderPostMessage 1669264}}}


/#/ 1670594
164755710431.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 832.39KB, 800x450, Jim.png )
{{{">>1665958\n>Jonestown Peoples Temple of infamous Jim Jones\nJonestown no fue un suicidio masivo, fue la quema de archivos de un campo de concentración experimental de la CIA. El recuento de muertos siguió cambiando porque los cuerpos se amontonaban unos encima de otros porque la mayoría de los prisioneros huían a la selva y eran asesinados en los días siguientes. \n\nAlso: \n\nHubo un gran componente de lo que se convirtió en el Templo del Pueblo de Jim Jones qué se trataba de entrenar y desplegar asesinos controlados mentalmente.\n\nLa CIA estaba tratando de derrocar a Angola, y necesitaban soldados/operadores de piel oscura que hablaran portugués para hacer el trabajo. Brasil está lleno de gente así, pero Brasil no quería ensuciarse las manos y arruinar su relación con los países africanos. Entonces Brasil ofreció los soldados y la CIA los entrenó en Guyana. Sin duda, incorporó algo de programación MK Ultra para avanzar en su investigación. El nombre de este programa era \"Shalom Project\".\n\nY eso fue antes de que todas las mujeres y los niños negros estadounidenses fueran a Jonestown.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/HULqx4SP46Y\nhttps://youtu.be/Ikn3AMaZ_Qk\nhttps://jonestown.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Was-Jonestown-a-CIA-Medical-Experiment.pdf\nhttps://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/Jonestown.html" | renderPostMessage 1670594}}}


/#/ 1670601
164755734036.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 27.13KB, 364x400, images - 2022-03-17T164837_687.jpg )
{{{">>1665759 (OP)\nEste hilo es calidad, gracias opecito." | renderPostMessage 1670601}}}


/#/ 1670617
164755838187.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 124.63KB, 960x651, 1642004601597.jpg )
{{{">>1670594\nEste hombre (que es judío), Larry Layton, mató al congresista Leo Ryan en Jonestown. El padre de este hombre era Jefe de Armas Químicas del Ejército Americano, más tarde reclutado por la CIA para desarrollar medicamentos para el control del comportamiento de los negros estadounidenses que se amotinaron por todo Estados Unidos a fines de la década de 1960.\n\nLa hermana de este hombre controlaba las finanzas del Templo del Pueblo, y la mayoría de los millones de dólares del Templo estaban a su nombre únicamente, en cuentas bancarias suizas y panameñas.\n\nLa madre de este hombre financió la construcción de Jonestown.\n\nLeo Ryan estaba investigando todas las sectas de la CIA en la Área de la Bahía de San Francisco, donde estaba su distrito electoral.\n\nLeo Ryan aprobó una ENORME legislación anti-CIA después de Watergate. Él era el enemigo número uno de la CIA.\n\nLo engañaron para que fuera a Jonestown, y el resto es historia." | renderPostMessage 1670617}}}


/#/ 1670623
{{{">>1670619\nEs la única manera en la cual puede esparcir sus esquizadas, ya que sino ya estaria baneado hace tiempo por postear cosas irrelevantes al tablón." | renderPostMessage 1670623}}}


/#/ 1670626
164755912662.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 80.52KB, 951x720, 164054537540.jpg )
{{{">>1670619\nSoy brasileño y estoy usando una VPN (los brasileños no pueden publicar aquí). He dicho eso en hilo varias veces, negro." | renderPostMessage 1670626}}}


/#/ 1670653
{{{">>1670651\n>creando pajas mentales cada vez una mas esquiza que la otra nunca antes vistas\nSi en algo se caracteriza el hombre, es en superarse, no importa si es una estupidez." | renderPostMessage 1670653}}}


/#/ 1670675
164756275978.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 51.41KB, 600x658, 2b7.jpg )
{{{">>1670651" | renderPostMessage 1670675}}}


/#/ 1670738
164756637650.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 83.63KB, 604x453, 1_3Knz3RN96lwkVJtR_WkfNA.jpg )
{{{">>1670651\n>pensamientos superticiosos de los hombres cavernarios\n>hombres cavernarios\nVete a la mierda, negro. Casi todo lo que sabemos sobre la prehistoria es una farsa. Solo tenga en cuenta que el campo arqueológico principal que estableció los principios fundamentales de la ciencia se llama literalmente arqueología MARXISTA. Lee sobre Gordon Childe y entenderás lo bait que es esta mierda.\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxist_archaeology\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V._Gordon_Childe#Archaeological_theory" | renderPostMessage 1670738}}}


/#/ 1670748
{{{">>1670738\n>arqueología MARXISTA\n¿Y lo malo?\nAdemás que en arqueología no se nos enseña nada sobre Engels más que un repaso rápido en historia de la arqueología (pese a que ninguno de los dos eran arqueólogos) y algunas materias opcionales, casi toda la carrera está dedicada a otros enfoques o cosas bien distintas a la antropología social." | renderPostMessage 1670748}}}


/#/ 1670765
164756769869.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 23.94KB, 625x626, 1e9.png )
{{{">>1670748\n>¿Y lo malo?" | renderPostMessage 1670765}}}


/#/ 1670778
164756829953.mp4 [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 15.13MB, 164634328724.mp4 )
{{{">>1670748\nPues la era comunista primitiva como así lo llaman ((ellos)), es una forma de justificar que en el algun momento de la historia el socialismo o comunismo funciono, para que puedan seguir con su agenda genocida, en una lucha entre clases utópica y subversiva como lo es el marxismo. La ciencia y la historia es usada hoy en día para empujar al goyim, al ateísmo y nihilismo, dar respuestas superficiales a todo lo que nos rodea, en estos últimos años se han vuelto como locos buscando teorías de como se origino la vida desde una perspectiva ((científica)), para que asi nosotros nos hagan pensar:\n<nada de aqui tiene sentido solo \"vivamos la vida\" y llenemos ese vacío con materialismo, solo somos un puñado de hormigas en un espacio vacio, nada importa.\nAsí la gente se vuelve mas manipulable y la ciencia se vuelve una religión dirigida por Satanás." | renderPostMessage 1670778}}}


/#/ 1670925
164757942667.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 55.45KB, 460x271, 1646419791674.jpg )
{{{">>1670778\n>es una forma de justificar que en el algun momento de la historia el socialismo o comunismo funciono\nThis.\n>al ateísmo y nihilismo\nEs irónico cómo estas cosas se filtraron en la religión judía.\n\nMás de la mitad de los judíos estadounidenses se casan con no-judíos. La denominación religiosa judía estadounidense más grande (Judaísmo Reformista) permite rabinos mujeres, homosexuales, hijos de madres no-judías y mucho más. La cosa está tan fea que el Gran Rabinato de Israel no reconoce a los judíos reformistas, lol.\n\nhttps://www.pewforum.org/2013/10/01/chapter-2-intermarriage-and-other-demographics/\nhttps://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/11/12/what-happens-when-jews-intermarry/\nhttps://www.timesofisrael.com/reform-jews-worse-than-holocaust-deniers-former-chief-rabbi/\nhttps://www.israelhayom.com/2020/11/15/leading-rabbis-in-israel-call-for-boycott-of-reform-judaism/\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2016/05/24/i-not-only-envisioned-it-i-fought-for-it-the-first-female-rabbi-isnt-done-yet/\nhttps://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-06-26-mn-734-story.html\nhttps://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/lgbt-rabbi-lesbian-women-judaism-religion-lisa-grushcow-a9007231.html" | renderPostMessage 1670925}}}


/#/ 1670927
164757982557.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 0.98MB, 1728x2560, 91LzaF4zHwL.jpg )
{{{">>1670925\nSobre los comunistas, recomiendo los libros de Juri Lina, Alexander Solzhenitsyn y un libro llamado Nomenklatura." | renderPostMessage 1670927}}}


/#/ 1671001
{{{">>1670778\nEsto." | renderPostMessage 1671001}}}


/#/ 1671020
164759346830.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 569.84KB, 1536x1813, 1646845805002.png )
{{{">>1665953\n>>1665957\n>>1665958\nEl predecesor de la CIA, la OSS, trabajó con la Escuela de Frankfurt. \n\nFue esta escuela la que creó el “Marxismo Cultural” (que prefiero llamar Liberalismo Cultural), que pretendía hacer una revisión epistemológica de la teoría marxista clásica y también en oposición a la URSS. La subversión moral de Occidente no es producto de la KGB, sino de la CIA que llegó a financiar el Arte \"Moderna\" en todo Occidente porque consideraba que la arte realista soviético era un peligro propagandístico. La subversión de la KGB consistía en financiar o infiltrar partidos y sindicatos para instigar huelgas y revoluciones, así como financiar guerrillas armadas. La subversión de la CIA contraatacó esto al tratar de convertir a los revolucionarios en hippies, gays y drogados. Incluso las pandillas negras estadounidenses como Bloods y Crips son el resultado de agentes federales que se infiltraron y instigaron divisiones en organizaciones marxistas negras, alentando luchas internas y uso de drogas.\n\nEn la ala de la derecha politica, la CIA creó una falsa oposición al Comunismo utilizando un patriotismo biónico infundido por la cultura pop que atraía a los conservadores, siempre elogiando el libre mercado y el gran capital estadounidense para que permaneciera intocable. El propósito era uno solo: hacer que los conservadores se opusieran al Comunismo sin oponerse a los financiadores iniciales del Comunismo. Luego se dijo la mentira de que la Nueva Izquierda era cosa de la URSS para que los conservadores desprevenidos que pensaron que luchar contra la mierda progresista era luchar contra el Comunismo, sin saber que esa mierda procedía del gran capital, intocable e ideológicamente defendida por los conservadores. Hoy, sin embargo, todo es más explícito y sólo quienes fueron víctimas de la propaganda creen en el mito de la subversión moral soviética. Muchos de estos se adhirieron al discurso de la guerra cultural sin ir más allá para atacar la raíz del problema: multinacionales, bancos, medios de comunicación, democracia liberal, libertad de asociación para los conspiradores, todo esto es tratado como una \"defensa de la Civilización Occidental\", que es otro discurso de propaganda de la Guerra Fría." | renderPostMessage 1671020}}}


/#/ 1671033
164759422939.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 262.25KB, 1422x786, 1646850150780.png )
{{{">>1671020\nEl Comunismo es un producto del Capitalismo para descomponer los estados directa o indirectamente. Por eso Marx fue un ferviente defensor del libre mercado. Sin mercado global, sin revolución global. Los revolucionarios comunistas simplemente no lo entendieron. Pero no los culpo, Marx nunca dijo lo que se debe hacer.\n\nLa corporotocracia del gran capital generará un control global sobre el mercado, que luego subyugará a todas las naciones. Por eso no es casualidad que el gran capital promueva la mierda progresista, sirva para romper con las costumbres locales e imponga un costumbre global padronizado, que es el de los movimientos de afirmación identitaria y de las tribus urbanas. La inmigración masiva/multiculturalismo es parte de eso proceso." | renderPostMessage 1671033}}}


/#/ 1671034
{{{">>1667383\nEsta mierda me hace querer convertirme al judaísmo pero también me llama mucho la atención el palo porque muchos sudamericanos poderosos usan esa mierda. Lo que busco es el mejor para el poder." | renderPostMessage 1671034}}}


/#/ 1671040
164759466041.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.45MB, 1280x6477, 1558576518517.jpg )
{{{">>1671020\n>>1671033\nEl \"Foro de São Paulo\" (la organización responsable del izquierdismo en América Latina) fue creado dentro del Diálogo Interamericano, que es un brazo del Partido Demócrata y el CFR en América Latina.\n\nEl impulso por la \"justicia social\" en los videojuegos se remonta hasta la DARPA, entre otros." | renderPostMessage 1671040}}}


/#/ 1671043
164759526358.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 114.67KB, 220x227, 16433988992.png )
{{{">>1671034\n>convertirme al judaísmo\nBuena suerte, negro. Los judíos estudian durante toda su vida el Tanakh, Halakah, Talmud de Babilonia, Talmud de Jerusalén y el Midrashim en los idiomas originales, hebreo y arameo, para entender la Kabbalah. Si tienes más de 30 años, llegas tarde." | renderPostMessage 1671043}}}


/#/ 1671047
164759604759.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 490.70KB, 1368x1592, 1643034915387.png )
{{{">>1666398\n>>1666400\nLos miembros de la CIA colaboraron con ellos desde antes de la creación de la CIA." | renderPostMessage 1671047}}}


/#/ 1671049
164759653149.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 212.71KB, 570x775, 1644983961219.jpg )
{{{">>1671043\nComo soy un buen chico, te daré una buena recomendación (si entiendes inglés):\n\nhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYW4WhPbF8HPr3Z46sJDWV8gmRRUKDIgo" | renderPostMessage 1671049}}}


/#/ 1671050
164759779598.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 23.41KB, 293x432, f361a0905876bef73e8cf42f58cc5618.jpg )
{{{">>1667206\n>>1667206\n>>1667206\n>>1667206\n>>1667206\n>>1667206\nQuiero la respuesta a eso ¿Lukankazi/Kadiampembe es Eshu? La deidad de África occidental del caos inherente al universo. Una deidad que estuvo aquí antes del supuesto creador de la Tierra, cuando no tenía forma, le dio forma, es decir, masas de tierra, vegetación, etc.? Ya escuché que el dios solar Olodumare tuvo que sacrificar 1001 palomas a Eshu para que Eshu dejara su trabajo en paz y dejara de revertirlo." | renderPostMessage 1671050}}}


/#/ 1671052
{{{">>1671043\n>>1671049\nHe pensado convertirme al judaísmo desde hace tiempo si te soy sincero. Me detiene es que soy artista de hecho, se lo dije al judío sefardí de /ve/ que se tiene prohibido los dibujos o esculturas humanas.\nEse canal parece mesiánico, yo quiero kabbalah judía pura, dudo que quieran a Jesús.\nPero no me encierro sólo la judaísmo porque espero experimentar con religiones." | renderPostMessage 1671052}}}


/#/ 1671055
164759868975.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.90MB, 3616x4496, 1645362421489.png )
{{{">>1671052\n>yo quiero kabbalah judía pura\n¿La Sabatista-Frankista? Es esa mismo que se enseña en este canal.\n\nhttps://youtu.be/CQhCB5iIuJo" | renderPostMessage 1671055}}}


/#/ 1671291
{{{"Bump." | renderPostMessage 1671291}}}


/#/ 1671347
164762915983.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.15MB, 680x904, 1399905610520.png )
{{{">>1665759 \nhttps://archive.is/KFpyS\n\nHilo archivado." | renderPostMessage 1671347}}}


/#/ 1671365
164762996574.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 95.15KB, 670x469, maria lionza.jpg )
{{{">>1665759 (OP)\nen venezuela chavez se rodeo de muchos brujos afrocaribe;os y chamanes indigenas, desprecio la tradicion catolica española y fomento el peregrinaje a lugares como el monte pagano de maria lionza en detrimento del cristiano Cristo de la Grita en los Andes" | renderPostMessage 1671365}}}


/#/ 1671736
{{{">>1670778\n>Escohotado\nBasura." | renderPostMessage 1671736}}}