
Archivado por última vez {{ '2019-09-05T17:30:02.588Z' | moment 'DD/MM/YY HH:mm'}} (Hora Local).
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156756882138.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 2.90MB, 2541x3276, 154410409775.jpg )

/#/ 6702080
{{{"I hope what that fuckers don´t come here.\n\n>english treat, talk in english fuck each others and practice you english" | renderPostMessage 6702080}}}


/#/ 6702081
{{{"ur mom is a fagott" | renderPostMessage 6702081}}}


/#/ 6702083
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nGet back, we have our problems enough." | renderPostMessage 6702083}}}


/#/ 6702087
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>go here\n>what that\nDe que pais tan tercermundista tienes que ser para tan solo dignarte a escribir eso..." | renderPostMessage 6702087}}}


/#/ 6702088
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nusually, i don't go to 4chan because it's may more easier to keep track on conversations here, where threads don't reach 300 replies. this place also has my native language so it's pretty obvious why i'm here. why are you here OP?" | renderPostMessage 6702088}}}


/#/ 6702091
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nLearn how to write a proper sentence in english. Damn, you're really bad at this.\n>also\nClose your shitty thread faglord." | renderPostMessage 6702091}}}


/#/ 6702099
{{{">>6702091\n\n>an 4chan anon" | renderPostMessage 6702099}}}


/#/ 6702104
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>what that\n\nkek esa es la estructura del español." | renderPostMessage 6702104}}}


/#/ 6702111
{{{">>6702091\nthat's technically correct, but you won't hear an anglo talking like this.\nThere's something out of place" | renderPostMessage 6702111}}}


/#/ 6702113
{{{"I am not good in english fuking faggots, i will put my fist in the mom of yours she will like it, you in the other hand will be in the chair, traped only watching how I make the love with momy" | renderPostMessage 6702113}}}


/#/ 6702119
{{{">>6702113\nThen lurk moar retard." | renderPostMessage 6702119}}}


/#/ 6702124
{{{">>6702119\nWhe ere in a spanish board you retarded pieze of shit.\n\n>aldo\nSuck my anus." | renderPostMessage 6702124}}}


/#/ 6702126
{{{">>6702124\n*are" | renderPostMessage 6702126}}}


/#/ 6702132
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nEste es un chan Hispano asi que borra tu mierda" | renderPostMessage 6702132}}}


/#/ 6702143
156757045925.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 47.86KB, 500x500, 156317590965.jpg )
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nhabla español maldito gordo pendejo, gringo imbecil que no tiene a donde ir vete de aqui nadie te quiere y regresa por donde has venido." | renderPostMessage 6702143}}}


/#/ 6702145
{{{">>6702113\nI'm not good with english you fuckin faggots. I'll put my fist in your mom (...) and she will like it. You in the other hand will be on a chair, attached and watching how I do your mommmy\n\nEl \"the\" esta mal y \"traped\" no lo usan en ese contexto, que haya visto.\nLo mismo para con las comas; ellos son de puntos...y si te quisieras cerrar a lo de hacer el amor seria solo \"make love\" sin el \"the\" que usas excesivamente, pero hacer el amor es algo que ellos usan mucho menos\nDonde puse (...) le tendrias que agregar para que fuera \"your mom's anus\" o parecido o bien \"in [u]this[/u] mom of yours\" que sirve igual" | renderPostMessage 6702145}}}


/#/ 6702146
{{{">>6702140\n>>6702145\n\nThanks." | renderPostMessage 6702146}}}


/#/ 6702152
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nHablas ingles con el culo, matate" | renderPostMessage 6702152}}}


/#/ 6702156
{{{">>6702124\n>whe\nGtfo u mexican faggot" | renderPostMessage 6702156}}}


/#/ 6702168
{{{"how do i write \"sur\" in english?" | renderPostMessage 6702168}}}


/#/ 6702173
{{{">>6702168\nSouth" | renderPostMessage 6702173}}}


/#/ 6702185
{{{">>6702173\nthanks\n>>6702156\nshut the fuck up you motherfucking southern mexican shit you and your people are ruining my beautiful country" | renderPostMessage 6702185}}}


/#/ 6702189
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nI wish that gun was my dick." | renderPostMessage 6702189}}}


/#/ 6702196
156757245531.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 80.05KB, 770x720, 16924049.jpg )
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nFuck off OP, largo de [b][u]mi chan[/u][/b] putos gringos de mierda." | renderPostMessage 6702196}}}


/#/ 6702236
156757342937.gif [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 485.72KB, 220x328, tenor (1).gif )
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\ndidn't read" | renderPostMessage 6702236}}}


/#/ 6702246
156757358067.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 25.95KB, 600x600, 13265488796.jpg )
{{{">>6702080 (OP)" | renderPostMessage 6702246}}}


/#/ 6702253
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n\nwhy would i practice my english with a filthy south american?" | renderPostMessage 6702253}}}


/#/ 6702286
156757478516.webm [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 3.64MB, 156239361752.webm )
{{{"Stupid and gay thread, please OP, kill yourself no one will care. You're a shame of person just as your thirdworld retard family." | renderPostMessage 6702286}}}


/#/ 6702305
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nfuck off normies!\n\nreeeee" | renderPostMessage 6702305}}}


/#/ 6702319
156757695996.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 59.75KB, 315x186, cirnoBaka.png )
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>ese open inglish" | renderPostMessage 6702319}}}


/#/ 6702580
156759994492.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 364.14KB, 356x634, 156280194546.png )
{{{"Go to >>/us/ faggot" | renderPostMessage 6702580}}}


/#/ 6702581
{{{"I dont know" | renderPostMessage 6702581}}}


/#/ 6702582
{{{"ok very well mr pancho" | renderPostMessage 6702582}}}


/#/ 6702584
{{{">>6702088\n[b]Secundo[/b]" | renderPostMessage 6702584}}}


/#/ 6702585
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nGo to hell bitch\n\n>>6702088\n[b]secundo[/b]\n\n[s]minus[/s]" | renderPostMessage 6702585}}}


/#/ 6702596
156760266226.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 33.29KB, 453x470, mamadelawifu.jpg )
{{{">practicar ingles\n>en un chan" | renderPostMessage 6702596}}}


/#/ 6702608
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nDie REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE\n\n>>6702088\n[b]secundo[/b]\n\n[s]minus[/s]" | renderPostMessage 6702608}}}


/#/ 6702641
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>English treat\n<treat\n\nNigrow..." | renderPostMessage 6702641}}}


/#/ 6702698
{{{"Todos esos dumcito, si que me han hecho kekear." | renderPostMessage 6702698}}}


/#/ 6702707
{{{">>6702641\njajie suave" | renderPostMessage 6702707}}}


/#/ 6702709
{{{"Fuck off" | renderPostMessage 6702709}}}


/#/ 6702712
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nhispa se lleno de 4tards cuando pusieron la publicidad ahi" | renderPostMessage 6702712}}}


/#/ 6702775
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>orale patroncito orale mireme estoy hablando como los pinches gringos orale wey pinche trum y su muro wey\nEso lei, aprende ingles cucaracha retrasada." | renderPostMessage 6702775}}}


/#/ 6702779
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>4chan users come here\nFixed negroide si vas a publicar en ingles al menos habla bien animal de mierda >>6702113\nsubnormal si dices que no sabes hablar en ingles porque carajos posteas así sageru a esta mierda" | renderPostMessage 6702779}}}


/#/ 6702781
{{{"Woah negro, tu english esta al nivel de un nativo. Mis aplausos, me quito el sombrero." | renderPostMessage 6702781}}}


/#/ 6702810
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\n>english treat\n¿No se cansan de hacer el ridículo?" | renderPostMessage 6702810}}}


/#/ 6702833
{{{">>6702111\nYou're out of place" | renderPostMessage 6702833}}}


/#/ 6702834
156761892797.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 85.91KB, 146x150, voxerdos.png )
{{{">>6702707\n>jajie" | renderPostMessage 6702834}}}


/#/ 6702887
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nhilo reportado correctamente.\n>chan en español" | renderPostMessage 6702887}}}


/#/ 6702889
{{{">>6702887\nYet you bump this thread, you absolute assfucker." | renderPostMessage 6702889}}}


/#/ 6702907
{{{">>6702087\nkek, this. The fuckin op is an ape of Pedu of shity countries like that, and he's trying to convice himself that he can speak in english\n\n>gegege look at me, i'm american, suck my dick fuckin monkeys xDDDD\n\nSo pathetic, op, so pathetoc." | renderPostMessage 6702907}}}


/#/ 6702917
{{{">>6702907\nNot trying to defend op here but your english is pretty fucking broken too retard." | renderPostMessage 6702917}}}


/#/ 6702919
{{{">>6702917\ntell me why, shitty asshole" | renderPostMessage 6702919}}}


/#/ 6702920
{{{">>6702917\nFuck off faggot, were not looking for english teachers so take your worthless and irrelevant opinion and pull it up your ass, homosexual" | renderPostMessage 6702920}}}


/#/ 6702921
{{{">>6702917\n>gegege look at me, i'm the fuckin master of english language\nStupid" | renderPostMessage 6702921}}}


/#/ 6702926
{{{">>6702189\nSuicidal girls turn me on, they lack a lot of things in their miserable lives thats makes them unstable and horny, i wanna fuck one and then dump her like the piece of shit she is" | renderPostMessage 6702926}}}


/#/ 6702928
{{{"I don't speak school shooting fucking nigger" | renderPostMessage 6702928}}}


/#/ 6702983
156762839130.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 400.14KB, 545x357, Screenshot_73.png )
{{{">>6702143\n\nESA ERA MI PIC" | renderPostMessage 6702983}}}


/#/ 6702987
{{{">>6702779\nPut some cream on that incendiary ass, man" | renderPostMessage 6702987}}}


/#/ 6703008
{{{">>6702889\nyour english is fucking horrible, if I was you I would shoot in my balls and drink the blood.\nfucking meximonkey." | renderPostMessage 6703008}}}


/#/ 6703010
156763014171.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 43.52KB, 402x600, brainlet.jpg )
{{{"<Some of the 4chan users go here?\n>no poner [i]Do/Does[/i] al principio de una pregunta en presente simple\n>confunde el verbo Venir=Come con Ir=Go\n>I hope what that fuckers don´t come here. \n>what that\n<english treat, talk in english fuck each others and practice you english\n>thread mal escrito\n>confunde el pronombre posesivo en segunda persona y lo reemplaza por el pronombre personal (you en lugar de your)\n>no poner coma entre [i]talk in english[u],[/u] fuck each others...[/i]\n¿Aprendiste a hablar tu asqueroso inglés sambo en El Salvador o qué mierda?\nEncima OPutín es imbécil y ni siquiera pasó su mierda por el traductor para aparentar por lo menos" | renderPostMessage 6703010}}}


/#/ 6703022
{{{"Y'all are making me cringe with the shit you're trying to pass as english" | renderPostMessage 6703022}}}


/#/ 6703040
{{{">>6703022\n¿y si tanto cringe te damos por qué mejor escribes tu mierda en español o también intentas aparentar? Ni te molestes en hablar inglés aquí, este no es el cuatro hojas es sólo un bocho pedorro con graves faltas gramaticales, pendejín" | renderPostMessage 6703040}}}


/#/ 6703044
{{{">>6703040\nBecause I enjoy seeing all of you losers trying to be good at a language you see all day every day and failing miserably because you have fucking peanut brains" | renderPostMessage 6703044}}}


/#/ 6703051
{{{">>6703010\nkek" | renderPostMessage 6703051}}}


/#/ 6703057
{{{">>6703040\nI wish I was a gringo police man, so I can shoot beaners in the boarder." | renderPostMessage 6703057}}}


/#/ 6703060
156763170812.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 83.16KB, 600x507, jurgol.jpg )
{{{"Yo no hablo inglés, hijo de puta, así que cierra tu mierda." | renderPostMessage 6703060}}}


/#/ 6703062
{{{">>6703060\n>1999+20\n>not learning the language of the masters\n\nFucking bananigger" | renderPostMessage 6703062}}}


/#/ 6703063
{{{">>6703060\n>>6703062\n\nBe it masters or just terrace jumping assholes, we live in a world where you can communicate to 90% of the people just by speaking correct english. Giving that up because you're content with your native tongue is just being a lazy, brain damaged chimpanzee." | renderPostMessage 6703063}}}


/#/ 6703067
{{{">>6703063\nfyi you say [i]proper English[/i] instead of [i]correct English[/i] 'cause [i]correct English[/i] sounds weird." | renderPostMessage 6703067}}}


/#/ 6703069
{{{">>6703067\nYes I am aware of that, however proper English and correct English are not the same thing, at least in this context." | renderPostMessage 6703069}}}


/#/ 6703070
156763241789.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 123.04KB, 800x600, black dude.jpg )
{{{">>6703057\n>i wish...\nkeep wishing, you'll always be a fucking retarded edgy and shitty #000000 skin" | renderPostMessage 6703070}}}


/#/ 6703078
156763278766.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 37.31KB, 750x422, 786489.jpg )
{{{">>6703070\nno, u" | renderPostMessage 6703078}}}


/#/ 6703079
{{{">>6703070\nMaybe i can be a shitty nigga but im a human" | renderPostMessage 6703079}}}


/#/ 6703081
{{{">>6703079\nafter all" | renderPostMessage 6703081}}}


/#/ 6703082
{{{">>6703079\nyeah, niggers have rights too, what a crazy world haha" | renderPostMessage 6703082}}}


/#/ 6703083
{{{">>6703078\nno, u" | renderPostMessage 6703083}}}


/#/ 6703091
156763313560.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 41.83KB, 1140x499, uj.jpg )
{{{">>6703083\nno me, u" | renderPostMessage 6703091}}}


/#/ 6703097
{{{">>6703008\nI'm not a meximonkey you fucking scumbag I literally just wrote a basic fucking sentence in english there and I didn't have any spelling mistake so shut the fuck up you miserable cunt." | renderPostMessage 6703097}}}


/#/ 6703104
{{{">>6702080 (OP)\nAlso this thread is bloody stupid you can't even spell good in english OP you fag. Do yourself a favour and go throw yourself off a climb or something, just end yourself." | renderPostMessage 6703104}}}


/#/ 6703110
156763377612.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 34.49KB, 634x475, Atraco a pistola.jpg )
{{{"Give the money, motherfucker." | renderPostMessage 6703110}}}


/#/ 6703112
{{{">>6703104\n>bloody\nI hope you day eurofag, we don't use regionalism here." | renderPostMessage 6703112}}}


/#/ 6703120
{{{">>6703112\nYou don't use English here either." | renderPostMessage 6703120}}}


/#/ 6703151
{{{">>6703097\nYour ass has a rash" | renderPostMessage 6703151}}}


/#/ 6703167
{{{">>6702889\n>assfucker\n\nIs that an insult?" | renderPostMessage 6703167}}}