
Archivado por última vez {{ '2019-09-28T23:29:28.972Z' | moment 'DD/MM/YY HH:mm'}} (Hora Local).
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156952991379.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.73MB, 1569418974298.webm )

/#/ 6751401Se permiten dados
{{{"lo de arriba negros para mi \n>web rated" | renderPostMessage 6751401}}}


/#/ 6751417
156953016668.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 75.03KB, 464x750, 171b9b857248a9c355b636b62bfeed8c444c122b_hq.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nmi preciosa rei" | renderPostMessage 6751417}}}


/#/ 6751429
{{{"Negro..." | renderPostMessage 6751429}}}


/#/ 6751437
156953041761.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 13.58KB, 259x194, 1565648606310.jpg )
{{{">>6751417\nElla es mia, negro inculto" | renderPostMessage 6751437}}}


/#/ 6751446
{{{">>6751417\n>>6751437\n>reifags" | renderPostMessage 6751446}}}


/#/ 6751516
{{{">web rated-" | renderPostMessage 6751516}}}


/#/ 6751942
{{{"Tenes mas videos asi OP ?" | renderPostMessage 6751942}}}


/#/ 6751948
156954146461.mp4 [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 12.30MB, 156711652290.mp4 )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6751948}}}


/#/ 6752187
156954619589.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 52.13KB, 545x393, 156911699041.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nN-negro estupido, acabas de despertar en mi un fetiche con felinos que no sabia que tenia, ahora haste cargo" | renderPostMessage 6752187}}}


/#/ 6752204
{{{">>6752187\nSecundo [s]esto es muy raro[/s]" | renderPostMessage 6752204}}}


/#/ 6752210
{{{">>6751948\n¡¡¡Salsaaaa!!!" | renderPostMessage 6752210}}}


/#/ 6752215
156954686112.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 284.71KB, 700x452, 156832552525.gif )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nnegro parece como si el felino quisiera guabo por naturaleza o que de verdad siente deseo además de que me parastes el guabo ¿eso es posible?" | renderPostMessage 6752215}}}


/#/ 6752221
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nNo comprendo como la puede poner como diamante ¿Qué aspecto en específico?" | renderPostMessage 6752221}}}


/#/ 6752224
156954709176.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 36.53KB, 500x500, Naomi 1.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6752224}}}


/#/ 6752237
156954737442.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 178.32KB, 754x1058, 156930043243.jpg )
{{{">>6752221\nyo creo que la forma de posarse del felino,la figura ,la manera y la posición se asemeja bastante a una mujer además de bueno que el felino \"besa\" al hombre \n>>6752215\n ¿eso es posible?\nen teoria si pero seria bastante extraño pero si entre especies pasa por logica tambien puede pasar \n>aldo \npic related es mi waifu" | renderPostMessage 6752237}}}


/#/ 6752244
{{{">>6752237\n>pic related es mi waifu\nNadie te lo pregunto." | renderPostMessage 6752244}}}


/#/ 6752249
{{{">>6752210\nThe Heiress juego de one one1 (calidad)." | renderPostMessage 6752249}}}


/#/ 6752250
{{{">>6752224\nEsto" | renderPostMessage 6752250}}}


/#/ 6752251
{{{">>6752244\n> postea cosas que te pongan como adamantium\nposteo a mi waifu por que me pone como adamantium y por que me sale de los huevos" | renderPostMessage 6752251}}}


/#/ 6752285
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nsalsa negro salsa por favor" | renderPostMessage 6752285}}}


/#/ 6752291
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nQue comfy ese webm." | renderPostMessage 6752291}}}


/#/ 6752293
156954845913.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 942.72KB, 300x216, 19960264.gif )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6752293}}}


/#/ 6752294
156954849652.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 156.18KB, 1066x1332, 56616342_13(1).jpg )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6752294}}}


/#/ 6752295
156954851870.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 95.53KB, 900x1350, Iona Galvao.jpg )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6752295}}}


/#/ 6752296
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nfurro?" | renderPostMessage 6752296}}}


/#/ 6752298
{{{">>6752224\nTremendo culazo se ha de comer Jimmy Uso" | renderPostMessage 6752298}}}


/#/ 6752301
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\n¿Negro no tendras mas webm como ese?" | renderPostMessage 6752301}}}


/#/ 6752304
{{{">>6751417\n>>6751437\n\nllegaron los reiputos" | renderPostMessage 6752304}}}


/#/ 6752406
{{{"Putos furros degenerados." | renderPostMessage 6752406}}}


/#/ 6752579
{{{"Bump" | renderPostMessage 6752579}}}


/#/ 6752599
156955519779.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 238.58KB, 784x1062, 14-1.jpg )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6752599}}}


/#/ 6752627
156955584643.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 62.03KB, 640x412, Weird_Porn (23).jpg )
{{{"Siempre me imagine como seria rebeca shugart sin anteojos." | renderPostMessage 6752627}}}


/#/ 6752683
156955698796.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 17.87KB, 299x188, d6b708126.jpg )
{{{"Licking-Ass" | renderPostMessage 6752683}}}


/#/ 6752684
156955705179.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 5.24MB, 08ee27e6fad8ca197951ff814b2e5ac4.webm )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\n>>6751516\n>>6751942\n>>6752187\n>>6752204\n>>6752215\n>>6752237\n>>6752285\n>>6752291\n>>6752296\n>>6752296\n>>6752301\n>>6752406\n>>6752406\nTomen calidad." | renderPostMessage 6752684}}}


/#/ 6752689
156955712130.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 35.77KB, 338x600, 156861571830.jpg )
{{{">>6752684\nQue puto miedo, negro de mierda." | renderPostMessage 6752689}}}


/#/ 6752690
156955712488.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 143.75KB, 1200x1013, otaku devastated.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6752690}}}


/#/ 6752691
{{{">>6751948\nA este paso estoy bastante seguro que los putos eroges van a hacer que aprenda nipones si o si." | renderPostMessage 6752691}}}


/#/ 6752693
{{{">>6752690\nYa te vi Doom." | renderPostMessage 6752693}}}


/#/ 6752706
{{{">>6752691\n>eroge\nEso es un juego de rpg maker negro..." | renderPostMessage 6752706}}}


/#/ 6752731
{{{">>6752684\nNegro soy zoofilico no furro" | renderPostMessage 6752731}}}


/#/ 6752733
{{{">>6752706\n¿Es un videojuego, tiene monas chinas y tiene sexo? entonces es un eroge." | renderPostMessage 6752733}}}


/#/ 6752739
156955835173.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 62.68KB, 577x800, afa5b64f881f4fceff3538ac4a1774a3.jpg )
{{{">>6752689\nDeja de llorar.buen bueno también tengo este (recomiendo encarecidamente que usen audífonos) : https://es.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d0fbd5c9dcce" | renderPostMessage 6752739}}}


/#/ 6752742
{{{">>6752690\nYa te vi esquizo." | renderPostMessage 6752742}}}


/#/ 6752746
156955843945.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 122.76KB, 800x600, 47969.jpg )
{{{">>6752733\nSi tiene jugabilidad no es un eroge, los eroges solo se basan en escoger opciones, además ese juego está creado a partir de rpg maker, ni siquiera es una novela visual." | renderPostMessage 6752746}}}


/#/ 6752748
156955854674.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 18.19KB, 552x289, 156519972144.jpg )
{{{">>6752683\nUff negro , como vibranium" | renderPostMessage 6752748}}}


/#/ 6752751
156955867850.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 211.26KB, 731x640, 15130355178.png )
{{{">>6752746\n>si tiene jugabilidad no es un eroge\nOk, como tu digas." | renderPostMessage 6752751}}}


/#/ 6752764
156955911672.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 226.91KB, 1024x768, D0D4rVZXQAAJxHq.jpg )
{{{">>6752751\nNo lo digo yo, lo dicen los autistas de /vn/ (y por encima de ellos los autistas de 2chan) por ejemplo si pones un juego como Rance en /vn/ enseguida te tirarán mierda y te dirán que te vayas a /haniho/ (hilo exclusivo de Rance) lo mismo pasa con Danganronpa y con muchas novelas visuales jugabilísticas." | renderPostMessage 6752764}}}


/#/ 6752779
156955968080.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 47.29KB, 270x384, Sengoku-Rance-Free-Download.jpg )
{{{">>6752764\nhttps://igg-games.com/sengoku-rance-711611519-free-download.html" | renderPostMessage 6752779}}}


/#/ 6752782
{{{">>6752779\nKek, eso salio hace poco junto a onikiss, creo que hace dos días por ahí." | renderPostMessage 6752782}}}


/#/ 6752796
156956056830.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.64MB, 265x198, 1498008158267.gif )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\n>esa postura\n>esa forma de acercarse\n>esas lamidas cariñosas\nUff lo bueno de los felinos grandes es que pueden ser penetrables por humanos.\nMOAR\n\n>>6752215\nEn teoría es posible, navegando por la \"dip gueb\" te encuentras buenos foros donde personas con conocimiento publican guías y experiencias con estos animales. Un día logre ver una serie de videos cortos de un hombre cortejando a una tigre hembra, logrando follarla con una clara satisfacción en su comportamiento, algo como el webm de OP pero desnudo el hombre y procediendo al coito.\n\nSe veía bastante delicioso y un claro lazo amoroso entre esos dos" | renderPostMessage 6752796}}}


/#/ 6752803
{{{">>6752796\npruebas o es tremendo b8." | renderPostMessage 6752803}}}


/#/ 6752808
{{{">>6752803\n >>/tor/\nDije que los vi, no que los descargue, buscalos tu mismo negro, no seas un flojo de mierda." | renderPostMessage 6752808}}}


/#/ 6752810
{{{">>6752782\nNo quiero mismoputear pero debo aclarar que casi siempre me la paso en /vn/ cuando chaneo, es bastante divertido ver sus luchas internas ya que dentro del mismo hilo están divididos en distintas facciones fuertemente radicalizadas." | renderPostMessage 6752810}}}


/#/ 6752821
{{{">>6752810\nSolo es el esquizo mismoputeando." | renderPostMessage 6752821}}}


/#/ 6752826
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\n>nuevo fetiche desbloqueado\nGracias, OPiruja." | renderPostMessage 6752826}}}


/#/ 6752829
156956191977.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.83MB, 156122410576.webm )
{{{"¿Quién es la cosplayer?" | renderPostMessage 6752829}}}


/#/ 6752837
{{{">>6752829\nEse es un hombre" | renderPostMessage 6752837}}}


/#/ 6752840
{{{">>6752821\nPerfecto negro, ahora toma tu chocolatina de premio y vete a jugar un poco al parque ¿vale?" | renderPostMessage 6752840}}}


/#/ 6752849
{{{">>6752837\nEsto." | renderPostMessage 6752849}}}


/#/ 6753003
156957685865.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 29.49KB, 300x400, jenny.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nMe pone como carburo tugsteno esta judia, por lo depravada y cerda que es, sus tetas con los pezones respingados." | renderPostMessage 6753003}}}


/#/ 6753004
{{{">>6753003\nUfff, es la qe le gusta solo por el ano ¿no? secundo mi negro, con solo verle su rostro se me pone como diamante en segundos." | renderPostMessage 6753004}}}


/#/ 6753007
{{{">>6753004\nLe da igual, como que ya fulmino todas las terminaciones nerviosas incluyendo las cerebrales puesto que no tiene ningun pudor o remordimiento en lo que hace." | renderPostMessage 6753007}}}


/#/ 6753008
{{{">>6752796\ntu historia me cautivo anon me propongo a buscar esa mierda alguna pista de como se llamaba el foro o su apariencia?" | renderPostMessage 6753008}}}


/#/ 6753014
156957839247.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 1.99MB, 311x362, 1516766475753.gif )
{{{">>6753008\nkek, carajo negro, tienes suerte de que todavía este despierto, desgracidamente no lo recuerdo muy bien.\nSiempre que tengo la calentura por ese tipo de contenido digo \"ufff como la voy a gozar compadre, ahora si toda la puta noche descargando videos\", me masturbo, pierdo toda la motivación y en menos de 10 minutos cierro las paginas.\n\nMmm, metete en \"not evil\", y ahí escribe \"bestiality forums\", o metete en los directorios y busca contenido de esa indole, recuerdo que era un foro donde te tenías que registrar con correo anonimo, en un fondo azul pastel, cuando abrias los enlaces tambien te abrian paginas de eso de la web superficial.\nTambien había algo de contenido en la guía zoofilica... bueno solo texto.\n\nEso sería todo, a veces me arrepiento de no descargar esos videos que despues ya no los puedes encontrar. Lo siento." | renderPostMessage 6753014}}}


/#/ 6753017
156957876560.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 17.01KB, 213x250, 155194071654s.jpg )
{{{">>6753014\n\nmuchas gracias anon \n>aldo \nduerme con los angelitos kek" | renderPostMessage 6753017}}}


/#/ 6753020
156957887955.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 186.00KB, 1920x1080, Captura de pantalla (167).png )
{{{">>6753014\nnegro tengo un ploblema con el tor que será ???" | renderPostMessage 6753020}}}


/#/ 6753021
156957896260.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 292.89KB, 414x652, good.png )
{{{">>6753017\nRelajate negrin, mas al rato que despierte te ayudaré en la busqueda.\n\n>>6753020\nQuitale el .to" | renderPostMessage 6753021}}}


/#/ 6753022
156957912694.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 220.42KB, 1920x1080, Captura de pantalla (168).png )
{{{">>6753021\nmierda hace tiempo que no uso el tor mi dias de busqueda de camiones pesados ya quedaron muy atrás" | renderPostMessage 6753022}}}


/#/ 6753023
{{{">>6753020\n>usar Tor y más por encima visitar NotEvil sobre tu OS base" | renderPostMessage 6753023}}}


/#/ 6753024
{{{">>6753022\nMmm intenta con alguna otra direección, si te abre otra pagina entonces puede que el sitio este en mantenimiento.\n\n¿O ya actualizaste el buscador? si no lo actualizas muy dificilmente te abrirá paginas." | renderPostMessage 6753024}}}


/#/ 6753025
{{{">>6753024\n\nnegro nisiquiera puedo entrar a cebolla chan ;_;" | renderPostMessage 6753025}}}


/#/ 6753026
{{{">>6753025\nbueno tenia una memoria con tor portátil de hace 3 años aber si funciona" | renderPostMessage 6753026}}}


/#/ 6753027
{{{">>6753022\n>>6753025\nQue idiota soy, quitale el https:// ya se me hacía extraño el porque veía raro eso, ya abrí el buscador en mi otra computadoraa, asi que esta funcional el sitio.\n\nalso\nDesempolvar la computadora de prueba y abrir tor, hizo que se me a quitado el sueño, te ayudaré un rato negro." | renderPostMessage 6753027}}}


/#/ 6753028
156957980534.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 195.48KB, 1920x1080, Captura de pantalla (169).png )
{{{">>6753027\n>bestiality forums\nnegro como los viejos tiempos \"como lo voy a gozar compadre\".\nbueno a trabajar." | renderPostMessage 6753028}}}


/#/ 6753029
156957999655.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 805.16KB, 1920x1080, Captura de pantalla (170).png )
{{{"me da curiosidad lo de los delfines kek" | renderPostMessage 6753029}}}


/#/ 6753030
{{{">>6753029\nHe leido que debido a su inteligencia, tambien disfrutan del sexo, así como cuando cazan animales." | renderPostMessage 6753030}}}


/#/ 6753031
{{{">>6753030\nayyyyyyyyy tremendo fanfiction > This, of course, must be fiction as it is not physically possible. Still, it doesn't hurt to dream...\n\nI knew from the way she pawed eagerly up and down by the fence at the edge of his enclosure, spraying frequently and calling in low groans, that my leopardess was coming into her season. As I unlock the gate and walk into her domain, affectionate as ever she charges over, leaps up at me and licks my hands and face in her usual rough manner.\n\nBreath billows out around me, frozen crystals of mist in the chill night air. Stroking her rough furry back, I place the collar round her neck and lead her playfully out across the lawn. Behind me, the male calls plaintively to her but tonight, and not for the first time, I am her mate. He gives up and crouches back down sulkily but I do not feel sorry for him as he will have his leopardess back soon, crouching in wait for his hooked, barbed feline penis, again and again and again...\n\nAs I lead the beautiful cat into the house, she walks with a limber elegant swing in her body, rumbling contentedly all the time.\n\nIn my mind I like to think of myself as a strong well built leopard, beautiful in my spotted fur coat yet full of bestial urges and jungle cunning. I imagine her urinating and as I thrust my muzzle into the warm stream emanating from her body, my instincts tell me that she is ready to receive my advances. My strong muscular body ripples with tension as she crouches before me and I straddle her to copulate, wild flashes of adrenaline through my mind as I grab the scruff of her neck while my hindquarters thrust my erect organ into her slit. The world explodes as I ejaculate and yowl madly at the sky. She cuffs me with her strong paws as she squirms out from beneath me, but I care not...\n\nOnce inside I undress trying to slow the leopardess' advances as she runs her long muscular body sinuously round my legs and sniffs at my crotch with her strong blunt muzzle; whiskers quivering, probing amber eyes staring up at me from her spotted hunters' mask. She salivates and her broad rough pink tongue darts out to caress jet black lips. When I am totally naked, I lead her into my room, surprised in my control that I am not yet erect. She follows willingly. From the medical cabinet therein I take out a large jar of J that I've prepared earlier... she needs to be lubricated thoroughly before I can enter her since my erect organ is larger than anything a leopard ever had behind his legs.\n\nLooking back I see not one big cat but two as on one wall I have placed a large mirror which, as always, she has wandered across to investigate. Pawing at her reflection she calls as though expecting an answer but none is received. While she is thus involved, I walk over to her and crouch at her side, stroking down her strong hunched shoulders and smooth furry flanks. Her head turns round and once more she licks me raspingly, snorting friendship in my face as she does so. I respond by puffing hard through my nostrils and she glides around me, rearing up on her hind-legs behind me, leathery paws on my shoulder. Looking in the mirror, I pull her paws down my chest and feel her soft belly fur against my back, the rasping of her breath surrounds me as her head rests on mine. As I stand up, she hooks her hind-legs around my thighs and digs her claws into me to maintain her grip. A little blood is drawn...\n\nIn the mirror I stand there, a hybrid beast, long whip-like tail behind me, her body hard against mine from feline buttocks to head, throbbing to the strong beat of her heart. She yawns widely and I let her drop to the ground which she does soundlessly.\n\nCalling again to her, I caress her once more, breathing in deeply the acrid muskiness of her hide and fur. Scooping up some J with my right hand, I place my left arm over her waist and stretch down her, head to tail. She licks my arse and snorts as she rubs her muzzle under my balls. My hand slides down her buttocks, feeling for her slit. I enter her with two fingers, smearing her warm tight cunt with these while my other fingers massage the fur between her slender but muscular buttocks. This drives her wild and she mouths at the air, long pointed white teeth and bright red tongue set in her beautiful glossy black lips.\n\nAs I smear some lube on my dick, the thought of having her giving me oral delights occurs... Me, lying back, my genitals in her strong jaws: holding her head in my hands and rubbing the soft fur behind her ears until we enter a trance of motion, fixed on her piercing amber eyes. My penis swells within her hot moist mouth stimulated by the rough caress of her rasping tongue... Convulsively, I pull her head sharply into my crotch as my balls erupt and with a shudder I ejaculate copiously against the roof of her mouth and down her throat.\n\nBefore my orgasm fades, the beautiful cat releases me and with a fluid movement stretches up and over me, opening her mouth wide to kiss me. I pull her to me and her saliva and my sperm flood over my face as she does so; plastering my face with long loving strokes of her tongue. Reciprocating, I lick her great furry head and hold her in my teeth just below her left ear whilst below I thrust against her underside creaming her smooth white belly fur with my seed and climax once more as she shifts forward to allow my aching penis access to her hot feline slit.\n\nGrowling leopard-like, I fuck the great cat until we collapse contentedly; her head, warm, tight against mine, lithe supple body over me.\n\nA gentle nip on my buttocks brings me back to the awareness that I have yet to consummate my passion for her in reality. I smile at her and thank her for not being as rough with me as she would have been with one of her own species. She prustens once more in response. My organ, now erect at my lust for her as she thrusts her blunt muzzle between my legs and sniffs in pleasure at my male scent. Quickly, I finish smearing myself with J, taking care not to ejaculate prematurely from the stimulation.\n\nWith my other hand I try to hold back the cat, but she is truly on heat now and signals her readiness for mating with plaintive calls as she rubs her body against mine, soliciting my advances. With a flick of her broad spotted tail she crouches down in front of me inviting me to mount her. I crawl forward to investigate her rear and run a hand between her buttocks from the neat small anus tight underneath her tail to her slit. Within this black leathery entrance to her sex, the glistening pink walls of her vagina can be seen, the whole and the fur around well lubricated for my entrance. I briefly lick her well muscled buttocks, inhaling her scent and she shifts restlessly, rumbling coarsely. Suddenly, without warning, the leopardess raises her hindquarters and urinates in strong bursts into my face. Ignoring the pungent stinging ammonia of her piss, I close my eyes and push my face into her, hugging her legs until I am licking her dry; probing the inner lining of her moist gel-smeared cunt with my loving tongue. As she growls deeply and spins round to face me, I roll her onto her side and rub the soft belly fur covering her teats. She yowls once and then drops herself to the ground and rolls over onto her back beside me... we have played out our love before and she knows well what to do.\n\nI crawl alongside her and look deeply into her great amber feline eyes: dazzled by her beauty and in a dreamlike moment I lift my right leg to straddle the great cat. She squirms restlessly beneath me, calling softly as I move my feet down her furry flank and step over her hind legs which now curve skywards. With my hands, I massage her chest and lick roughly at her pale belly fur adding to the deep rumbling purrs which emanate from her being. Looking back between my legs, my organ is pointing strongly forward. Lowering myself to her body an intense electric shock of pleasure runs through me as I bring myself fully" | renderPostMessage 6753031}}}


/#/ 6753032
{{{">>6753031\ninto contact with her. She feels this too and moans deeply in an almost ethereal tone. Blinded by emotion, I close my eyes and push my head alongside hers, right arm wrapped tight against the other side of her neck. She twists her face also to me. Sharp whiskers prick my neck as, deafened by her rasping breath and surrounded by her musk, I feel towards her slit with my penis and then with a deep thrust enter her body. She shudders and yowls in my ear as my senses overload and I fuck her trembling being with long deep strokes until, soon, too soon, I climax violently and in reflex grasp at her muscular neck with my teeth. Crying out loud she pulls herself free, effortlessly, and before I am aware of it I am lying on my back; a beautiful leopardess poised above me, looking lovingly bright golden beams into my eyes. In the mirror I glimpse her beautiful long spotted form breathing deeply.\n\nScratching under her chin, she lowers herself to the floor and allows me to embrace her properly. As she licks me, I kiss her warm moist muzzle and ease myself once more back into her being...\n\nFour times more that night we consummate our passion for each other until, with me exhausted, we lie still in a profound emotional and physical embrace; her warm fur and pulsing echo of her heart surrounding my being as we drift off into blissful slumber.\n\n*\n\nIn the morning I put her in with the male who acidly eyes me as she continues to greet me rather than follow the call to his nature. Since he really is a decent sort of leopard, I apologetically leave them to mate without distracting her further and soon after from inside the house hear them cry out in their passion.\n\nThen, and for the next five days.\n\nNow; winter to spring, the produce of their union frolics playfully on the grass around her, teasing at her tail and climbing roughly over her. As I approach, I remind myself the cubs are his (watching me from nearby), not mine, but they greet me with enthusiasm nonetheless as I walk carefully through their playful antics towards her.\n\nRaising her forequarters lazily, she puffs friendly welcome to me as I reach down to ruffle her fur and then, restful in the brilliant sun and scent of blossom, we lie down together... watching the young ones burn their boundless energy, as we relax content in each other's presence." | renderPostMessage 6753032}}}


/#/ 6753033
{{{">>6753031\n>>6753032\nTOP KEK" | renderPostMessage 6753033}}}


/#/ 6753034
{{{">>6753033\nayyy como olvidar esa sensación de buscar links con hard bass de fondo" | renderPostMessage 6753034}}}


/#/ 6753036
156958249594.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.06MB, 1555991121140.webm )
{{{">>6753034\nTe dejo aqui negro, me estoy quedando dormido encima del teclado, al rato reanudo la busqueda, espermos encontrarlo.\nalso\nprefiero webm related o similares." | renderPostMessage 6753036}}}


/#/ 6753037
{{{">>6753036\nbueno mañana habrá más tiempo" | renderPostMessage 6753037}}}


/#/ 6753167
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nSALSA NEGRO SALSA" | renderPostMessage 6753167}}}


/#/ 6753183
{{{">>6752690\nNo se ingles ¿Que dice ahí?" | renderPostMessage 6753183}}}


/#/ 6753231
156959682987.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 116.14KB, 1280x720, Tohsaka's anus.jpg )
{{{">>6753183\nPone que un autista quedo devastado emocionalmente tras descubrir que sus monas chinas (especialmente su waifu Rin) proceden de un eroge (un juego porno) y que su indignación fue tan grande que se atrincheró en su habitación." | renderPostMessage 6753231}}}


/#/ 6753237
156959704261.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 261.19KB, 422x453, Capture+_2019-09-27-17-08-08.png )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 6753237}}}


/#/ 6753246
156959754756.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 953.33KB, 好小的屌(muy pequeño).webm )
{{{">>6753014" | renderPostMessage 6753246}}}


/#/ 6753256
156959791334.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 4.62MB, 7e12f033009dd7e850236e5e83d6f56ddae661c18cdf60e8f3.webm )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6753256}}}


/#/ 6753259
156959811882.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 64.90KB, 550x763, 550x763_584.jpg )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6753259}}}


/#/ 6753262
{{{">>6753256\npor un momento me la crei \n>>6753246\nAYYYYYYY EL GORILA CHANERO" | renderPostMessage 6753262}}}


/#/ 6753279
156959938810.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 556.80KB, 3008x2979, 1568921747927.jpg )
{{{">>6752779\n>traducir algo que ya estaba traducido\nA este paso Rance X saldrá en el 2030." | renderPostMessage 6753279}}}


/#/ 6753284
{{{">>6753256\n¿salsa de la película?" | renderPostMessage 6753284}}}


/#/ 6753297
156960070155.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 430.62KB, 1280x2048, 156426258579.jpg )
{{{">>6753284\nCreo que era Lawn Dogs o algo así." | renderPostMessage 6753297}}}


/#/ 6753337
156960217713.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 281.95KB, 960x1280, 1454219337807.jpg )
{{{">>6752829\nAnzujaama." | renderPostMessage 6753337}}}


/#/ 6753339
{{{">>6752829\nTiene un canal en youtube que se llama \"cordura artificial\"" | renderPostMessage 6753339}}}


/#/ 6753909
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nUFFFFFFFF RICO" | renderPostMessage 6753909}}}


/#/ 6753920
156962001224.mp4 [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 4.47MB, 3107.mp4 )
{{{"Lo unico que encontré fue la paja" | renderPostMessage 6753920}}}


/#/ 6753945
156962121766.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 33.13KB, 388x600, pet_lion_bathtub_daugherty.jpg )
{{{"Lo otro que encontré fué una pagina llena de relatos de todo tipo (incluido zoofilia con Chitas) dejo link:\n\nhttp://tssa3saypkimmkcy.onion/index.html" | renderPostMessage 6753945}}}


/#/ 6754221
{{{">>6752840\nayyyy se ardió el idiota sin imaginación." | renderPostMessage 6754221}}}


/#/ 6754263
{{{">>6753920\ncasi pero seguire buscando haber si encuentro de hembras" | renderPostMessage 6754263}}}


/#/ 6754276
{{{">>6753920\nlink de donde lo sacastes ??" | renderPostMessage 6754276}}}


/#/ 6754295
156963096373.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 210.14KB, 990x1024, 155232294959.jpg )
{{{"negros lo encontré \nhttps://www.tigress.com/furry_lair/bc_mating.htm \ntutorial de como cortejar a una hembra" | renderPostMessage 6754295}}}


/#/ 6754318
{{{">>6753029\nDe la misma pagina donde viste el porno de delfines, como casi en las ultimas paginas de video.zoo.cab" | renderPostMessage 6754318}}}


/#/ 6754329
156963189781.mp4 [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 4.53MB, 909412.mp4 )
{{{"Mujeres asi me lo ponen como diamante de inmediato, lamentablemente soy un anon super delgado que tiene mas posibilidades de meterse a trapo que ser /fit/ asi que nunca tendre una mujer asi" | renderPostMessage 6754329}}}


/#/ 6754339
156963219060.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 925.59KB, 500x281, AAPk2fV.gif )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6754339}}}


/#/ 6754348
156963232774.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 396.75KB, 600x776, 156640286519.png )
{{{">>6752764eroge = juego erótico, así sin mas, esa es la traducción literal.Lo que tu dices no tiene nada que ver, te pondré un ejemplo simple: existen juegos fps, acción, rpg, de pelea, mmorpg, moba, pero cada uno tiene su general /fps/ /rpg/ /moba/ pero eso no cambia el hecho que son JUEGOS ¿me explico? es lo mismo con los eroges, hay rpgs, visial novels, aventura, simuladores de citas, etc y cada uno tiene su lugar de discusión /hgg/ /hgg2d/ /vn/ etc, pero todos son EROGES." | renderPostMessage 6754348}}}


/#/ 6754354
{{{">>6753920\ncomo lograstes descargarlo que ya pasó bastante tiempo en hacer estas cosas ;_;" | renderPostMessage 6754354}}}


/#/ 6754365
{{{"es animacion buena pero algo es algo no ?\nhttps://video.zoo.cab/video/4860/warcraft-beastiality-animation" | renderPostMessage 6754365}}}


/#/ 6754390
156963310726.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 31.48KB, 500x348, 5e1.jpg )
{{{"negros que esta pasando ¿por que estan posteando links de la deap guabo? \n>aldo \n¿op salsa del video ?" | renderPostMessage 6754390}}}


/#/ 6754400
{{{">>6754390\n>¿por que estan posteando links de la deap guabo?\npor que un anon dijo que había visto ya hace un tiempo un foro donde enseñaban a cortejar a una hembra de felinos grandes para llenarla como pavo y que también había videos \n>¿op salsa del video ?\nlo saque de un chan chino" | renderPostMessage 6754400}}}


/#/ 6754430
156963427366.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.14MB, 2120x1172, 1551408854241.png )
{{{">>6751401 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6754430}}}


/#/ 6754464
{{{">>6753920\nEn verdad existe ese tipo de porno negro, me alegraste el dia" | renderPostMessage 6754464}}}


/#/ 6754483
{{{">>6751401 (OP)\nJamás ví un útero de una leona, además de que no desprecio mucho mi vida.\n\n>>6754430\n[b]Asco[/b]" | renderPostMessage 6754483}}}


/#/ 6754486
{{{">>6754464\nSi yo tampoco pensé que podría existir.. ahora el objetivo es encontrar con hembras con la del vídeo related" | renderPostMessage 6754486}}}


/#/ 6754490
{{{">>6751417\nMierda de waifu, además que mal hecha, esas mamás son gigantes para su edad, puto asco." | renderPostMessage 6754490}}}


/#/ 6754495
{{{">>6754486\nbueno te dejo el link \nhttps://video.zoo.cab/videos?page=94" | renderPostMessage 6754495}}}


/#/ 6754518
{{{">>6754490\n[s]ella no es humana maricón[/s]" | renderPostMessage 6754518}}}


/#/ 6754523
156963707096.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 50.06KB, 500x500, 156731629481.jpg )
{{{">>6754348\nEn parte tienes razón negro pero...no te aconsejo que le digas eso a un nativo de los hilos que mencionaste (podrian incluso banearte kek) por eso me gusta ese nido de ratas autistas." | renderPostMessage 6754523}}}


/#/ 6754550
156963775227.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 165.56KB, 1920x1080, 1543115185094.jpg )
{{{">>6754430" | renderPostMessage 6754550}}}


/#/ 6754557
{{{">>6753297\nNegro, me la quedé mirando casi una hora" | renderPostMessage 6754557}}}


/#/ 6754784
{{{">>6754557\nAYY ESTAS ENFERMO" | renderPostMessage 6754784}}}


/#/ 6754804
{{{"Esta putita.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPmY7yxRGvQ" | renderPostMessage 6754804}}}


/#/ 6754891
156964497752.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 177.18KB, 480x369, 147561902378.png )
{{{">>6754804" | renderPostMessage 6754891}}}


/#/ 6754907
{{{">>6753256\nA mi me puso triste esa película." | renderPostMessage 6754907}}}


/#/ 6754920
{{{">>6753256\nSam Rockwell cogiendo rubias campesinas jailbait no importa que película sea" | renderPostMessage 6754920}}}


/#/ 6754925
156964555335.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 34.20KB, 407x430, stupid yu-yu_hakusho yusuke_urameshi.jpg )
{{{">>6753256\nTOP KEK, siempre kekeo con esa mierda." | renderPostMessage 6754925}}}


/#/ 6754941
{{{">>6754390\nnarberal gamma best waifu y es solo mia hijos de su reputa madre, larguense con su albedo o shalltear" | renderPostMessage 6754941}}}