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165187037480.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 402.06KB, 800x616, 161854296861.png )

/#/ 218011
{{{"Edición: Desempolvando los viejos registros\nHilo dedicado a archivar todo contenido y OC de la comunidad de acólitos. Puedes usar hispafiles y archive today para guardar hilos y recuerda [i]si no lo archivas hoy, entonces mañana lo vas a perder[/i].\n\nLo importante de este hilo es que Booru org fue puesto en hiatus, todos los boards quedaron bloqueados y perdí la clave del nuestro y tampoco puedo pedir que la cambien o crear un booru nuevo, así que cualquier idea donde montar un nuevo repositorio de imágenes será bien recibida." | renderPostMessage 218011}}}


/#/ 218012
{{{">Also\nhispafiles está cada vez más inestable, así que también les recomiendo que guarden una réplica de esos hilos en archive today, acá hay algunos hilos que ya están guardados allá:\nhttps://archive.fo/80vUA\nhttps://archive.fo/dC3gZ\nhttps://archive.fo/dC3gZ\nAunque recuerdo que se habían guardado más hilos ahí, puede que esté recordando mal." | renderPostMessage 218012}}}


/#/ 218014
{{{">>218012\nno es mejor guardarlos en mhtml o usar HTTrack?" | renderPostMessage 218014}}}


/#/ 218015
{{{">>218014\nQue sepa yo eso solo sirve para guardar el archivo localmente. La idea es que los archivos estén guardados en una base de datos de fácil acceso y consulta." | renderPostMessage 218015}}}


/#/ 218016
{{{">>218014\nYo utilizo esta extensión, hasta ahora no me ha fallado, y el hecho de que es HTML estándar me da algo de seguridad.\nhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/singlefile/mpiodijhokgodhhofbcjdecpffjipkle" | renderPostMessage 218016}}}


/#/ 218017
{{{">Hilo de waifus edición preescolar\nSalieron buenas risas de ahí. \nhttps://archive.fo/be0e4" | renderPostMessage 218017}}}


/#/ 218023
165188325264.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 389.16KB, 1471x1020, b7db1ac7901262fd0a12ed25faf794780731aaef86b99573d5.png )
{{{"Encontré esto por ahí. Quizá sirva." | renderPostMessage 218023}}}


/#/ 218585
{{{"Puedes usar este script o el ejecutable ambos hechos por un anon para archivar todos los hilos actuales de /ac/ a hispafiles automaticamente:\nhttps://hispafiles.ru/ac/res/164369.html#164389\nhttps://hispafiles.ru/ac/res/164369.html#164742" | renderPostMessage 218585}}}


/#/ 218586
{{{"¿El anon de este script está aquí? Si es así, ¿podrías agregar /aco/ y también la capacidad de usar proxy? Te lo agradeceria bastante.\nhttps://hispafiles.ru/ac/res/164369.html#170993\nhttps://hispafiles.ru/ac/res/164369.html#171930" | renderPostMessage 218586}}}


/#/ 218598
{{{">>218586\nPor lo mismo que 4chan tiene captcha, no creo que ningún dumper pueda adaptarse." | renderPostMessage 218598}}}


/#/ 218684
{{{">>218598\nNo se de que hablas, el script aun hoy en dia funciona ¿Lo has probado tan siquiera?" | renderPostMessage 218684}}}


/#/ 218685
{{{">>218684\nAnon, estoy bastante seguro que ese script lo programaron para que funcione acá, no en 4chan." | renderPostMessage 218685}}}


/#/ 218690
{{{">>218685\nAh ya vi mi error, confundi /aco/ por /sc/. Disculpa mi tremenda idiotes." | renderPostMessage 218690}}}


/#/ 218692
{{{">>218690\nNo te preocupes. Sobre tu pregunta, tendrías que esperar a que el anon que programó ese dumper se aparezca y confirme si funciona también en /sc/. Creo que el dumper hecho en selenium funciona bien." | renderPostMessage 218692}}}


/#/ 218698
{{{">>218692\n>Creo que el dumper hecho en selenium funciona bien.\nFunciona, aunque tendras que cambiar ambos td[2] por td[1] en el script. >>/t/103655 te da una breve explicacion del porque. Solia usarlo mucho cuando recien se creo haciendo dump de imagenes en /sc/. Lastima que ya no permitan las ips americanas. Estaria agradecido mil si alguien que sepa de scripts pueda implementar algun tipo de funcion para poder usar proxy en este y si se pudiera tambien en el otro script. Me haria un enorme favor." | renderPostMessage 218698}}}


/#/ 218807
{{{">>218698\nEsta linea de acá\n>'//*[@id=\"postform\"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input\nEs la ruta XPATH del botón enviar, si no funca entonces debieron haber cambiado la configuración de la página.\n>Estaria agradecido mil si alguien que sepa de scripts pueda implementar algun tipo de funcion para poder usar proxy\nDe poder se puede. Puedo averiguar como se hace para configurar un proxy en Selenium; igual, ya comenté en el pasado que es más práctico que tú configures un proxy o VPN manualmente y luego le des arrancar al bot.\n\nIgual, no voy a poder meterle mano al código por falta de tiempo. Desde hace tiempo que tengo el plan de volver a escribirlo desde cero para levantar algunos errores que cometí la primera vez que lo escribí. Quizá el próximo mes pueda tener tiempo libre, no estoy seguro; si llego a tenerlo, haré un hilo de \"/ac/ programa\" o algo por el estilo." | renderPostMessage 218807}}}


/#/ 218825
{{{"bump" | renderPostMessage 218825}}}


/#/ 218903
{{{">>218807\n>igual, ya comenté en el pasado que es más práctico que tú configures un proxy o VPN manualmente y luego le des arrancar al bot.\nRealmente No me interesa saber sobre codigo y programacion, pero mas probablemente me termine tomandp la molestia de aprendeer como implementar proxy ya que realmente quiero aportar en ciertos tablones.\n>Desde hace tiempo que tengo el plan de volver a escribirlo desde cero para levantar algunos errores que cometí la primera vez que lo escribí. Quizá el próximo mes pueda tener tiempo libre, no estoy seguro; si llego a tenerlo, haré un hilo de \"/ac/ programa\" o algo por el estilo.\nPor favor y gracias. No es necesario decirlo pero, este tipo de herramientas son muy importantes para la comunidad de Hispa." | renderPostMessage 218903}}}


/#/ 218926
{{{"Voy a testear el dumper EEH" | renderPostMessage 218926}}}


/#/ 218929
165271400899.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 714.80KB, 701x440, 07-24-16-Mouse-watching-a-movie.png )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 218929}}}


/#/ 218930
165271403770.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 67.94KB, 438x402, 1450635269417.png )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 218930}}}


/#/ 218931
165271406646.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 528.86KB, 2000x1333, 155078580120.jpg )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 218931}}}


/#/ 218932
165271409430.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 483.94KB, 675x500, 1567983804138.png )
{{{"" | renderPostMessage 218932}}}


/#/ 218934
{{{">>218903\nhttps://rentry.co/oeh9q\nYa lo modifiqué, ahora debería estar funcionando; te voy a enseñar a pescar para que la próxima tú mismo puedas darte cuenta qué está maliendo sal y tú mismo puedas arreglarlo:\n>element=driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'//*[@id=\"postform\"]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input')\nLo que está sucediendo aquí es esto, el programa está intentando buscar el botón \"Seleccionar archivo\", pero no lo encuentra, lo que de seguro ha ocurrido es que cambiaron la posición de los elementos del IB; tienes que buscar la posición nueva del elemento, para eso vas a:\n>Herramientas de desarrollador \n>Selecciona un elemento de la página para inspeccionarlo\n>Le das click a \"seleccionar archivo\"\n>Te va a dirigir al código html de la página\n>Debe estar en una etiqueta <input>\n>Le das click derecho a la etiqueta\n>Copiar\n>Copiar XPATH\n<Vas al código\n<Vas a element=driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'xxx')\n<Eliminas xxx y reemplazas por lo que habías copiado\nCon eso debería funcionar. También debes de tener en cuenta que la versión de chromedriver debe corresponder con la versión de chrome que estás usando. Otro problema que se te podría presentar es que el dumper se detenga de manera repentina por error del vanwatech, eso se puede arreglar (de hecho, Hildabot funciona así, sabe como reaccionar en caso de que le tire vanwatech) pero ahora no tengo tiempo libre para trabajar en eso, como dije, quizá el mes próximo tenga tiempo.\n\nTambién agregué la posibilidad de configurar un proxy, creo que es bastante autoexplicativo, el código dirige hacia una página que muestra la IP, y luego de 20 segundos va a hispa y comienza a dumpear. Ahora depende de ti conseguir una IP que funcione acá, yo no tengo la paciencia para eso. \n\nAnon, si tantos problemas tienes con que tu IP no puede conectar con el chan ¿no considerarías que una VPN sería una buena inversión?, trabajar con proxy es tedioso y complicado, además de que no es seguro, creo que sería mejor que compraras una VPN si es que te sobran algunos horos. \n\nEn fin, cualquier problema que tengas me avisas, siempre estoy aquí, soy tu negro." | renderPostMessage 218934}}}


/#/ 218955
165272907118.mp4 [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 240.66KB, mssy.mp4 )
{{{">>218934\nTermine de probarlo con proxy y funciona. Claro, esta lo de vanwatech ademas de que el script tambien paro infinitamente sin querer redirigir cuando me ocurrio un error de pagina comun. Eso es todo. Gracias negro, ahora se nos sera algo mas facil para personas fuera y dentro de latinoamerica poder hacer dumps cuando no queramos hacerlos manualmente por x razon, y se nos sera aun MAS facil una vez se implementen mejoras en el script que permitan poder realizar un dump por completo. En serio negro, se te agradece arduamente tu esfuerzo. Aldo, tengo una cuenta de myspleen, un tracker privado enfocado en media visual antiguo aunque tambien tiene algo de contenido moderno. Si te gustan las grabaciones antiguas pideme una serie, pelicula, especial, animada o no animada, musica, ect y vere que puedo encontrar." | renderPostMessage 218955}}}


/#/ 218958
{{{">>218955\nDescuida, anon, estoy aquí para ayudar. \n>se nos sera aun MAS facil una vez se implementen mejoras en el script que permitan poder realizar un dump por completo\nDudo mucho que alguna vez llegará a suceder eso. De hecho, yo mismo me puse a trabajar en el script porque estaba seguro que nunca volveríamos a tener un dumper propio. \n>Si te gustan las grabaciones antiguas pideme una serie, pelicula, especial, animada o no animada, musica, ect y vere que puedo encontrar.\n¿Tienes algo de LiquidTV, What the cartoon o de los primeros años de Cartoon Network?" | renderPostMessage 218958}}}


/#/ 218973
{{{">>218958\nMe referia a ti actualizando el script para su mejoria. Perdon, debi haberme expresado mejor. En cuanto a tu pregunta:\n\n<Liquid Television - COMPLETE! [OVERKiLL] (22 episodes & 1 special)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:67ca60043ad89495fa3297e10530d6cd6c17d320&dn=Liquid%20Television%20-%20COMPLETE!%20%5BOVERKiLL%5D%20(22%20episodes%20%26%201%20special)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Hey... im not dead. Sorry about the long delay in posting this, really i am. ive been so busy lately with work and freinds and shit that i let this go way to long procratinating and putting it off. The splice edit's in season 2 were very inoying to do. you may notice that 6 season 2 episodes in this torrent i posted before a little over a year ago will not hatch... these are V2's that look better. Every episode of season 2 was spliced from diffrent sources to get the best watchable quality possible out of what i had and they all look very good exept for a few segments here and there. The season 3 episodes are just as crapy as the rest of the s3 eps already posted. Bla Bla Bla and some shit... \nOver the next couple months im gonna get out the other stuff i promissed a while back (Green Jelly, the Maxx dvd,Beavis & Butt-head, Mtv's the State Skits & Sticker's 2: Unnoficial FanMade BootLeG compilation, Get a Life... and more) so stay tuned. \n\n101 [JUNE 2nd 1991]\n-Robert Palmer Opening\n-Soap Opera\n-Psycho Gram\n-Buzz Box\n-Aeon Flux\n-Invisible Hands\n-Lea Press on Limbs\n-Stick Figure Theater\n-Lidia's Makeover to the Stars\n-Art School Girls of Doom (audio problems)\n-Psycho Gram (audio problems)\n-Grinning Evil Death (audio problems)\n\n102 [JUNE 2nd 1991]\n-Winter Steele\n-Psycho Gram\n-Invisible Hands\n-Stick Figure Theater\n-Rocky\n-Footworks\n-Dog Brain\n-Dangerous Puppets\n-Cut Up Camera\n-Exerpt From Joy Street\n-Weird\n-Aeon Flux\n\n103 [JUNE 9th 1991]\n-Faith No More opening\n-Soap Opera\n-Buzz Box\n-Snookies\n-Stick Figure THeater\n-Cut Up Camera\n-Lidia's Makeover to the Stars\n-Invisible Hands\n-Prophet & Loss\n-Black Hula\n-Art School Girls of Doom\n-Beach Chair\n-Aeon Flux\n\n104 [JUNE 16th 1991]\n-Winter Steele\n-Psycho Gram\n-Jac Mac and Rad Boy Go\n-Footworks\n-Dangerous Puppets\n-The Thing that Lurked in the Tub\n-Invisible Hands\n-Monk's Purpose\n-Stick Figure THeater\n-Aeon Flux\n\n105 [JUNE 23nd 1991]\n-B52's Opening\n-Soap Opera\n-Psycho Gram\n-Push comes to Shove\n-Cut Up Camera\n-Face Like a Frog\n-Invisible Hands\n-Lidia's Makeover to the Stars\n-Stick Figure THeater\n-Art School Girls of Doom\n-They Might Be Giants\n-Aeon Flux\n\n106 [JUNE 30th 1991]\n-Winter Steele\n-Cut Up Camera\n-Psycho Gram\n-Invisible Hands\n-Stick Figure THeater\n-Aeon Flux (takes up most of the time in this ep)\n\n201 [Tuesday September 22, 1992]\n-Uncle Louie's Travels\n-Aeon Flux: Gravity\"\n-The Adventures of Thomas and Nardo\n-Beavis and Butt-head: Frog Baseball\n-The Specialists #1of10\n-Winter Steele: Soft Heart, Cold Alcohol\n-Stick Figure Theater: Night of the Living Dead\n-Dog Boy #1of10\n\n202 [Tuesday September 29, 1992]\n-Safety Twins Puppets\n-Bobby & Billy: Let's Go to the Party\n-Wishful Thinking\n-Dog Boy #2of10\n-The Specialists #2of10\n-Office Space\n-The Listener\n-Hello Dad, I'm in Jail\n-a Glove Story\n-Aeon Flux\n\n203 [Tuesday October 6, 1992]\n-Concert\n-Joe Normal (part 1-3)\n-What's Up, Dog?\"\n-Speedbump the Roadkill Possum: Slipp'ry When Wet\n-Doctor Zum: Cafe LeBad\n-The Adventures of Thomas and Nardo: Pizza\n-Meggamorphosis\n-Stick Figure Theater: Henry V\n-The Specialists #3of10\n-Bobby & Billy: Winter Fun\n-Killing of an Egg\n-Dog Boy #3of10\n\n204 [Tuesday October 13, 1992]\n-Stick Figure Theater: Jimi Hendrix performing The Star Spangled Banner\n-Doctor Zum: Typical Records\n-Elvis Meets the Spider People from Hell\n-Winter Steele: All Men Suck Except Crow\n-Dog Boy #4of10\n-Getting to Know Each Other\n-Earth to Doris\n-The Honkey Problem: Inbred Jed and the Little Bottom Boys\n-Bobby & Billy: Camping Out\n-Bob the Frog in: Burp\n-A Day at the Beach\n-The Specialists #4of10\n\n205 [Tuesday October 20, 1992]\n-The Running Man\n-The Specialists #5of10\n-Stick Figure Theater: The Battleship Potemkin\n-Flugbild\n-Ladies\n-Dog Boy #5of10\n\n206 [Tuesday October 27, 1992]\n-12 Dangers of Skydiving\n-Bobby & Billy: Soap Box Derby\n-Speedbump the Roadkill Possum: Batt'ry-fied\n-Dog Boy #6of10\n-Doctor Zum: Atom Bomb Factory\n-Stick Figure Theater: The Crash of the Hindenburg\n-Let's Chop Soo-E\n-Winter Steele: Rhinestones and Concussions\n-The Specialists #6of10\n\n207 [Tuesday November 3, 1992]\n-Door #8\n-The Adventures of Thomas and Nardo: Country\n-This Is Not Frank's Planet\n-Aeon Flux\n-Dog Boy #7of10\n-In the Aquarium\n-Stick Figure Theater: The Terror\n-The Specialists #7of10\n-Koko's Earth Control\n\n208 [Tuesday November 10, 1992]\n-Biker/rebel film\n-Smoking Section\n-The End\n-Heads\n-Winter Steele: F.T.W.\n-The Specialists #8of10\n-Pickpocket\n-The Street Sweeper\n-Speedbump the Roadkill Possum: Buck-a-Roost\n-The Hitchiker\n-Beware of Dog\n-Dog Boy #8of10\n\n209 [Tuesday November 17, 1992]\n-Truck Turner\n-The Adventures of Thomas and Nardo: Vacation\n-Conversations\n-Dog Boy #9of10\n-The Specialists #9of10\n-Beavis and Butt-head: Peace, Love, and Understanding\n-Bobby & Billy: Earning Money\n-Aeon Flux: Tide\n\n210 [Tuesday November 24, 1992]\n-Amore Baciami\" (open)\n-The Adventures of Thomas and Nardo: Wife\n-Aeon Flux: War\n-The Specialists #10of10\n-Dog Boy #10of10\n-Stick Figure Theater: Of Human Bondage\n-Winter Steele: Desperate Beauty\n\n301 [JANUARY 30th, 1994]\n-Stick Figure Theater - \"the naked edge I\"\n-the Block Heads - \"mall\"\n-Crazy Daisy Ed - \"to officer with love\"\n-Gas Planet\n-Smart Talk With Raisin\n-The Dangwoods - \"nightmere in trailer city\"\n\n302 [FEBUARY 6th, 1994]\n-the day of the dead guy\n-Uncle Louie - \"part\"\n-Anyway\n-technological threat\n-Brad Dharma: Psychedelic Detective I\n-Stick Figure Theater - \"the naked edge II\"\n-One Less Ant\n-the Bill and Willis show\n\n303 [FEBUARY 13th, 1994]\n-strangers in paradise\n-Brad Dharma: Psychedelic Detective II\n-Nightwatchman\n-Nietzsche Pops (the Uber Breakfast)\n-Beat Dedication\n-Dr. X vs Mr. Y\n-Stick Figure Theater \"the naked edge III\"\n-Crazy Daisy Ed - \"Fast, Loud, Dumb, and Proud\"\n-Sound Asleep\n\n304 [FEBUARY 20th, 1994]\n-Uncle Louie - \"Blind Date\"\n-Genie Junkie\n-Stick Figure Theater \"the naked edge IIII\"\n-Cat & Mouse\n-The Blockheads - \"TV\"\n-The Chore\n-Human Bomb\n\n305 [Sunday February 27, 1994]\n-Krazy Teens U.S.A.\n-Rico & Klein\"\n-Honey Bunny\n-Stick Figure Theater: The Naked Edge part 5\n-Crazy Daisy Ed: Let's Go to the Stinkin' Movies\n-Balloon Guy\n-Sweat\n-Green Beret\n\n306 [Sunday March 6, 1994]\n-Medallion Love\n-Crazy Daisy Ed: Hill Bomb Skate Sniper\n-Swine Cowboy\n-Stick Figure Theater: The Naked Edge part 6\n-Autoguard 2000\n-The Big City\n-Beat\n-Brad Dharma: Psychedelic Detective\n-Invisible Man in Blind Love\n\nMTV Animation Weekend 1994 Special\n-The Brother's Grunt Pilot (first time T.B.G. was ever aired)\n-The Head Pilot (first time The Head was ever aired, the rest of episode one was not finished at the time, later on in the series this was aired in episode one then a commercial break, then the rest of episode one)\n-Aeon Flux (in season one of L.T. this cartoon was split up into part, this is the complete cartoon... very high quality :)\n-Stick FigureTheater: Night of the Living Dead\n-Angry Cabaret (another cartoon by the guy who did ''Smart Talk WIth Raisan\" this cartoon aired exclusivley in this special and nowhere else... and Mtv has never played this special ever after that one weekend in '94... I love this cartoon :)\n\nSpeCiAL FuN Project at HoME:\nMake CuTE LittlE OriGaMi RockS By PriNTiNG tHiS EpIsODE GUIDE OuT,\nKriNKLiNG it Up, and DiScardinG it on YouR BedRoom FlooR" | renderPostMessage 218973}}}


/#/ 218981
{{{"<Liquid Television (season 1-2 in hifi stereo)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:3c23bdaab67438de2a03b85b9da37162544e81ca&dn=Liquid%20Television%20(season%201-2%20in%20hifi%20stereo)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<LiquidTelevision.com rip (classic shorts only, not new shorts)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:1f2234243b3e55b96bebd951ae5f1369c82bc42d&dn=LiquidTelevision.com%20rip%20(classic%20shorts%20only%2C%20not%20new%20shorts)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<Liquid.Television.2013.720p.S01.WEBRip.AAC2.0.H.264-HRiP\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8bb19c98652eaa6001c1c466c2afd9f55f5c80ff&dn=Liquid.Television.2013.720p.S01.WEBRip.AAC2.0.H.264-HRiP&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<LiquidTelevision.com new shorts (not that new) webrip\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:dcb9b6243a46c571ae27cd88889addc4984eefe5&dn=LiquidTelevision.com%20new%20shorts%20(not%20that%20new)%20webrip&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<Wet Shorts - Best of Liquid Television (1997, DVD rip)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:6b856b84cc1d0f11891b651862a47f12500f0f9e&dn=Wet%20Shorts%20-%20Best%20of%20Liquid%20Television%20(1997%2C%20DVD%20rip)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<Wet Shorts - Best of Liquid Television (1997, FULL DVD)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8e9e52428332a9e19eeb1bbec9b3976f2d893835&dn=Wet%20Shorts%20-%20Best%20of%20Liquid%20Television%20(1997%2C%20FULL%20DVD)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<Liquid Television S01E01 Remastered\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:d05b4e8fd8dd85a0f544706c0571b2564e761d61&dn=Liquid%20Television%20S01E01%20Remastered&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86" | renderPostMessage 218981}}}


/#/ 219012
{{{"<Liquid Television 206\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:097cd5a2254927cd211859b3280c72f1f4b872f5&dn=Liquid%20Television%20206&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: I know there's a complete torrent here, but I found a really good copy recorded off SBS Television here in Australia. No touching up has been done. This is practically the raw file, trimmed and volume boosted, so feel free to touch it up or whatever.\n\n<Liquid Television Episode 17 Master\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:4e970040de3b84ec2b831ce0b5d691954efd77d3&dn=Liquid%20Television%20Episode%2017%20Master&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here is the one Liquid Television Master i found so far in the box. This tape is Episode 17 based on wikipedia and original aired 1993-12-31. This could also be S03E01. Enjoy!\n\nNOTE: Its labeled Liquid Television 3 on tape.\n\n<WOCartoons 10 - Beavis and Butthead, Winter Steele, Animation Weekend, Aeon Flux 1993 1994 1996 Liquid Television Liquid Extract The Head Brothers Grunt\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:d6fd0ccc73cb5883ae8cd86cde8b51a888cee575&dn=WOCartoons%2010%20-%20Beavis%20and%20Butthead%2C%20Winter%20Steele%2C%20Animation%20Weekend%2C%20Aeon%20Flux%201993%201994%201996%20Liquid%20Television%20Liquid%20Extract%20The%20Head%20Brothers%20Grunt&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Four MTV animated shows from the 90s.\n\nBeavis and Butthead - The Butt-Head Experience / Burger World (1993)\nRare early broadcast. Missing the very end.\n\nMTV Animation Weekend Special 1994 - The Brothers Grunt, The Head, Aeon Flux, Angry Cabaret\nA copy of this has without ads has been circulating online since at least 2006, but this copy has ALL the ads intact. The quality is bogus-- at least 2nd gen EP and probably more like 3rd gen. I had to play it on two different VCRs and splice together the video to get a copy without major tracking distortion. I did my best to match the two images. Normally I wouldn't share anything so rough but obviously this is important. If you have a super fancy VCR and you want to try to get a better rip of this tape, message me, I'm game.\n\nLiquid Extract - Winter Steele (1993)\nThis is a few Winter Steele shorts stitched together into a half-hour special called Liquid Extract. Rare as HELL-- I'd never even heard of it until I found this tape. My guess is Beavis and Butthead was so successful that there was a mad scramble at MTV for any adult animated content they had or could get their hands on. This culminated with the above MTV Animation Weekend pilot showcase and the premiere of weird-ass Brothers Grunt in 94. Winter Steele was pretty sweet so this is nice to have. I meant to put this before the Animation Special but I goofed when authoring the disc. My bad.\n\nAeon Flux - A Last Time For Everything (1996)\n\"Aeon has heard about Trevor's new method for creating human duplicates.\"\n\n<WOCartoons 18 - Beavis and Butthead, Cartoon Sushi, Celebrity Deathmatch 1995 1998 1999 Liquid Television\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:9e35288c993287089b74c22f9700f28a62970f1d&dn=WOCartoons%2018%20-%20Beavis%20and%20Butthead%2C%20Cartoon%20Sushi%2C%20Celebrity%20Deathmatch%201995%201998%201999%20Liquid%20Television&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n\n<[WOC Cartoons] Vol. 542 - Batman the Animated Series on Fox 33 KDAF Dallas-Ft. Worth (1992) [7) + Liquid Television\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:110e8754ab25d5a645267a14541458ce6827a2e2&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Vol.%20542%20-%20Batman%20the%20Animated%20Series%20on%20Fox%2033%20KDAF%20Dallas-Ft.%20Worth%20(1992)%20%5B7)%20%2B%20Liquid%20Television&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: The final volume in my KDAF Fox 33 Batman recordings. There are two episodes here. After that are back to back episodes of MTV's Liquid Television and X-Men.\n\nContents:\nBatman - \"Be a Clown\" (October 28, 1992)\nBatman - \"I Am the Night\" (November 9, 1992)\nLiquid Television - 2 episodes (dates unknown)\nX-Men - \"Night of the Sentinels part 1\" (January 9, 1993)\n\n<MTV 1991 Liquid Television/Pauly Shore (WOC)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:fbefe67222dc0b676b73dbab0c36a8b8320a12a9&dn=MTV%201991%20Liquid%20Television%2FPauly%20Shore%20(WOC)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here's another Halloween treat, hope everyone is having a great Halloween weekend so far. This is an original vhs tape from my personal collection from 1991 containing multiple episodes of the show Liquid Televison on Mtv, one episode of the Simspons on Fox, and 2 Pauly Shore specials on MTV with original commercials intact. 4 hours of classic mtv and fox channel nostalgia, Enjoy! :)\n\nContent in order of appearance:\n\nMTV-Liquid Television (4 complete episodes with commercials)" | renderPostMessage 219012}}}


/#/ 219013
{{{"<What a Cartoon Show Pack 1\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0bbc48b1e49e6b9da0aeb25589a725550eb40d89&dn=What%20a%20Cartoon%20Show%20Pack%201&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Well here are my What a Cartoon Show encodes. My count is that I have 22 out of 48 now I could be wrong especially since I have a short here that isn't even listed on the Frederator site. Its summer time my signal suck cause the trees bloom. Real quick I left out the Power puff girls shorts cause there going to be out on DVD so get the DVD rips.\n\n<What a Cartoon Show Pack 2\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:dabe005f6ea6d842ef97c30468acd19152169e9e&dn=What%20a%20Cartoon%20Show%20Pack%202&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here are 5 more I decide to keep uploading What a Cartoon here makes it easier for other people to get them. Might upload my Oh Yeah! Cartoon rips here there getting pretty big there at 2 gigs I think. So you should get like 6 new shorts every week unless it raining or something and signal goes out.\n\n<What a Cartoon Show Pack 3\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ab578cf2a6726efdeaf5d10e1b09552ae4c2f23&dn=What%20a%20Cartoon%20Show%20Pack%203&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Forget what I said about 6 a week be happy for one. The numbers, well trydat forced me to number them... I mean he suggested and I agreed. I don't really know if they are right and it doesn't matter it just so people can share them easer. Here is a list of the old ones if anybody cares.\nWhat a Cartoon Show 06 Dino in Stay Out [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 08 Hard Luck Duck [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 13 Fat Cats in Dry Dry Drips [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 14 George and Junior's Christmas Spectacular [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 15 Yoink of the Yukon [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 16 Yuckie Duck in I'm On My Way [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 19 Pizza Boy in No Tip [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 21 Godfrey and Zeke in Lost Control [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 26 The Kitchen Casanova [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 27 The Ignoramooses [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 29 Zoonatiks [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 31 Dino in The Great Egg-Scape [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 32a Malcom and Melvin [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 32b Malcom and Melvin in Babe, He Calls Me [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 33 Tales of Worm Paranoia [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 34 Bloo's Gang in Bow Wow Bucaneer [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 36 Wind-Up Wolf [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 38 Sledgehammer O' Possum in Out and About [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 39 Gramps [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 40 Boid 'N' Woim [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 41 Hillbilly Blue [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 45 Pfish and Chip in Blammo the Clown [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 46 Awfully Lucky [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 47 Strange Things [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 48 Snoot's New Squat [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 49 Larry and Steve [Ant]\nWhat a Cartoon Show 56 Lost Cat [Ant]\n\n<What a Cartoon! - Complete (48 Episodes + Loads of Promos and Extras)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:2b97cafdc5533014f83a37a969beb2a58f122224&dn=What%20a%20Cartoon!%20-%20Complete%20(48%20Episodes%20%2B%20Loads%20of%20Promos%20and%20Extras)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: What a Cartoon! Was an animation anthology project created by Frederator and Hanna-Barbera for Cartoon Network that started in 1995 and ran until 1997. This series was incredibly important in laying the groundwork for the channel and kick started the careers of many cartoonists popular in the 90's and early 00's.\n\n(This is where we got the pilots for Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Family Guy and more)\n\nIncluded in this torrent is the original 48 Shorts, in order for the first time on MySpleen! Those that were taken from the original torrents on here are labeled [Ant]. Thank you for your good work.\n\nMany of these shorts have their re-release openings and endings (From the Cartoon Cartoon show), as they are easier to find in high quality (which I made a priority, all of these are watchable).\n\nOne of the extras i've included in the \"Promos and Extras\" folder is a collection of all the original versions I could find of shorts that have the re-release opening. These vary in quality, from 99% as good to near unwatchable or incomplete. If you prefer the original openings as I do, check this folder out!\n\nI've kept all the posters included in the original torrent, plus a few more that i've found, this is also in the \"Promos and Extras\" folder\n\nand finally, I have an EXTENSIVE promo and bumper collection, split up between the two periods this show was on Cartoon Network. These include a CNN interview with cut content from the Powerpuff Girls pilot, the Original Premiere of What a Cartoon! hosted by Space Ghost, Interviews with directors like Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky, rare UK and Australian promos and more!\n\nI hope you enjoy this collection, I have a newfound respect for all uploaders after this month of collecting! My next goal is to have a release of this quality for the Cartoon Cartoon show. Please look forward to it!\n\n(One more request, please keep this torrent on MySpleen!)\n\n<Cartoon Network - Scooby Doo/Tiny Toons/What a Cartoon/Chipmunks WOC, January 2000(?)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:f6e01fecbe87bd04cd4ac84da877f0ca5d930915&dn=Cartoon%20Network%20-%20Scooby%20Doo%2FTiny%20Toons%2FWhat%20a%20Cartoon%2FChipmunks%20WOC%2C%20January%202000(%3F)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Like the other tape I posted, not entirely sure if this one's Jan 2000 or Dec 1999. It's good anyway.\n\n<Cartoon Network - Tiny Toons/What a Cartoon/Scooby Doo WOC, January 2000\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:10836d32baa452e4072e64feee28e7671038ab2d&dn=Cartoon%20Network%20-%20Tiny%20Toons%2FWhat%20a%20Cartoon%2FScooby%20Doo%20WOC%2C%20January%202000&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Another CN tape from my friend" | renderPostMessage 219013}}}


/#/ 219014
{{{"<[WOC Cartoons] Vol. 148 - NBC Saturday Morning 1992; Cartoon Network 1994\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0617f739badd2a429bf74548769a516d47402ef2&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Vol.%20148%20-%20NBC%20Saturday%20Morning%201992%3B%20Cartoon%20Network%201994&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This DVD contains two different broadcasts of cartoons, from different years. The first was a Saturday Morning broadcast from various networks in 1992 (mostly NBC) featuring obviously some of the greatest cartoons ever made. The second is a long block of Cartoon Network programming from around June, 1994.\n\nIt's six hours crammed onto a single DVD so it's not the best quality, but there's not too much static or jumbled picture going on, so at least it's clear and watchable.By the way, if anybody has any more recordings of old cartoons from the '80s or '90s, please share them on MySpleen! Especially FOX Kids, The Disney Afternoon, USA Cartoon Express, Cartoon Network, Nick, or anything from Saturday Mornings! :)\n\nContents:\nNBC Saturday Morning:\nSpace Cats - \"Mysteriously Missing Guests\"\nYo Yogi! - \"Fashion Smashin'\"\nSuper Mario World - \"The Yoshi Shuffle\"\nCaptain N The Game Master - \"Three Men and a Dragon\"\nPro Stars - \"The Slugger Returns\"\nThe Defenders of Dynatron City - pilot episode (Fox Kids)\nHammerman - \"Nobody's Perfect\" (ABC)\n\nCartoon Network (June, 1994)\nThe Flintstones - \"The Flintstone Flyer\"\nTurner Family Showcase - Dr. Seuss Specials\nThe Flintstones - \"Samantha\"\nSpace Ghost: Coast to Coast - \"Gilligan\"\nToon Heads - \"A Salute to Mel Blanc\"\nJosie and the Pussycats - \"Melody Memory Mix-Up\" (partial)\n\n<WOCartoons 16 - Fantastic Four, Space Ghost and Dino Boy, Jonny Quest 1992 1993 TNT Toons CN Funtastic World of Hanna Barbera\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8cca61f09c4c35b2afe5fc552567413d5af84f60&dn=WOCartoons%2016%20-%20Fantastic%20Four%2C%20Space%20Ghost%20and%20Dino%20Boy%2C%20Jonny%20Quest%201992%201993%20TNT%20Toons%20CN%20Funtastic%20World%20of%20Hanna%20Barbera&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: First some EARLY Cartoon Network with a 60s Fantastic Four episode from 1992. Then over to TNT Toons for Space Ghost & Dino Boy and 60s Jonny Quest from 1993. Then back to Cartoon Network for some 80s Jonny Quest, also from 1993.\n\nFantastic Four - Klaws (1967/1992)\nThe Klaw is here to vanquish the Fantastic 4 with his solidifying sonic waves.\n\nFantastic Four - The Red Ghost (1967/1992)\nReed is competing with Dr. Kragoff in race to the moon for astronomical research. During the launch, Dr. Kragoff and his primate crew have developed some reverse energy powers.\n\nSpace Ghost - The Drone (1966/1993)\nThe Phantom Cruiser is stolen by a remote controlled robot that looks exactly like a big black you-know-what.\n\nDino Boy - The Moss Men (1966/1993)\nA society of cave monsters kidnap Dino Boy for a sacrifice.\n\nJonny Quest - Terror Island (1965/1993)\nA mad scientist's sloppy handling of growth bacteria results in giant animals running amok. He abducts Dr. Quest to ensure his help, forcing Race to turn to an old friend to find him.\n\n80s Jonny Quest - Peril of the Reptilian (pilot! 1986/1993)\nSeven years before Jurassic Park, Dr. Quest and the team are called in to stop a genetically engineered reptile man, built by the army as the \"ultimate weapon,\" goes out of control.\n\n<Cartoon Network - Droopy's Guide to the Cartoon Network (October 1, 1992)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:3804727a7611a0caf470834a2a88746fda816d1b&dn=Cartoon%20Network%20-%20Droopy's%20Guide%20to%20the%20Cartoon%20Network%20(October%201%2C%201992)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here is something that was pretty rare. This is a recording of one of the first things broadcasted on Cartoon Network, Droopy's Guide to the Cartoon Network. Huge thanks to Vic's Archives Palace for finding and sharing this to me so give him credit for it. This block was hosted by Droopy as he shows various cartoons that Cartoon Network has to offer. This appears to be a rerun though as it doesn't air after the countdown to Cartoon Network's launch as it is shown on the YouTube video that has been floating around for a while. The quality is also not great as the tape originates from a specific VHS dub maker we all know and love, I have another 1992 CN tape from that same person and the quality looks the same with off colors. But either way, hopefully you all enjoy this great piece of history. :)\n\nVic has already uploaded the commercials to YouTube on his channel \"Vic's Archives Palace 2004\". So if you want to upload anything from it, make sure you give him credit.\n\n<1992 Johnny Quest Fest Marathon 6 HRS (WOC)-Tape 1\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8c0486b19378dd9a6a791e6a05b648395b83ba40&dn=1992%20Johnny%20Quest%20Fest%20Marathon%206%20HRS%20(WOC)-Tape%201&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This is an original vhs tape from my collection that I recently purchased with a Johnny Quest Marathon on TNT introducing the new Cartoon network. Over 6 hours of the marathon with all commercials intact, enjoy! :)\n\n<1992 Johnny Quest Fest Marathon-Tape 2 (WOC)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:65f285f8d33e8774c8986fa21c9dd1cb75017c9b&dn=1992%20Johnny%20Quest%20Fest%20Marathon-Tape%202%20(WOC)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This is an original vhs tape from my collection and the second vhs tape from that tape lot I recently purchased. This is part 2 of the previous marathon from 1992 I uploaded with commercials, plus some misc. cartoons that are on the tape after the marathon, Enjoy! :)\n\nContent in order of appearance:\n\nTNT: Jonny Quest Fest (2 hrs with commercials) 0:00:01-0:1:57\n\n<Cartoon Network, USA Cartoon Express 1992-1993 VHS Tape - More Animated Stuff, SF & Fantasy Cartoons-Some Dubbs, Some Dir-Cpy, Ghost Busters Holloween Specials, Thundarr Shows, Fantastic 4, Jonny Quest Movie, Batman-Leather Wings I & II, Knights of Justice\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:2c4d0b3535ade4f4b88188c046bf25d6d98ec586&dn=Cartoon%20Network%2C%20USA%20Cartoon%20Express%201992-1993%20VHS%20Tape%20-%20More%20Animated%20Stuff%2C%20SF%20%26%20Fantasy%20Cartoons-Some%20Dubbs%2C%20Some%20Dir-Cpy%2C%20Ghost%20Busters%20Holloween%20Specials%2C%20Thundarr%20Shows%2C%20Fantastic%204%2C%20Jonny%20Quest%20Movie%2C%20Batman-Leather%20Wings%20I%20%26%20II%2C%20Knights%20of%20Justic&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Reupload of something I posted in early 2020, in far better quality. Thanks to my friend danielscreed (ZXC) for sending me this VHS tape in the mail back in February 2020. This is a 7 hour recording from late 1992 to early 1993 that has various things on it from Cartoon Network and USA Cartoon Express, also a small bit of Fox stuff too. There aren't much commercial breaks on here though. I did upload whatever there was to my YouTube channel last year. \"JUSXTREME96 - Xtreme Archives\" is my channel. You can also check Vic's Archives Palace's channel for higher quality uploads of the commercials since I gave him the real tape.\n\nTape Label\nMore Animated Stuff, SF & Fantasy Cartoons-Some Dubbs, Some Dir-Cpy, Ghost Busters Holloween Specials, Thundarr Shows, Fantastic 4, Jonny Quest Movie, Batman-Leather Wings I & II, Knights of Justice, Space Ghost Council of Doom Episode!\n\nHere are some of the shows...\nThe Real Ghostbusters Halloween Specials\nFantastic Four\nJonny's Golden Quest (USA Movie Premiere)\nWoops (Incomplete episode)\nSpace Ghost\nBirdman\nKing Arthur and the Knights of Justice\nBatman - The Animated Series\n\nHope you all enjoy :)" | renderPostMessage 219014}}}


/#/ 219015
{{{"<[WOC Cartoons] Cartoon Planet, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, June Bugs (1998) + The Disney Channel Programming circa 1992\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0c31f42f4039d52e3ece84238f46a521c4591106&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Cartoon%20Planet%2C%20Space%20Ghost%20Coast%20to%20Coast%2C%20June%20Bugs%20(1998)%20%2B%20The%20Disney%20Channel%20Programming%20circa%201992&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This tape came from the same YouTube channel as my previous upload. This was uploaded to YT back in 2009 or 2010 in many different parts. The first few hours are Cartoon Network shows that aired in June of 1998, including a nice chunk of their 'June Bugs' marathon. Yeah, this was before Warner got really shitty about deleting their stuff off of YouTube.\n\nThe rest of the tape is Disney Channel programming for young children from around 1992. Included are several episodes of 'Welcome to Pooh Corner' and 'Dumbo's Circus'.\n\nContent:\nToonHeads (partial episode) - Popeye - \"The Football Toucher Downer\"\nCartoon Planet - Episode 03 - \"Love That Brak!\"\nSpace Ghost: Coast to Coast - 31 - \"Cookout\"\nJune Bugs:\n-\"The Hare-Brained Hypnotist\" (in progress)\n-\"Case of the Missing Hare\"\n-\"Tortoise Wins by a Hare\"\n-\"Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk\"\n-\"A Corny Concerto\"\n-\"Falling Hare\"\n-\"Little Red Riding Rabbit\"\nThe Disney Channel (circa 1992):\nThe New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (in progress)\nWelcome to Pooh Corner\nDumbo's Circus\nThe New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (partial episode)\nUnder the Umbrella Tree\nThe New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (in progress)\nWelcome to Pooh Corner\nDumbo's Circus\n\n<Scooby Doo Marathon-WOC (1994)\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:cb872165db48faad0662121d3831c6fbc07cc792&dn=Scooby%20Doo%20Marathon-WOC%20(1994)&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This was a tape recorded from 1994 from my personal collection on Cartoon Network of a Scooby Doo marathon with original commercials and bumpers. 5 hours and 25 minutes of content. Enjoy!\n\n[WOC Cartoons] Vol. 413 - Non-Stop Stones-a-Thon on Cartoon Network (The Flintstones Marathon) (1994) Vol. 1\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:418424bc3dddb46f1db75c043577d6b26a395ab6&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Vol.%20413%20-%20Non-Stop%20Stones-a-Thon%20on%20Cartoon%20Network%20(The%20Flintstones%20Marathon)%20(1994)%20Vol.%201&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Back in late May of 1994, Cartoon Network ran 'The Non-Stop Stones-a-Thon', a 4-day marathon of classic episodes of The Flintstones to celebrate the release of the live-action Flintstones film. This is 2 hours of that marathon.\n\nContents:\nThe Flintstones - \"The Sweepstakes Ticket\"\nThe Flintstones - \"Reel Trouble\"\nThe Flintstones - \"Daddies Anonymous\"\nThe Flintstones - \"Kleptomaniac Pebbles\"\n\n<[CN] World Premier Toons (Power Puff Girls + Yuckie Duck) 1994\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:72a2171065b3a622fcd49f0aaa1fdcdbd5e7493f&dn=%5BCN%5D%20World%20Premier%20Toons%20(Power%20Puff%20Girls%20%2B%20Yuckie%20Duck)%201994&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here's a VHS rip of a Cartoon Network tape I bought off eBay a few months ago.\n\n<[WOC Cartoons] Vol. 092 - Cartoon Network 1994 Various\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0c7d69c94e6f32ad275222a02d179bc3891cefde&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Vol.%20092%20-%20Cartoon%20Network%201994%20Various&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: This is an early Cartoon Network broadcast from 1994. 4 and a half hours worth of classic cartoon goodness.\n\nAll credit goes to YouTube user Knightwatcher189 for this tape.\n\nContents:\nThe Smurfs (ending)\nA Pup Named Scooby-Doo\nPound Puppies\nFantastic Max\nThe Flintstone Kids\nDown Wit' Droopy D\nJosie and the Pussycats\nGodzilla\nFantastic Max\nThe Flintstone Kids\n\n<[WOC Cartoons] Vol. 123 - Spooky Toons on Cartoon Network 1993\nmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:f6c4842f5293b265bc8065d35b2e79e72039f7da&dn=%5BWOC%20Cartoons%5D%20Vol.%20123%20-%20Spooky%20Toons%20on%20Cartoon%20Network%201993&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.myspleen.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fpasskey%3Dec79d88eb2105b18ea4d3be495d3ac86\n>Description: Here's a Halloween themed upload, a 4-hour block of Cartoon Network from 1993 that featured all \"spooky toons\".\n\nThis block contains Super Adventures shorts (featuring Space Ghost, Dino Boy, Frankenstein Jr., etc) and an episode of Back to Bedrock, featuring The Frankenstones.\n\nThere is a bit of consistent static on the bottom of the screen.\n\nCredit goes to Knightwatcher189. Enjoy." | renderPostMessage 219015}}}


/#/ 219016
{{{"[b]Descripciones restantes[/b]\n\n>>218981\n<Liquid Television (season 1-2 in hifi stereo)\n>Description: Season one episodes were recorded by Nickstranger, major thanks to him for loaning me his tapes. Season two episodes were recorded by me. The episodes in this torrent are MOSTLY from original VHS hifi-stereo off-air recordings, with the following exceptions:\n\nEpisode 102 is in mono, I think it may be second gen VHS as well.\n\nEpisode 106 - Nickstranger and I could never figure out which one of us has the tape with this episode. If that tape ever turns up, I will post the stereo version. I included the OVERKiLL version in this torrent, so if you already have episode 106 from the other batch, you don't need to download it again.\n\nEpisode 210 - I missed the first few minutes of this episode, so the one included here is a hybrid that starts out in mono and switches to stereo a few minutes in.\n\nThanks to OVERKiLL for his torrent, which includes season three (which I don't have) and a complete episode guide. You can find that torrent here: http://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=2229\n\n<LiquidTelevision.com rip (classic shorts only, not new shorts)\n\n<LiquidTelevision.com rip (classic shorts only, not new shorts)\n>Description: edit: the running man short is incomplete in this torrent.\nhere is the fixed version:\nhttp://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=10353\n\nthis is a direct stream rip for who ever wants it. created by rtmpdump , no reencoding done.\n\nthe version of rocky that they have is the censored one. no boner.\n\nreally annoying is that each short has a liquidtelevision.com intro and ending.\n\nall of the shorts are 4:3 but encoded in 16:9 with black frame borders.\n\ni'm up for ideas on what to do with it. remaster each episode? use h264 cropping feature?\n\nsome of the shorts are really low resolution. i think all of the aeon flux ones? i couldnt get them to play in hd. the aeon flux shorts are available on the dvd, so they can be ignored. let me know if theres a short in this torrent which is sd but available in hd on liquidtv site.\n\n<Liquid.Television.2013.720p.S01.WEBRip.AAC2.0.H.264-HRiP\n>Description: Not my Rips\nThe cult 90's MTV animated hit is back! Liquid TV 2013 brings together the most original, funniest, and strangest animated shorts, music videos and series together. And once you have your mind melted - you'll never see the world the same way again.\n\n<LiquidTelevision.com new shorts (not that new) webrip\n>Description: this is the 24 shorts that were produced for liquidtelevision.com\ni dont know if they are in the liquidtelevision 2013 tv series, some are like the wallpaper song.\n\n<Wet Shorts - Best of Liquid Television (1997, DVD rip)\n>Description:\nThis DVD has been out of print for ages, so aren't you lucky you now have a copy?!\n\nA single episode, \"Doktor ZUM - The Atomb Bomb Factory\", is mistakenly split into two tracks on the disk - #6 and #7. I've combined the tracks into a single episode, which is why #7 appears to be missing.\n\nTrack #25 actually has 3 very short clips in it. Uncle Louie, Joe Normal and one other bit whose name I don't know.I've followed the track names with the episode they showed up in during Liquid Television's original airings.\n\nIf you prefer the full, original DVD in all of its MPEG2 glory, see here: http://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=18291\n\n<Wet Shorts - Best of Liquid Television (1997, FULL DVD)\n>Description:\nThis DVD has been out of print for ages, so aren't you lucky you now have a copy?!\n\nI've also posted a high-quality rip of this disc which is half the size of this download. Check here: http://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=18290\n\n<Liquid Television S01E01 Remastered\n>Description: 3 sources were used to make the best quality episode that is available. I will be working on future episodes but it takes a long time for each (took 10 hours overall for this one). Chapters were also created for each short. For all the NANTO and WEB pieces I have used various filters to clean them up. The following sources were used:\n(WEB) found here http://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=10117\n(NANTO) found here http://www.myspleen.org/details.php?id=7516\n(Æon Flux Boxset DVD) I own these\n\nS01E01 (overall audio from NANTO)\n01. Open: Robert Palmer \"Addicted to Love\" 00:00.000-00:48.113 (NANTO)\n02. Soap Opera \"A Steamy Scene\" 1 00:48.114-02:11.093 (WEB)\n03. Psycho-Gram 1 02:11.094-02:29.144 (Æon Flux Boxset DVD)\n04. Buzz Box 02:29.145-02:39.354 (NANTO) (WEB of this one has no detail left)\n05. Grinning Evil Death 1 02:39.355-04:14.746 (WEB)\n06. Liquid Television Lips 04:14.747-04:19.284 (NANTO)\n07. Æon Flux (Part 1 of 6 Pilot) 04:19.285-06:29.176 (Æon Flux Boxset DVD)\n08. Liquid Television Lips 06:29.177-06:40.921 (NANTO)\n09. Invisible Hands 06:40.922-09:10.799 (Æon Flux Boxset DVD)\n10. Lea Press on Limbs 09:10.780-10:54.899 (WEB)\n11. Psycho-Gram 2 10:54.890-11:15.519 (Æon Flux Boxset DVD)\n12. Stick Figure Theatre \"John Wayne in Angel and the Bad Man\" 11:15.520-12:15.277 (NANTO)\n13. Miss Lidia's Makeover to the Stars \"Sinead O'Connor\" 12:15.278-14:07.185 (NANTO)\n14. The Art School Girls of Doom 14:07.186-17:52.536 (WEB)\n15. Liquid Television Lips 17:52.537-17:56.740 (NANTO)\n16. Psycho-Gram 3 17:56.741-18:17.260 (Æon Flux Boxset DVD)\n17. Grinning Evil Death 2 18:17.261-22:26.367 (WEB)\n18. Liquid Television Credits 22:26.368-24:01.525 (NANTO)\n\nNote: The web versions have improved color and clarity but are washed out kinda like Disney Blurays. But for the parts that I used them for they look a lot better than any other source." | renderPostMessage 219016}}}


/#/ 219025
{{{">>219016\n>>219015\n>>219014\n>>219013\n>>219012\n>>218981\n>>218973\nGracias, glorioso, bajé el primer torrent y funciona perfectamente. Estoy disfrutando bastante esta serie, la quería ver desde hace tiempo, pero no encontraba rips en calidad decente." | renderPostMessage 219025}}}


/#/ 219657
{{{"Me estoy poniendo a archivar cosas de hispafiles\n>Wakfuck\nhttps://archive.fo/VAhS6\n¿Alguien puede acceder a la última página del catálogo de hilos de /ac/? a mi me tira error:\nhttps://hispafiles.ru/ac?p=111" | renderPostMessage 219657}}}


/#/ 219658
{{{">Primer hilo de enlaces y archivos\nhttps://archive.ph/obl3O" | renderPostMessage 219658}}}


/#/ 219659
{{{">Proyectos personales\nhttps://archive.ph/Dwx9R" | renderPostMessage 219659}}}


/#/ 219660
{{{">Videoclips de animación\nhttps://archive.ph/XaR6j" | renderPostMessage 219660}}}


/#/ 219661
{{{">Primer hilo del club del Eltingville\nhttps://archive.ph/kfT9c" | renderPostMessage 219661}}}


/#/ 219662
{{{">Series que se merecían más temporadas\nhttps://archive.ph/yfIac" | renderPostMessage 219662}}}


/#/ 219663
{{{">Lolis /ac/\nhttps://archive.ph/e0PCD" | renderPostMessage 219663}}}


/#/ 219664
{{{">Hilo /sug/\nhttps://archive.ph/i9Icj" | renderPostMessage 219664}}}


/#/ 219665
{{{">Un buen villano\nhttps://archive.ph/8yQOE" | renderPostMessage 219665}}}


/#/ 219668
{{{">Animación francesa\nhttps://archive.ph/NYAb2" | renderPostMessage 219668}}}


/#/ 219669
{{{">>219657\n>¿Alguien puede acceder a la última página del catálogo de hilos de /ac/? a mi me tira error:\n>https://hispafiles.ru/ac?p=111\nA mi tambien." | renderPostMessage 219669}}}


/#/ 219670
{{{">Invasor Zim\nhttps://archive.ph/SoqmY\n>>219669\nLe mensajeé al admin de hispafiles, a ver que dice. ¿Puedes a archivar los hilos de hispafiles? me gustaría tener un respaldo en archive today en caso de que algo pasara." | renderPostMessage 219670}}}


/#/ 219672
{{{">Un personaje de cada país del mundo\nhttps://archive.ph/iaezX" | renderPostMessage 219672}}}


/#/ 219673
{{{">Purl\nhttps://archive.fo/ABEeZ" | renderPostMessage 219673}}}


/#/ 219995
165361649989.png [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 383.51KB, 1200x775, tumblr_9ca09b160247818b01e5cff5176ab53f_b9d9c7b7_1.png )
{{{"Nuevas noticias en el horizonte. El anon del archivo arregló la página 111 del catálogo, así que los primeros hilos ya están a salvo en archive today:\nhttps://archive.ph/1xozE\nhttps://archive.ph/OIJmY\nhttps://archive.ph/DZobG\nEn segundo lugar, los hilos con imágenes rotas es archivaron mal, por lo que ya no es posible rescatarlos. Serán lost media para siempre." | renderPostMessage 219995}}}


/#/ 220035
{{{"anon del imagedumper, alguna actualizacion?" | renderPostMessage 220035}}}


/#/ 220037
{{{">>220035\n¿Qué quieres que actualice?" | renderPostMessage 220037}}}


/#/ 220045
{{{">>220037\nArreglar el detenimiento definitivo del script siempre que ocurre error de pagina.\n>>218934" | renderPostMessage 220045}}}


/#/ 220046
{{{">>220045\nVeré si puedo darme tiempo este fin de semana para arreglar eso." | renderPostMessage 220046}}}


/#/ 220049
{{{">>220046\nGracias anon." | renderPostMessage 220049}}}


/#/ 220050
{{{"Para referencia futura, hacer eso no es difícil, al menos en Python se puede usar el bucle [i]try-except[/i], que consiste en intentar ejecutar un proceso y si levanta un error hace otra cosa. La solución es esta: En [i]try[/i] intenta enviar el mensaje, y en [i]except[/i] haces que recargue la página y luego reenviar el mismo mensaje. A eso le añades un bucle while para que lo repita hasta que el mensaje haya sido enviado correctamente, si quieres le puedes añadir un contador que cuente cuantas veces se envía el mensaje y que salte la imagen en caso de que supere un número de intentos predeterminados; con el objetivo de evitar un bucle infinito." | renderPostMessage 220050}}}


/#/ 220515
{{{"Esta es la cosa, me puse en contacto con Archive Team para ver si podía convencerlos de archivar Hispa antes del cierre, pero hasta ahora solo me han dicho esto:\n>[02:37:05] <@OrIdow6> Which is immaterial, since this is more a question of what there is to archive\n>[02:38:31] <@JAA> (And whether we want to, given what we have/haven't been doing about image boards in the past due to questionable content etc.)\nSi bien el chan esta bloqueado en archive.org, al guardarlo usando https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveBot entonces después se puede descargar un archivo WARC que contiene el sitio y verlo mediante https://archivebox.io/ (o al menos así es como creo que funciona).\nHasta el momento agregaron al chan en https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Deathwatch#2022 pero no estoy muy seguro de que vayan a hacer algo.\nSi quieren tratar de convencerlos (o de intentar coordinar un proyecto o algo) y saben ingles, pueden ponerse en contacto con los que manejan ArchiveBot en https://webirc.hackint.org/#ircs://irc.hackint.org/#archiveteam-bs (eso si, no vayan ahí a [s]chillar como marrana atorada ni a[/s] tirarles mierda ya que de poco serviría)." | renderPostMessage 220515}}}


/#/ 220543
{{{">>220515\n>whether we want to, given what we have/haven't been doing about image boards in the past due to questionable content\nPero que putos maricones, en serio. Vaya cagada que tengan esa actitud con los tableros de imágenes y aún peor que saquen el meme de \"contenido ilegal\". En fin." | renderPostMessage 220543}}}


/#/ 220549
{{{">>220543\n>Pero que putos maricones, en serio.\nEs una mierda, pero al menos se hizo el intento.\nAunque tienes lo de https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Wget#Mirroring_a_website si te animas a hacer un backup por tu cuenta. Si consideramos que el backup de https://archive.org/details/Hispachan que hicieron en 2018 pesa casi 12 GB, estimo que el chan actualmente debe pesar entre 50 y 100 GB." | renderPostMessage 220549}}}


/#/ 220559
165392236158.jpg [Google] [ImgOps] [iqdb] [SauceNAO] ( 138.60KB, 719x1280, 162431309555.jpg )
{{{">>220515\n>>220543\n>>220549\nHe estado respaldando en hhtrack a chispa desde que murío el primer hispafiles incluso cuando no entraba. Estaré subiendo a la internet archive mis respaldos(empezando por el de hoy).\nLa verdad que pena que no pude participar en estos últimos meses, pero al menos preservaremos lo que hay de chispa." | renderPostMessage 220559}}}